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Bungie's Endgame: Destiny's Raid Philosophy And The Scope Of King's Fall

Added: 28.08.2015 3:18 | 36 views | 0 comments

GI Aside from the fact that King's Fall will be Destiny's biggest and most complex raid to date, Bungie has been reluctant to talk about it. The studio hopes for King's Fall to be a complete surprise for players when they first dive into it in September, but we managed to wrangle up an interview with The Taken King's creative director Luke Smith, who was also the lead designer on Destiny's Vault of Glass raid. In our interview, Smith shares the history of Destiny's raids, explains how Vault of Glass showed the team they needed to redesign Destiny's gear system, and hinted at what players can expect from Destiny's biggest raid to date.

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Tags: Lucy, Fate, Rage, Bungie, Score

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