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Cheat Happens | Saints Row IV Review

Added: 22.08.2013 23:19 | 36 views | 0 comments

It's become commonplace in the last few years to poke fun and lampoon the video game industry. Games like Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon and Deadpool made their mark at the expense of the games that came before it and even supposedly serious games like Call of Juarez: Gunslinger and PayDay 2 have taken their fair share of shots. So what's a series like Saints Row to do when their bread and butter seems like the latest fad? Go Bigger. Go Bolder. Do what no one expects. Ladies and gentlemen, Saints Row has officially jumped the shark - and for Saints Row IV, that's a very, very good thing.

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Tags: Games, Saints, Saints Row, Cave, Far Cry, Gunslinger, Bloom, Dragon, Chevy, Blood Dragon, Deadpool

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