My Twin Peaks Week: Deadly Premonition
Added: 26.06.2014 18:14 | 22 views | 0 comments
SB writes: "I know Im dating myself here, but accessing television shows used to be so much harder. You couldnt just buy a DVD of your favorite season or stream them from Amazon or Netflix. So, I never watched Twin Peaks, but from my multiple viewings of Fire Walk with Me, I knew it was a show that I would probably dig.
The series has been around for a while now on Netflix and Amazon, so I finally decided to give it a go. I love it, of course. Its totally quirky and right up my alley. I hadnt gotten too far into my marathon viewing before I started to want to play Deadly Premonition again."More in »
Tags: Wake, Fire, Amazon, Deadly, Premonition, Deadly Premonition
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