Far Cry 4 Escape from Durgesh Prison DLC review | MMGN
Added: 19.01.2015 8:14 | 5 views | 0 comments
MMGN: Escape from Durgesh Prison is more DLC released due to contractual obligations for a season pass that should never have existed. It doesnt expand the experience or add to it in anyway in fact, its the exact opposite to what I want to be doing in Kyrat, having already spent so much time investing in the world. That it costs money is laughable, and almost as bad as the fact that someone thought it would be a good idea in the first place, but at least it makes your decision not to play it even easier. Sorry if you foolishly bought the season pass, but this is exactly why you shouldn't.More in n4g.com »
Tags: Far Cry, Escape
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