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Heroes of the Storm's The Butcher - Tales From the Chopping Block

Added: 06.07.2015 21:00 | 41 views | 0 comments

Everyone has a story for Butcher. It is a campfire ghost tale of this video game generation, right up there with the Hounds of Resident Evil Windows and I Can't Look At Mannequins The Same, Thank You Silent Hill. Everyone's Butcher story differs, but one thing remains the same:

Fresh Meat.

My Butcher Story begins on the original Playstation version of Diablo—here my story already deviates because nobody remembers the Playstation version. It was a Saturday night, everyone was asleep and I was wide awake, squinting at the screen. Was that a door? How do I use spells again?
I was not very good at this game. I was, however, very good at swearing.

The first time you hear the Butcher growl, "FRESH MEAT," you learn new words. Normal swearing does not apply. Remember when you were just fighting skeletons in a forest? What happened to that? What is this thing? All of these were questions asked in between bouts of verbal sludge spewed forth by an adolescent mind fueled by fear and Cheetos. I wasn't ready for the Butcher. I took the game back to my local Gamestop and never looked back.

That is, until He returned.

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Tags: Evil, Resident Evil, Resident, Heroes, When, Stone, Lots, Windows, Playstation, Tales, Norman, Remember

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