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TotalBiscuit Flip Flops On Pro-Gamergate After a Year of Anti-Journalism and Transphobic Remarks

Added: 22.08.2015 19:40 | 46 views | 0 comments

In August of last year GamerGate blew up into a spectacle of disagreement. Gamers who have been historically known for being unified were divided into two opposing groups, those labeled pro-GamerGate and the anti-GamerGate. Although it seemed as simple as gaming journalists vs gamers, it wasn't so simple. Many gaming journalists stood their ground, arguing that they represent gamers everywhere, unpersuaded by the unspoken luxuries gifted by publishers. They would be joined by the few gamers who felt that gaming journalism isn't as corrupt as it's said to be.

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Tags: Mask, Gain, August, Flag, After, Yeah, Games

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