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Feature: VideoGamer Plays 26 April, 2014

Added: 26.04.2014 10:00 | 14 views | 0 comments

Golf! Land! Bikes!

Mario gets inserted into everything, and if that triggered any dirty thoughts in your head you should be ashamed of yourself. What would your mother think! It's a fact, though, with the Italian one finding himself karting, 'footballing', 'Olympicing', and, of course, golfing.

The genre - which was invented by Tiger Woods in the nineties and then popularised thanks to EA - hasn't evolved in years, but given that no one (including me) has any new ideas means it's hard to criticise it. It's not Mario Golf's job to do that either, and what has been presented here is actually pretty...

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Tags: Mario, Games, When, Woods, Tiger, Tiger Woods, Plane

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