Honest Gaming Journalism Doesnt Pay But It Sure Is Good Fun
Added: 08.10.2014 7:12 | 9 views | 0 comments
Captain Camper of Gamers Heroes writes:
To my complete and utter surprise recent events within the gaming industry seemed to have alerted a large number of gamers to something Ive always seen as so painfully obvious it caused my genitalia to retreat to a highly uncomfortable location the levels of corruption, dishonesty and to put it bluntly, utter bullshit that plagues the journalistic aspects of the gaming industry today. Although many of us would like nothing more than to trust our favorite media outlets it simply isnt possible when you actually spend time analyzing the business underbelly of the gaming industry. Honest gaming journalism just doesnt pay but it is good fun.More in n4g.com »
Tags: Gods, Heroes, Sure, Captain, Gaming, Games
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