Battlefield Hardline PC review- Vic B'Stard's State of Play
Added: 25.03.2015 23:18 | 26 views | 0 comments
Vic B'Stard writes: "What happens when you take an established franchise and throw the rulebook out the window? Well, you get something akin to Visceral Studios Battlefield Hardline. Taking over the stewardship of this particular entry from the franchise founders DICE, the Dead Space developer has taken Battlefield in a totally different direction.
You could argue that DICE, themselves, have already done this with their more narrative-focused Battlefield Bad Company games- but youd be wrong. Bad Company still had soldiers and still had tanks. Hardline swaps all that cool military stuff out and replaces it all with the hard boiled world of cops and criminals.
But is it really Battlefield?"More in »
Tags: Studios, Dead, When, Battlefield, Space, Dead Space, Staff, Company
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