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Dr. Mario: Miracle Cure Review - Gaming Nexus

Added: 07.07.2015 23:15 | 13 views | 0 comments

From the review: "Dr. Mario: Miracle Cure doesnt offer too many improvements outside of the Miracle Cures and graphical updates, but thats kind of expected with certain puzzle games. The game still provides a solid Dr. Mario experience with the Dr. Luigi and Virus Buster game modes thrown in and the addition of the Miracle Cures shakes things up a bit, both online and off, but the lack of an overall high score for your game session seems like a step backwards for a standard puzzle game. While not perfect, if youre looking for some Dr. Mario on the go, Miracle Cure is still worth a shot."

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Tags: Mario, Review, While, Gaming, Curse, Luigi, Cute

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