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Color Of The Spring : 25 Of The Greatest NES Soundtracks Ever Made Pt. 10

Added: 29.07.2015 16:18 | 36 views | 0 comments

Sumthing writes: Its plausible (indulge me), to say that without Keiji Yamagishis 1989 album for Tecmos Ninja Gaiden, the video games industry might not have made it this far, or at the very least, wed be sitting in a very alternate version of 1985. Story would have remained an afterthought, music in-game treated as some exorbitant luxury: some would have it, and others wouldnt. Its that simple. Where certainly there had been fine examples before Yamagishis treatise, his peers were indeed vocal: Konamis 1987 Castlevania and Nintendos 1985 classic Metroid immediately spring to mind, neither matched Yamagishis fetish for scale.

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Tags: Evil, Mask, Castlevania, Ninja, Color, Stone

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