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Darkness and Starlight My Eternal Love for Final Fantasy VI

Added: 09.08.2015 13:18 | 18 views | 0 comments

Spellbound Scribes: It was the Christmas of 1994 and Wee Little Me was preparing to open his presents, hoping beyond hope that one particular gift was there among all the glittery wrapped packages. It wasnt that tough to figure out that it was if you were a nerdy kid in the 90s you could probably tell the shape of a SNES cartridge, even wrapped up. I tore into that package, each piece of wrapping paper shed revealed more and more of that treasured box art until it was displayed in all of its purple-silhouetted, Moogle-emblazoned, Nintendo-licensed glory.

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Tags: Fantasy, Lots, Final, Final Fantasy, Little, Darkness

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