Friday, 05 July 2024
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This Is How I, a Grown Man, Became Addicted to Nintendos amiibo Figures

Added: 10.08.2015 13:18 | 52 views | 0 comments

Vice: A few months ago, I found myself staring warily at Nintendo's online catalogue of amiibo figures. I'm a massive fan of the Star Fox and Fire Emblem series, so naturally my cursor was hovering over the Fox and Ike figurines. They looked great. Ike with his long red cloak and powerful stance. Fox and his big bushy tail and smarmy grin. I remember dragging them to the basket and yanking them back out at least a couple of times, cursing myself for even considering such a vain and stupid purchase. These figures are largely pointless, Jon. It's a waste of what little money you already have. But I gave in, bumbled my address and payment information into the fields and pressed the yes please send me these stupid infantile figures before I have the opportunity to change my mind button, and a couple of days a later a bloke from Yodel waddled them onto my porch.

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Tags: Star, There, Fire, Fire Emblem, Emblem

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