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Crying Wolfshene: On Hellblades Progress

Added: 14.08.2015 3:18 | 22 views | 0 comments

Ninja Theory has pitched Hellblade as independent AAA, and by doing have wedged themselves into an unnecessarily tough, possibly inflexible, position. Whether long-winded introductions are saved with this distillation, it nevertheless invites a much greater level of scrutiny and pressure, the latter of a variety the developer may have been kinder to itself to keep internal. With Heavenly Sword and Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, Ninja Theory established a commitment to character action games with sophisticated facial capture and exuberant cutscene work generally: if the companys creative foundations stabilize on a reliable bedrock, its because they are consistently iterative on these areas. The frustration in being a fan of the studios work is in having to endure a few equally consistent weaknesses whose improvement is mostly static.

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Tags: With, Ninja, Sword, Odyssey

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