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Cyberpunk Adventure Echo Tokyo Returns to Kickstarter For A Fourth Time

Added: 15.08.2015 21:18 | 44 views | 0 comments

Serena Nelson writes: "If you're a fan of visual novels and also suffer from high blood pressure you might not want to continue reading this. I know that when I saw another Kickstarter for Echo Tokyo launch I couldn't help but feel more than a little sick to my stomach. While technically the fourth campaign being ran by AJ Tilley and crew it's actually more like the third as he canceled the previous one just a day or so into it. Presumably because it was too soon after the second campaign and that the mold for the Shizume figurine wasn't good enough. I have my doubts as to the authenticity of some, if not most, of that."

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Tags: Returns, While, Kickstarter, Adventure

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