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'Final Fantasy VII' for iPhone and iPad First Impressions: It's About What You'd Expect

Added: 21.08.2015 10:18 | 27 views | 0 comments

TA writes: I'm roughly 90 minutes into Final Fantasy VII so far, and I streamed my whole play session over on our Mobcrush channel. Anyway, I guess the supreme tl;dr of my first impressions of FF7 is this is the port you'd expect, and I mean that in both a good and bad way. It appears to be a port of the PC version of the game, which means the graphics are ever-so-slightly better than the original PlayStation version, and on my iPad Air 2 it runs flawlessly. As far as thoroughly stoking the coals of fiery nostalgia for this epic RPG, this port will definitely do the trick, and all the more janky aspects likely won't come as much of a surprise if you've played any of the iOS Final Fantasy ports released on the App Store so far.

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Tags: PlayStation, When, First, Fantasy, Stone, App Store, Phone, Final, Final Fantasy, About

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