Monday, 08 July 2024
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Mirror's Edge Catalysts open-world meant redesigning Runner Vision

Added: 22.08.2015 16:18 | 30 views | 0 comments

GR: "The original Mirror's Edge may have set you leaping, sliding and wall-running your way across a bright and breathtaking city, but it was a distinctly linear experience. Each level was a finely calibrated rat maze, designed to keep you pumping those legs from point A to point B. Now that the series has gone fully open-world for its upcoming sequel, Mirror's Edge Catalyst, the entire game's design ethos (including Faith's Runner Vision) had to be completely reconstructed. (So it's probably a good thing you've got a new grappling hook at your disposal when you consider there won't be any loading times to hamper your progress)."

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Tags: Easy, Runner, Edge

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