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Shut Up, AVA Corpse of Discovery Review | GIZORAMA

Added: 04.09.2015 20:17 | 46 views | 0 comments

Johnny Ohm, GIZORAMA - "In May, 1804, Thomas Jefferson commissioned the Corps of Discovery, a special division of the United States Army, and tasked them with the exploration of the vast tracts of wilderness included in the Louisiana Purchase. Thousands of (light)years later, the new Corps of Discovery has ordered a group of scientists to make planetfall onto hitherto unknown celestial bodies, all in the name of discovery and profit. Corpse of Discovery, an indie walking simulator by Phosphor Games, places players in the midst of the expedition and delivers a compellingly mysterious story set against a backdrop of gloriously colorful planets."

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Tags: States, United, United States, Review, Shop, Corsa, Thomas

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