Tearaway: Unfolded Arts and crafts | Gaming Trend
Added: 05.09.2015 20:17 | 19 views | 0 comments
Just as it did on Vita, the genius behind Tearaways design philosophy shines on PlayStation 4.
Tearaway: Unfolded for the PS4 isnt a remaster or port, its a game remade from the ground up for a new platform. Tearaways handheld roots are pretty much unnoticeable on the console, as everything has been reshaped or repurposed to take advantage of the PS4s capabilities, giving new players new means to experience Media Molecules delightful tale, as well as providing returning fans a reason to revisit its paper-craft world.More in n4g.com »
Tags: PlayStation, Arts, Jump, Gaming, Media, PS3s
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