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Magnetic: Cage Closed Review | GameSpew

Added: 09.09.2015 14:17 | 41 views | 0 comments

Emi at GameSpew writes: "Developed by Guru Games, a small independent game developer in Sweden, Magnetic: Cage Closed is a first person puzzle game, not too dissimilar from the ever-loved Portal series. You take on the role of Prisoner XE-47623 who has committed a crime bad enough to be on Death Row. Strapped to a gurney, youre wheeled off to Facility 7 and left in the care of the mysterious William Keene, who serves as the warden. The Warden gives you two options: live out the rest of your sentence in your tiny cell, or push yourself to the limit and complete each task given to you in the hope that your criminal record gets wiped clean. Clearly, you choose the latter."

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Tags: Cave, Developer, Spec, Review, Deals, GameSpot, Gulf

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