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Mad Max (2015) Review | FilmGamesEtc

Added: 13.09.2015 7:17 | 17 views | 0 comments

FGE - To start this review off, Ill readily admit Im not the most learned Mad Max aficionado. I saw the original Mel Gibson movie when I was a kid, remember next to nothing about it, and never bothered with the two sequels. I enjoyed this summers blockbuster movie Mad Max: Fury Road immensely, but thats in no small part because it had virtually nothing to do with the original trilogy (aside from taking place in the same world). When Avalanche Studios first announced it was making a new Mad Max video game, I remember my initial reaction was thinking it looked cool but not much else. That opinion didnt really change over the coming months, and now that Ive gotten to play Mad Max for myself, I can finally pinpoint why the game never managed to hang onto my attention: its 10% fun and 90% boredom-inducing tedium.

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Tags: Studios, When, Fuse, Review, Roll

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