Are you one of those goofs that actually gets inspired to do crimes by playing GTA? Hopefully these descriptions of your punishments will change your mind...
Let's be honest, we're not going to be getting PhD's from playing Surgeon Simulator, but we can at least protect ourselves from some of the correct medical information in games. Here are some of the more egregious misconceptions about medicine and the human body that games have tried to slip past us. Some of them may be obvious, some may not.
Whatever you think of the PS4's launch line-up, there's one important game that you've probably overlooked. And it's one that'll last you well past the launch window.
We gamers are an eclectic, often rather factional bunch. Some of us play games that others would never dream of touching. Some of us have attitudes and approaches to play that are completely alien to even our closest gaming friends. So we thought we'd have some fun finding out where we all stand. Fancy a gaming personality test?