Friday, 21 February 2025
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Korean boy band VIXX put on their 'angry' face with 'Angry Birds' for climate change awareness

Added: 21.09.2015 6:17 | 56 views | 0 comments

Korean boy band VIXX paired up with the mobile game 'Angry Birds' to spread awareness about climate change.

Tags: Angry

One Piece Pirate Warriors 3 Gets Naruto, Hwoarang, Sexy Mods

Added: 20.09.2015 10:19 | 149 views | 0 comments

One Angry Gamer "Modders are still trying to crack the code to add more characters and mod types to Bandai Namcos One Piece Pirate Warriors 3. Theyve currently managed to modify some of the graphics and draw distance with temporary mods until they can really buff the visuals up to what they were meant to be. Additionally there are some texture conversion mods that allows characters to wear costumes from other games, such as Naruto Shippuden and Hwoarang from Tekken. And for good measure, another modder has made an ultimate mod for PS3 owners."


Rage Quit Racer Is A Frustratingly Fast Racer For iOS, Android

Added: 20.09.2015 1:17 | 105 views | 0 comments

One Angry Gamer "A new mobile game from DrMop Games called Rage Quit Racer. It was conceived by Matthew Hopwood who grew up playing games but one day discovered parkour dropper maps in Minecraft when he was playing with his daughter. Thus was born the idea of Rage Quit Racer."


Cataegis: The White Wind Takes Inspiration From Master System Platformers

Added: 20.09.2015 0:17 | 90 views | 0 comments

One Angry Gamer "Cataegis: The White Wind is centered around 8-bit gaming found on the Sega Master System, NES or Commodore 64. The game recently received two new trailers, one is about the games cinematic opening while the other is chock full of non-stop action-oriented gamelpay."


Tears Of Avia Lands On Steam Greenlight, Kickstarter Starts Soon

Added: 19.09.2015 10:17 | 115 views | 0 comments

One Angry Gamer "Tears of Avia is a tactical turn-based RPG designed to entice gamers who grew up with the healthy library of JRPGs on the PS2. The game features 3D gameplay graphics, hand-drawn CG art and a story about a city frozen to preserve it from an invasion of killer demons."


Dying Light Item Duplication Glitch For September, 2015 Surfaces

Added: 19.09.2015 5:17 | 113 views | 0 comments

One Angry Gamer "Techland has been patching Dying Light regularly and adding hotfixes to the game to address some of the cheating and item duplication glitches in the game. Well, YouTubers wont rest when it comes to exploiting Dying Light and finding item duplication glitches for the game."


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