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The Highs and Lows of Nintendo in 2014

Added: 23.12.2014 4:11 | 2 views | 0 comments

For 2013, much of the news revolving around Nintendo looked like Wii U-this and Animal Crossing-that. Well, this past year, the news was Smash Bros.-this and Mario Kart-that. 2014 was doubtless an up year for Nintendo. Not only did Nintendo consistently launch the highest quality games around, we also saw some surprise revelation of the mysterious QOL product announcement. Barring that mystery, its time to take a look back at what made up Nintendo stories for the past year. What was it that made Nintendo and its fanstic?


Assassin#039;s Creed: Rogue

Added: 22.12.2014 21:15 | 4 views | 0 comments

Game Cheats: Broken computer locations: Exit the Animus and find the following broken computers. Fixing them will...

Tags: Gain, Animal, Expo

Top 7… Painful gaming moments that made us wince

Added: 15.12.2014 19:00 | 16 views | 0 comments

Pain and injury are usually so abstract in video games. Most of the time you only care if it lops off a portion of your health bar - and even then, only until you can find a medkit or engage in some self-healing breathing exercises. But some video games seem delight in injury so much that they transcend the beatdowns we've come to expect and willingly, enthusiastically, inflict sympathetic pain in their audience.

These are some of the worst games to leave you squirming in your seat, clutching at your ribs, and wincing in agony at the events transpiring before your eyes. Sometimes they do it to drive home a point, sometimes they do it to make you sympathetic to a character, and sometimes they just do it to make you uncomfortable. You might want to get some aspirin ready before you click on for these gruesome memories.

Animal Crossing making its players wince in agony? I know what you're thinking, but bear with me for a second here. Yes, most of the game is chill and cheerful, with nary a concern in players' minds aside from when to sell turnips or how to make enough bells to pay off the mortgage. C'mon, is anything more zen than going from one tree to the next, lightly shaking it, and waiting to see what will drop from its branches? Yes. Many things are. Because some of the trees drop hives full of bees.

These bees aren't the kind of animal that will write you letters or ask you to bring them a peach. They're the kind of animal that chases you with kamikaze zeal until you dart into a neighbor's house and barricade the door or, more likely, the swarm catches up. When they envelop you, the awful KRSSSZZTTT sound that they make as they sting you right on the eyeball will echo in your mind forever. And the huge welt they leave where your eye used to be will stick around for the rest of the day or until you apply some medicine... assuming that bastard Nook even has any in stock.

It's kind of cool to be able to point at one of a character's most recognizable attributes and say, "Oh hey, I was there when he got that!" It really makes you feel connected, and it's the kind of thing you come to appreciate in time. But when you first experience stuff like, say, Big Boss being tortured and then having his eye shot out in Metal Gear Solid 3, it's a little harder to stomach.

You may be wondering about the absence of a on this week's 'Top 7', but I had to give it to Big Boss, not least because the torture scene encompassing the incident goes on for nine minutes. Nine minutes of electrocution, bludgeoning, and near-eye-extraction topped off with the little misfire that plants a patch on the face of Big Boss and, in the grand scheme of things, on the faces of his progeny. It doesn't hurt that voice actor David Hayter really made an art of pained grunting in this performance.

Lots of painful things can happen to Amanda Ripley throughout the course of Alien Isolation. But I'm not talking about the deep-seated abandonment issues that stem from her mother leaving her at the daycare center and disappearing into space. I mean the terrible ways that she can meet her end from Sevastopol station's many threats. Among many other candidates, she can be shot to death by panicked survivors, have her neck snapped by unfriendly androids, or, y'know, that alien could show up.

The monster has so many ways of snuffing out poor Ripley's life, but the most painful is probably (and yes, this is a tough choice) the good old tail-through-the-guts maneuver. What makes it so bad? I have to give it to the brief pause before she looks down and sees the spear-like appendage quivering in her newly remodeled torso. You spend a moment thinking, "Wait, why did I stop running?" and then, "Oh, hello, that's my diaphragm". It's the anticipation that gets me.

Ok, fair enough, inflicting gratuitous injury is kind of Mortal Kombat's thing. I understand that. But there's a big difference between a pixelated fatality animation and the gratuitous cinema experience that are the X-ray moves, not least because almost every fight is interrupted for several seconds to dwell on them. That's not unusual for fighting games, but at least in Street Fighter it's just Ryu hollering as beams shoot out of his hands. He doesn't pause the game to show you some Un Chien Andalou-grade bullshit.

I can't be the only one who feels uncomfortably aware of their own bones after playing a match of Mortal Kombat. The way it zooms in deep to show the skeleton before and after it's shattered in multiple places, turning on the super-slo-mo so you can see bits splinter off and lodge deep inside the body… it makes me ache all over. Drink your milk, kids, or this could be you the next time in you're in a scuffle.

Do you ever put a few shots into a particularly nasty boss when you finally manage to kill it? There's no gameplay reason to do so - it's just as dead before as it is after - but it feels good to celebrate your victory with some macho depravity. Macho depravity is pretty much God of War's schtick, but the final battle of the final chapter takes the beefcake by letting you pound Zeus' face into a lumpy blob of minced meat for however long you want.

You might have noticed that this is the only example in which the player character is dishing out the pain instead of receiving it. But this article isn't about characters wincing - it's about players. And if you have even a shred of sympathy for Zeus after all the crap he's put you through, you'll feel every one of those punches… even after his blood obscures your vision and you have to go by the crunching sounds. That didn't stop me from keeping it up for a good minute or two, of course.

There's only one reason the otherwise-forgettable Quake 4 keeps . What else could it be but that damn Stroggification scene, in which id's contribution to the body horror genre is delivered with all the subtlety of a buzzsaw? The absolute worst part, though, is that you get to watch the assembly line of suffering have its way with the guy in front of you before you experience the agony in first person.

Take special note that, at multiple points in this scene, your vision blacks out and Quake 4 permits you to think that it's just gonna cut to the next scene. NOPE. Your eyes open again (I guess all those Strogg nanites keep you from going into shock and passing out from blood loss) and it's off from the leg-cutter, into the torso bolter! And when you're rescued just before the brainwashing begins, your fellow soldiers spend a whole 30 seconds on genuine concern. Then they run off and expect you to follow on the robo legs that were just attached to your bloody stumps moments ago. Screw you guys.

Oh, God. Just try watching Metal Gear Solid 4's microwave corridor scene without feeling some... phantom pain. And then remember how unexpectedly involving it is to have to pound the triangle button throughout the whole thing. Hideo Kojima loves an over-long camera shot, but every second of this scene drives home the theme of self-sacrifice like another nail hammered through your hand - not a single second is wasted, much as we all hate Kojima for dwelling on our hero's unimaginable suffering.

Snake's already limping and grunting when he enters the microwave-trapped chamber, his prematurely aged body having been battered and burned throughout the course of the game. Once he's in, his high-tech octocamo suit starts smoking within seconds. Its panels turn red-hot and burst as he drops to his knees, then to his belly, and crawls. The health meter chirps its familiar little 'Uh-oh' sound as the door opens, revealing another corridor full of lethal radiation. By the time you reach safety, your thumb is so sore from button mashing that, silly as it sounds, you feel unified with Snake in his struggle. Then you both can have a good puke.

Wondering why I didn't put any groin shots in there? Well, 1) they probably don't hurt as much to watch if you don't have testicles so, statistically speaking, the pain averages drop off, and 2) we already . But what do you think? Any other truly agonizing games you think deserved a place in the Top 7? Let me know in the comments!

Want more Top 7s? Check out the .

Seabeard: Tips, Tricks, Cheats and Strategy Guide

Added: 15.12.2014 9:11 | 37 views | 0 comments

Seabeard is a new Animal Crossing style game from Hand Circus and Backflip Studios for the iOS and Android platforms. You play as the grandson or granddaughter of the legendary pirate Seabeard, and your goal is to rebuild the island that your grandfather founded into a great city as it once was.


Give the Gift of Handheld Gaming This Year

Added: 12.12.2014 22:00 | 236 views | 0 comments

I love my Nintendo 3DS and take it with me almost everywhere I go because it’s far too easy to throw a device like that into a bag and call it a day, whether your going long-distance or commuting to work. PlayStation Vita also makes for an engaging and convenient core-facing gaming experience if you can find a good game to pass the time with. Both systems account for freezing software as you do on mobile platforms like iOS and Android devices, so making a daily habit out of the latest Pokeómon game or a new action game on Vita is easier than ever. What are you waiting for? Maybe you can give or get portable gaming this holiday season. Here’s everything you’ll need along with a few software recommendations, no matter what platform you prefer to take with you: Nintendo 3DS While Nintendo did just announce a new iteration of 3DS hardware, there are already scores of different colors to choose from in both the standard and XL versions. If you’ve already got a Nintendo game to play in mind, there may even be a bundle with a special edition of the 3DS hardware, though some of the games I recommend here have probably long sold-out of special edition bundles. Animal Crossing: New Leaf’s Coach-esque Nintendo 3DS design will certainly prove attractive if you’re hoping to get a significant other into games, though Super Smash Bros. designs will likely wait patiently on store shelves this close to Christmas. Pick one, get it in your basket, and then move on for accessories and games. Accessories to consider:
Case - Try to get a soft case as hard cases can be difficult to pack in crowded travel luggage. Further, Nintendo’s hardware has always taken a beaten and continued ticking so don’t be afraid to go without a case if you’re on a budget.
Extra stylus - These come in various colors, but check eBay for generic replacement styli when you’re in a bind.
Screen protectors - The 3DS touch screen doesn’t need a sticker to cover it, particularly as you’ll be using the stylus on it, but some versions of the hardware can hurt itself when closed thanks to the clamshell design. Games to consider:
Animal Crossing: New Leaf
Pokemon X & Y
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS
Fantasy Life Instant stocking stuffer: Nintendo eShop gift card PlayStation Vita Sony’s Vita hardware has struggled to maintain the spotlight in the hardcore space, particularly as the company has sold it as a companion to PlayStation consoles and found difficulty in securing must-play software. Regardless, it isn’t hard to find a title you’ll spend 100 hours or more with on-the-go. PlayStation Vita has better Japanese development support, at times teresting touch-screen experiences, and a few unique features that cement its incredibly attractive design. I love the big screen and dual-analog sticks as it approximates console gaming better than any other device you can carry with you easily. This is one technology gift you’ll want to give a screen protector with. Accessories to consider:
Case - There are some really nice sleeve cases for PlayStation Vita, but you’ll want to find one you can carry a charger and games in too.
Screen protectors - With Vita’s big screen proving its biggest asset, make sure to find screen protectors that will fit properly over the face of the device and allow full touch-control too.
Battery pack - Both Nintendo 3DS and PlayStation Vita feature powerful graphics technology and as such, neither sport particularly long-lasting batteries. Solutions for PlayStation Vita will go along way in allowing for role-playing games on long international flights. Games to consider:
Persona 4 Golden
Soul Sacrifice Delta
God of War Collection
Killzone: Mercenary Instant stocking stuffer: PlayStation Plus subscription card iOS - iPod Touch, iPad, iPhone Mobile gaming has been totally shaken by the rise of touch-devices like those from Apple and that’s evident in the way PlayStation Vita sports not one, but two touch panels. Angry Birds doesn’t begin to describe the insane variety and depth of gaming software available in the app store. With millions and millions of gamers carrying iOS devices with them everywhere they go, it’d be silly not to recommend one for anyone in your life worthy of the gift of portable gaming this holiday season. Accessories to consider:
Case - Remember that iOS devices are on the one hand, really pretty, and on the other hand really expensive. Don’t give a gift that can’t be protected properly with screen protectors, flip covers, or other preventative add-ons.
Spare charging cable - While you could go all-out and buy an audio dock for the iOS device you’re giving this holiday season, even a spare charging cable will go a long way in keeping batteries full and players happy. Games to consider:
Terra Battle
Plants Vs. Zombies 2
The Wolf Among Us: Season One
Threes! Instant stocking stuffer: App Store or iTunes gift card Android - Tablet, phone, large-size phones While it took Apple a little time to catch up, Android devices have come in a wide variety of sizes and therefore offered quite a few different gaming experiences between them. You can find Android tablets that carry as much power as a mid-tier gaming computer or tote a Samsung Galaxy Note device for big, beautiful touchscreen gaming. Android’s platform allows for a little more tinkering under the hood should your target of gift-giving love be a tech-minded individual, though these devices will prove just as easy to use as any Apple product. Don’t be afraid to make someone feel really special with one of Google’s own Nexus devices if you’re unsure about other brands. Accessories to consider:
Case - Obviously.
Spare charging cable - See above.
A second device - This isn’t so much an accessory suggestion as it is a really expensive recommendation from me. If you’re giving someone an Android tablet, be prepared to look at it longingly from across the room as they enjoy on a Christmas morning or late on New Year’s Eve. If you know you’ll want to either play along or surf-in-style, get matching devices or his and hers. Games to consider:
The Walking Dead: Season One and Two
Fish Out of Water
Dead Space
Angry Birds Space Between these four platforms, you’ll want to throw that Tiger one-note handheld out the window before remembering you actually bought all this awesome portable gaming hardware for someone else and not yourself. Better get to wrapping!


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