Saturday, 01 March 2025
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Thanks to Fans, You Can Fly Through WoW's New Area, But Only if You Earn It

Added: 11.06.2015 20:50 | 0 views | 0 comments

In response to player feedback, Blizzard will bring the ability to fly to from Hazzikostas announcing the new achievement prerequisite for flying in Draenor.

"We believe this strikes the right balance between ensuring ground-based content lives up to its full potential, while providing players who've already fully experienced Draenor's outdoor world extra freedom to 'break the rules,'" he said. "This also provides a general blueprint going forward for content to come. Players will explore new and undiscovered lands from the ground, and then once they've fully mastered those environments--a notion that continues to evolve with each new expansion--they can take to the skies and experience the world from a new vantage point."

Patch 6.2 does not yet have an exact release date, but it's currently on public test realms and is expected to go live in the coming weeks.


Developers from Blizzard to Riot to Activision Band Together for Bierzerkers

Added: 11.06.2015 15:16 | 12 views | 0 comments

What happens when you gather industry veterans from the likes of Blizzard Entertainment or Riot Games? Apparently, you get a developer called Shield Break Studios and a title called Bierzerkers.


Blizzard confirms more deck slots coming to Hearthstone

Added: 11.06.2015 10:17 | 2 views | 0 comments

Hearthstone has been a runaway success. Blizzard found a way to tap into the casual and competitive card gaming scenes...

Tags: Blizzard

Blizzard Introduces New Game Mode and Teases New Hero

Added: 11.06.2015 10:16 | 0 views | 0 comments

Blizzard has announced their new game mode and teased the new alternate hero for Mage.


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