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9 healing items that would definitely kill you in real life

Added: 24.12.2014 19:00 | 10 views | 0 comments

If you're a guest in someone else's home, don't go through all their drawers looking for money. If you see a turtle, don't stomp on it. If you need to escape from a bunch of armed dudes, don't leave a nudie mag on the ground and expect them to hunker down and leer at it while you make your escape. Video games teach us all kinds of lessons that would be unwise to carry over to real life - but ‘You'll feel better if you just use X healing item’ might be the most deadly of all.

Seriously, it's a wonder that video game characters are still standing after all the unrefrigerated poultry they consume, , and anomalous drugs they inject into their veins. Can you imagine what would happen if you, a mortal creature of flesh and bone, tried to nourish yourself with these pick-ups? Well, you don't have to - I already did. Click on for some cautionary tales of healing items that would totally, totally kill you in real life.

How it works in the game: Max limps into a bathroom, barely able to stay on his feet after taking a gut full of bullets from a two-bit mobster with an Uzi. He opens a medicine cabinet, grabs a few bottles full of pills, pops one open, and downs its contents in a single gulp. Aside from that scratchy throat feeling you get from taking pills dry, Max's pain is killed.

How it would work for you: You're bleeding from a gunshot wound. Rather than calling 911/999 and awaiting assistance from trained paramedics, you decide to guzzle a bottle of oxycodone you found on top of the refrigerator. The pain fades after a half-hour or so, even though you're still bleeding like a stuck pig - you feel a little cold, but otherwise okay. Maybe you'll take a little nap on the floor until the healing effect kicks in… this was… a great… idea...

How it works in the game: The horde of ghouls is still pounding at the door, but Leon is safe for the moment. He reaches into his pocket and produces a little spray can with a green plus sign on its label. He pulls his hand away from the grievously bleeding wound on his neck, grits his teeth, and presses down on the can's nozzle until the last of its refreshing mist sputters out. He's no doctor, but he would assess his condition as Fine after that.

How it would work for you: Jesus Christ, what was wrong with that hiker? He almost looked like he was sleepwalking, but he was so pale… Anyway, you'd better do something about that bite. Good thing you keep a can of Umbrella-brand first-aid spray in your car. Just give that a good spritz and you'll feel better in no time. There you are… the pain's gone, but God, is it getting hot in here? Now you've got the chills. Better head home.

How it works in the game: Donatello's not looking so tubular. He could wreck a platoon of purple Foot Clan ninjas in his sleep, but the orange ones are just the absolute worst. Not to mention those gnarly raptors that keep trampling around and ruining his day. Luckily, Leonardo saved him a slice of 'za from this box he found by the cliffside in 250,000,000 B.C. A few quick chomps and the turtles are back in fighting shape. Cowabunga!

How it would work for you: You're lost and confused, and your pants are still damp from soiling yourself at the sight of a pterodactyl carrying a robot ninja. Suddenly, a familiar scent wafts into your nostrils - pizza! There it is, an unguarded box of the sacred pie! You're so hungry you don't even care that it's topped with anchovies - you just devour the whole thing. Then you wink out of existence, because that pizza would have fed the rodent-like creature that was the ancestor of all mammals. Whoops.

How it works in the game: Vulcan Raven stalks through the warehouse, scanning left and right for his quarry. There isn't much further for Solid Snake to crawl. Ah! There he is, panting and bleeding! This last volley will end his unnatural existence! But as the high-caliber bullets slam into Snake's body, the surprisingly calm soldier bites down on something and his wounds begin to close. Damn him! He had a ration in his mouth!

How it would work for you: You've accepted that these strange military rations are laced with some kind of healing agent, and that eating them instantly mends your wounds. But after months of miraculous recoveries, your supply is running low and you figure you'd better conserve them. Rather than wasting a morsel of their healing power, you'll wait until you're at the moment of death and then take a replenishing bite… but it turns out you may have overestimated your ability to carefully unwrap and consume foodstuffs while being shot in the face.

How it works in the game: Sabin nearly fell to that accursed toothy squid! Come to think of it, he may have actually died, depending on the philosophical ramifications of using a Phoenix Down on a fallen combatant… For now, there's a damn potion to drink. The taste is almost unbearable - but if he can just chug down the contents of the little blue bottle he'll be back to pumping iron and thrashing villains faster than you can say 'Biggs and Wedge'.

How it would work for you: That traveling salesman promised his 'Vitality Potion' would get rid of your cough if you drank it every night just before bed. And it did! By causing multiple organ failure. When your corpse is exhumed a hundred years later, researchers will find your bones are still infused with enough mercury and lead to kill twenty men. No cough, though.

How it works in the game: Blaze Fielding is a woman of action, and she doesn't have time to get take-out with all these goons around. They need a good face pounding. Fortunately for Blaze and her fellow street-fighting vigilantes, helpful citizens have taken to hiding their spare foodstuffs in garbage cans and newspaper racks all across the city. She smashes a few open, discarding an apple here or there (must have been from some smartass dentist) until she finds a roast chicken and chows down. Good to go!

How it would work for you: You vaguely recall some old wives' tale about discarding cooked poultry if it's left out for more than two hours. Something about salmonella? Bah. That must've been why some joker dropped this beautifully roasted bird in the garbage, plate and all. It's cold and you'll need to wipe off a few cigarette butts, but it's cheaper than Chik-Fil-A! Urp… maybe there's some Pepto Bismol in that trash can, too...

How it works in the game: Sometimes Mario isn't so good-a at the depth-a perception. In this case, he overestimated how much speed he needed for that last jump and ended up soaring clear over the platform, crashing into the floor a hundred meters below. But he's not a-worried, even as he pants-a with exhaustion, because he landed right next to a nice big lake. He dives, holds his breath for a few seconds, and springs back out like-a new man. Mamma mia, that's a good-a baptism metaphor!

How it would work for you: You were on the team back in high school, so swimming with two broken legs and a collapsed lung shouldn't be a problem, right? Just a quick dip and you'll feel right as rain. Can't stand, so you'll have to roll your way over… and in you go! OK! Your legs still really hurt! But swimming without using your legs is hard! So is breathing underwater! This was maybe not such a great idea!

How it works in the game: Well, that fight could've gone better. As per usual, Jack was way too conservative with his plasmids (even though he was full of EVE) and he took a few stray bullets. Luckily for him, that dumb Splicer led him straight to a well-stocked liquor cabinet right before she got torn to bits by a turret. Four bottles of Rapture's finest fortified wine later, and Jack's feeling much better. A little wobbly, with a little less EVE, but much better.

How it would work for you: Ahh, that really hurts. How could you cut yourself this badly just chopping carrots? It's like cooking 101 and carrots are so not worth dying for! No bandages in the house, of course, but you do have a couple boxes of wine you were planning to bring to the dinner party. Maybe if you polish one off you'll feel better. No, just drunk, still hurts. Try another. Ok, stop puking, that's not going to help. Try another. Don't pass out, you lazy…

How it works in the game: This might be it for the Lone Wanderer. Trapped in a vault deep underground with a busted leg and surrounded by super mutants, she's running out of options. Almost as much for old time's sake as out of any real hope for salvation, she pats down a corpse… and feels a familiar syringe in its pocket! In one fluid motion she pulls the stimpak forth and jabs it into her leg, instantly knitting the wound and mending the fracture. Alright - time to see about getting back to the surface.

How it would work for you: You were kinda worried for a few weeks after you injected yourself with that filthy syringe you found lying in a pile of rubbish, but it really did wonders for your aching back. Your fears are just beginning to subside when you get a call from your doctor's office. Her tone is grave as she asks you if you're sitting down. You say yes, and she tells you that you are infected with every bloodborne pathogen known to man and have at most a month to live. Your back still feels great.

That's it for my accounting of gaming's deadliest health items, but video games are jam packed with inadvisable diets and wellness plans. So sit down with a nice cut of garbage chicken and think of your favorites, then come back and share them in the comments below!

For some characters, .

Happy Christmas 2

Added: 23.12.2014 1:01 | 50 views | 0 comments

This is the 525th escape game from The story of this game is to collect the mail for santa and find the gifts specified in mail. Assume that santa wants to move out to distribute gift's for people. But he need your help to find those gifts. Help him and make him joyful. Click on the objects to interact with them and solve simple puzzles. Play enagames and have fun!

Tags: Play, Click, Help

Find Christmas Cake

Added: 23.12.2014 0:54 | 14 views | 0 comments

This is the 526th escape game from The story of this game is to find santa cake and enjoy this christmas eve with your family and friends. Assume that one day you heard a news like santa kept his christmas cake inside the house and challenging you to find the cake. Try to get the cake and enjoy the day. Click on the objects to interact with them and solve simple puzzles. Play enagames and have fun!

Tags: Play, Click, Fire

Faye King- Jungle Jeopardy, New Point and Click Adventure, To Release in January 2015

Added: 21.12.2014 19:11 | 12 views | 0 comments

Carl Williams writes, "Classic point and click adventure titles are making a slight comeback lately. The team behind Maniac Mansion have their new game, Thimbleweed Park, coming (we have an interview in the editing process right now) and now we see another interesting Point and Click title. Fay King: Jungle Jeopardy we find ourselves tasked with not only surviving a plane crash but also rescuing our only paying passenger. See, Faye King is a pilot for hire that doesnt concern herself with the details of her clients."


Photo ModeThe Last of Us Remastered

Added: 21.12.2014 16:11 | 4 views | 0 comments

With the advent of the illustrious photo mode this generation, the possibilities of taking a pretty screenshot in game is much more within the realm of possibility. Infamous: Second Son seems to have been the first game to start this trend and now Shadow of Mordor, The Last of Us: Remastered, and Driveclub have followed suit. Only now with the hardware capabilities of current gen consoles is a suitable screenshot possible. Last gen console visuals werent quite up to snuff to deliver high fidelity shots had photo mode been prominent back then(Uncharted 2 and 3 had photo modes for the online and they didnt produce the prettiest shots). With that in mind, once a month, Jumptogamer shall be taking a look at our own photo mode screenshots and posting the best the site has. This months sole focus is The Last of Us: Remastered. Click on each picture for a full sized image.


Santa Christmas Party

Added: 20.12.2014 4:23 | 22 views | 0 comments

This is the 521st escape game from The story of this game is to escape santa from the hot air balloon. Assume that one day santa stuck in the hot air balloon while enjoying christmas party with his friends. Do you help him to get down from the balloon and let him out of the place to distribute christmas gifts. Click on the objects to interact with them and solve simple puzzles. Play enagames and have a happy christmas!

Tags: Play, Click, Santa

Cave House Escape 2

Added: 20.12.2014 0:26 | 21 views | 0 comments

This is the 522st escape game from The story of this game is to escape from the cave house where you was locked. After hearing about a house designed like a cave, you plans to visit the place. You stays inside even after the closing time of cave house. Security locks the door without knowing this. You have to find a spare key of the house and get escaped soon. Click on the objects to interact with them and solve simple puzzles. Play enagames and have fun!


Robot House Escape

Added: 19.12.2014 0:36 | 15 views | 0 comments

This is the 520th escape game from The Story of this game is to help human robot to escape from the house. Your task is to escape robot from the mirror cage where it has been locked. Try to use some hidden objects and collect some clues kept inside the house. Click on those objects to interact with them and solve simple puzzles. Play enagames and have fun!


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