Deadpool Review | GameGrin
Added: 14.07.2013 4:17 | 4 views | 0 comments
Deadpool - Constant fourth-wall breaking, floods of swearing, cheesy catchphrases and so many boobs.
| DailyMail: Deadpool Review
Added: 14.07.2013 2:17 | 3 views | 0 comments
Deadpool is a fantastic character trapped in an average game. And no matter how many times he sends the fourth wall crashing down, repetitive, uninspired gameplay stops the title from fulfilling its potential.
| Deadpool Review | SpawnFirst
Added: 14.07.2013 1:17 | 4 views | 0 comments
While the gameplay is nothing to write home about, the writing and humor of Deadpool keep the game from being totally forgettable. Couple that with a $50 price tag, and it might be worth a buy for die-hard Deadpool fans, and a rental for everyone else.
| First Play: Deadpool - SelectButton
Added: 13.07.2013 17:16 | 1 views | 0 comments
The Merc with the Mouth shows SelectButton why his game is the most awesome game ever made. No, he isnt forcing them to say that...
| Deadpool Review Everyone Loves DP, Or Not I TheKoalition
Added: 12.07.2013 14:17 | 4 views | 0 comments
Edward Velazquez of TheKoalition writes:
Deadpool is awesome. Deadpool is great. Deadpool is hot. Deadpool is a badass. That's what one would say about the Marvel anti-hero Deadpool, right? So why not give him a video game where Deadpool himself can show you why all of the above are indeed facts. Out of the comic books and into your video game consoles, High Moon Studios and Deadpool bring you... Deadpool.
| Deadpool Review | ScrewAttack
Added: 12.07.2013 8:17 | 4 views | 0 comments
ScrewAttack: "Deadpool is riding a wave of popularity right now, but after playing Deadpool you may understand why some people were so eager to sew his mouth shut."
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