LEGO Jurassic World
Added: 17.06.2015 20:19 | 27 views | 0 comments
Cheat Mode:
Pause gameplay and select the 'Extras' option, then choose the 'Enter Cheats' selection and enter the...
| E3 2015: Enter the Gungeon gameplay footage shown off during the PC Gamer Show
Added: 17.06.2015 16:16 | 34 views | 0 comments
Dodge Roll, the Creators of the dungeon crawler/bullet hell shooter, Enter the Gungeon, made an appearance on the E3 2015 PC Gamer Show. While the title has been known about for some time, I actually had a chance to play this during PAX East 2015, the build shown off during the event is a newer build. Sporting over 200 different weapons in the game, Enter the Gungeon is a tittle that I couldnt get enough of when I played it.
| Enter the Gungeon: co-op, a new tileset and a new boss
Added: 17.06.2015 15:16 | 8 views | 0 comments
"Developer Dodge Roll showed us a few new tidbits of its upcoming 'bullet hell dungeon crawler' Enter the Gungeon at the PC Gaming show at E3."
| DayZ Could Enter Beta Later This Year
Added: 17.06.2015 4:15 | 6 views | 0 comments
Would you play the PvP-heavy DayZ's newly revealed single player mode?
| HITMAN E3 2015 Gameplay Trailer
Added: 16.06.2015 23:47 | 9 views | 0 comments
HITMAN is Io-Interactives newest chapter in the acclaimed blockbuster series of creative stealth action games. Enter a live and ever-expanding world of assassination, a digital experience that will continue to grow, deepen and evolve over time, where players perform contract hits on powerful, high profile targets in exotic locations around the world. HITMAN launches on December 8 2015 for PS4, Xbox One and PC.
From the highly fashionable Paris and sunny coast of Italy to the dust and hustle of the markets of Marrakesh and beyond, you have complete freedom of approach - where to go, when to strike and who to kill
is all up to you.
| 'For Honor' Captures The Dazzling Drama of Movie Battle Scenes
Added: 16.06.2015 6:52 | 5 views | 0 comments
There's a classic movie set-piece that you've no doubt seen many times before, in Lord of the Rings, in Game of Thrones, in countless films dating back decades, in martial arts flicks such as Enter the Dragon, and in modern blockbusters such as The Dark Knight Rises. That scene is a sprawling battle involving hundreds of fighters, and in a pocket of space within the masses, two prized combatants will lock eyes for the first time. It's when Batman finds Bane amid the sea of extras, and when a White Walker confronts Jon Snow at Hardhome. It's when Bruce Lee meets Mr. Han, and when the Nazgul towers over Theoden in front of Eowyn, who is about to have her moment of triumph. You've seen it many times before, but until now, never in a video game. . That's probably unfair; it doesn't happen too often, although when it does you'll notice. In the demo shown to GameSpot, two teams of four competed in a standard-yet-well-arranged castle courtyard, with three small zones to capture. Two of those are captured as soon as players walk into them, and of course are disputed if two players from opposite teams are occupying it. The third zone, in the centre of the courtyard, is teresting; Endless waves of AI drones representing both teams flood into the battlezone and collide against each other. Left to their own devices, no AI team will have the edge, which is why players need to jump in and cut the numbers down. This part of the game will be deeply satisfying, especially for those who like Dynasty Warriors or Streets of Rage Players will balletically cut through waves of AI grunts and feel like a super-charged Jon Snow in the process. It's here, in this wonderful moment where everything becomes so easy if only for a brief second, that you'll like eyes with someone amid the crowd. For Honor is coming to Xbox One, PS4, and PC in 2016.
Tags: Gain, Daly, Batman, Battle, Xbox, Players, While, Ball, Lots, Rage, Enter, Warriors, Knight, Leaf
| 'For Honor' Captures The Dazzling Drama of Movie Battle Scenes
Added: 16.06.2015 6:52 | 2 views | 0 comments
There's a classic movie set-piece that you've no doubt seen many times before, in Lord of the Rings, in Game of Thrones, in countless films dating back decades, in martial arts flicks such as Enter the Dragon, and in modern blockbusters such as The Dark Knight Rises. That scene is a sprawling battle involving hundreds of fighters, and in a pocket of space within the masses, two prized combatants will lock eyes for the first time. It's when Batman finds Bane amid the sea of extras, and when a White Walker confronts Jon Snow at Hardhome. It's when Bruce Lee meets Mr. Han, and when the Nazgul towers over Theoden in front of Eowyn, who is about to have her moment of triumph. You've seen it many times before, but until now, never in a video game. . That's probably unfair; it doesn't happen too often, although when it does you'll notice. In the demo shown to GameSpot, two teams of four competed in a standard-yet-well-arranged castle courtyard, with three small zones to capture. Two of those are captured as soon as players walk into them, and of course are disputed if two players from opposite teams are occupying it. The third zone, in the centre of the courtyard, is teresting; Endless waves of AI drones representing both teams flood into the battlezone and collide against each other. Left to their own devices, no AI team will have the edge, which is why players need to jump in and cut the numbers down. This part of the game will be deeply satisfying, especially for those who like Dynasty Warriors or Streets of Rage Players will balletically cut through waves of AI grunts and feel like a super-charged Jon Snow in the process. It's here, in this wonderful moment where everything becomes so easy if only for a brief second, that you'll like eyes with someone amid the crowd. For Honor is coming to Xbox One, PS4, and PC in 2016.
Tags: Gain, Daly, Batman, Battle, Xbox, Players, While, Ball, Lots, Rage, Enter, Warriors, Knight, Leaf
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