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From: www.gamesradar.com

Mirror's Edge: Catalyst's Re-Imagined Story Explained

Added: 13.07.2015 0:35 | 9 views | 0 comments

DICE's upcoming --she'll be less an "empty vessel" for players to control and more fleshed out, due to a richer narrative and supporting world.

"We are doing something that is new; it's different and separate from the first game," Ermgard explained. "You will recognize maybe the names of some characters, but they will be different characters in this one. Sometimes we even have the name and the look, but the character, what they do is still different, so there are some carry-overs in terms of ideas.

"I think what we [at DICE] felt was that we wanted a more fleshed out world, a larger world that was more detailed and textured than the original game had," he continued. "Also, we had new art direction--it had been eight years since the first game, so I think a lot of people felt that it was time to take the elements that we felt worked with the first game, and then use them to then expand upon that to do this game. People shouldn't expect to understand any sort of connection to the first game. This is its own thing."

As for the new version of Faith, Ermgard said the original game focused on providing a character players could fully imprint upon, stepping into her shoes and allowing them to experience the world as they wanted. For Catalyst, however, Ermgard said DICE was keen on creating a deeper narrative, which in turn led them scrapping the "blank canvas" character idea for Faith and bulking up her backstory and behavioral traits.

Catalyst is also far enough removed from the original Mirror's Edge that players who didn't play the first game won't feel dazed by the second.

"People who have played the first game will recognize some elements, but for Catalyst, the city is new, Faith herself is similar-ish, but we never really delved too much into her in the first game," Ermgard explained. "Her personality now is more fleshed out. The game is about her personal journey, I would say. Of course there's this big plot about getting involved against oppression and all that stuff, but the more important story is her journey, who she becomes and where she starts out and what happens along the way to make her into the person that she is."

There is a lot of affection among DICE's developers for Faith. Ermgard, who has been working on Mirror's Edge for three years, is personally attached to her, speaking of her like she were his own daughter. The game isn't just about the developers' journey to completion; it's about them giving Faith a rich world and story they feel will best help her grow.

"In the first game, there was not that much of her personality," Ermgard said. "I didn't myself feel like she went through any large change throughout that game, and so the person she is there is maybe more or less the person she is now... But now she's even more fleshed out, and there's more of her. There are more events in her life that explain who she is, and this is, in a way, a coming of age storyline, in that she will come to understand the impact that she has on the people in this society around her. She'll start out her journey a bit more careless, a bit more selfish, a bit more immortal and then realize along the way that's not the case, and I think that transformation people can hopefully relate to.

"She is a complex young woman," he continued. "I hope that she'll be relatable. I think she is, because she's very human, even though she does these things that would be considered superhuman. But she's no superhero. We're very clear about that. Her skills are skills that she acquired that all people could if they really dedicated themselves. But still, I think she is both someone to aspire to, and someone to empathize with."

Eager fans will be able to get a small taste of Faith's new story in Mirror's Edge: Exordium, a comic book series that will detail events leading up to the start of Mirror's Edge: Catalyst. The six-issue run will begin on September 9, with one issue releasing each month until the game releases on February 23, 2016.

"I think you see coming of age stories all the time, but I've got to say, I haven't really seen Faith's type," Ermgard said of Faith's story. "She's not a superhero. I think that in itself is different and she exists in a world that is in many ways similar to and inspired by the one we live in today. Of course, it's been beautified and taken to the extreme, but I think that combo is something special."

From: www.gamespot.com

GaymerX Goes Down Under, GX Australia Announced

Added: 03.07.2015 12:15 | 17 views | 0 comments

Marcus Estrada writes: "In a surprise announcement, GX: Everyone Games revealed that GX Australia is officially in the planning stages. This event full of "games panels cosplay and fun" is planned for February 27-28 at the Australia Technology Park in Sydney."

From: n4g.com

Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth2: Sisters Generation - PC Review | Chalgyr's Game Room

Added: 23.06.2015 13:15 | 50 views | 0 comments

Chalgyr's Game Room writes: We at Chalgyr's Game Room are fans of the JRPG genre and when we see titles release for the oft-forgotten we all tend to squee with joy a bit. While consoles, especially portables like the 3DS and Vita tend to enjoy the largest library of JRPG games, the PC has been slowly getting release after release of JRPG franchise. We have had the pleasure of reviewing all three Agarest titles as well as the stupendous Trails in the Sky; we also had the pleasure of reviewing the first Hyperdimension Neptunia title on the PC back in February of 2015 and while there were a few hiccups and flaws throughout the game, it was still a solid entry that expanded the JRPG library on the PC.

From: n4g.com

David Jaffe Defends His F2P Business Model For PS4 Drawn To Death Hints At Open Beta

Added: 22.06.2015 22:15 | 9 views | 0 comments

PS4 Exclusive 'Drawn to Death' developer David Scott Jaffe replies to concerned fans about Drawn to Death's Free-to-play business model and hints at open beta for the game between December 2015 and February 2016.

From: n4g.com

Mirror’s Edge Catalyst Hits PS4 on February 23rd Next Year

Added: 16.06.2015 4:40 | 6 views | 0 comments

It's been a long wait, but we're happy to finally share with you that Mirror's Edge Catalyst will launch on PS4 next year February 23rd. With the new game, we wanted to raise the bar for what an action adventure game can be by providing players an opportunity to experience fluid movement and combat, in first person. What fans loved about the original Mirror's Edge -- Faith, fluid movement, and the stylized look of the city -- we've kept and improved on to provide new gameplay experiences.

From: feedproxy.google.com

Mirror's Edge: Catalyst Release Date Revealed - IGN News

Added: 15.06.2015 22:59 | 10 views | 0 comments

EA announced during its E3 2015 press conference today that DICE's Mirror's Edge: Catalyst will release on February 23, 2016.

From: feeds.ign.com

Everything from EA#39;s E3 2015 press conference

Added: 15.06.2015 22:49 | 62 views | 0 comments

Welp, that's EA's conference done and dusted. We got our first taste of a new Mass Effect, gameplay footage from Mirror's Edge: Catalyst and Star Wars: Battlefront, and way more Pele than we were expecting. I mean, sure, EA has a huge line of sports games, but seriously, there was a hell of a lot of Pele. And it's all here in our EA conference recap.

There's no need to worry if you missed out on watching the entirety of the conference, we've put in all of the most important information and announcements from the EA press conference at right here. Check out all of the new game announcements and everything else in the following slides.

Johnny Cash plays over a handful of screenshots from outer space, as a man in a space helmet swipes through them. He walks toward the camera and - boom - an N7 logo appears. Ladies and gentlemen, we have Mass Effect. A CGI trailer for Mass Effect: Andromeda shows off biotics, the Mako, and a Holiday 2016 release date. Aaaaaand... that's it. Inspired by the customization of Underground and the world of Carbon, Need for Speed follows your quest to be the ultimate racer. The world will be twice as big as NFS: Rivals, and will feature a narrative featuring five overlapping stories. There are five different playstyles: speed, style, build, crew, and outlaw, and each one will play an important part in earning you respect. Need For Speed brings back glorious FMV sequences to help tell the story, and the transition from cutscene to gameplay is seamless. As you race, you'll earn experience points based on your ability to pull off risky maneuvers. Need for Speed will be available on November 3rd. Coming October 27th, Knights of the Fallen Empire will bring even more story to Star Wars: The Old Republic, and it'll be free to all subscribers. If this is your jam, you'll have a lot more game to look forward to. Unravel is a side-scrolling puzzle-platformer and it looks absolutely adorable. You play a little yarn person named Yarny, and you'll use yarn to solve challenges and swing across gaps. As Yarny, you'll make your way through underground caverns, across lakes, and through lush forests. Numerous obstacles stand in his way, from birds, to cars, and numerous gaps to cross. No release date yet, but keep your eyes open for this one. Wouldn't you know it, the zombies are still giving the plants a hard time, but this time the plants are having none of it. A new mode sees waves of plants attacking a zombie factory, and as the zombies, you have to defend your base from their onslaught. A few new classes were shown, like the Imp, a speedy ranged fighter that can summon a walking mech from the sky that he can ride around in. There's also the SuperBrainz, a new melee class for the zombies. Captain Deadbeard is the zombie's first sniper class, and he has an ability that lets him duck into an explosive barrel and launch himself in the air. While it seems like a simple evolution of the first game, solo play is new, and lets players fight against AI opponents by themselves or with a friend via split-screen. Plus, most character data from the first game will transfer right into the sequel, and the series will continue to see free content updates after launch. No EA conference is complete without sports, and EA's got a ton of it. Rory McIlroy (say that three times fast) PGA Tour is coming in July, and is made entirely in EA's Frostbite engine. NBA Live 16 will be able to scan your face with a mobile app, and will hopefully not (but will most probably) result in human abominations. NBA Live's passing and shooting game has also been rebuilt, letting it control like, y'know, a basketball game. That one's coming in September. EA's still working on mobile games too, and will release a collectable card game called Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes in the near future. They're also working on Minions Paradise, a game based off of those adorable creatures from Despicable Me. It's building sim (read: Farmville clone) that lets you construct a little playground for your minions. Like any good mobile game, expect a ridiculous amount of in-app purchases. Like the setting of the sun, FIFA 16 is coming this year. For EA, this means dragging Pele onto a stage to talk about unrelated anecdotes for five whole minutes (keep an eye on #whatwouldpeledo on Twitter for some Photoshop magic). This is the conference equivalent of someone behind the scenes making a "stretch it out" motion with their hands. Don't get me wrong, Pele's a fantastic player, and I'm sure he's got tons of great stories… but what does this have to do with video games again? Anyway, they finally talked about FIFA, and yeah, it's more FIFA - soccer so realistic you can practically see the top execs getting carted away to prison. Still, it's really cool to see FIFA finally add women's teams to the game. Mirror's Edge: Catalyst is as much Faith's story as it is about the city she lives in - a high-tech city run by corporations. First-person parkour is back, it looks gorgeous, and it's going open-world. That's right - there are no levels to hold Faith back, as she'll be able to explore an entire city's worth of rooftops and corridors. Mirror's Edge: Catalyst is coming February 23rd, 2016. Madden NFL 16 takes a page out of fantasy football, and will let you draft players, create your own teams, and use them to compete with other drafted teams, both solo and online. The game will also see a raft of improvements (because of course it will), so football fans will have more reasons to buy the same game every year. After keeping us waiting forever, EA finally showed off the first gameplay footage for Star Wars Battlefront, with the Battle of Hoth. The demo EA showed jumped back and forth between multiple viewpoints on both the Rebels and the Empire. Battlefront purists will be happy to know that you'll be able play in both first- and third-person views. Battle on ground, or hop in a snowspeeder (or AT-ST, depending on what side you're on). Combat looks fluid, and battles are filled with dozens of players all running (or flying) around, trying to complete their own objectives. We even got to see a brief glimpse of Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker in action - with Vader force choking an unfortunate Rebel soldier. In addition to the online multiplayer modes, you'll be able to take on Battlefront Missions will let you compete in single-player battles against the AI. Star Wars Battlefront will be available on November 17th.
Mirror's Edge Catalyst Launches in 2016

Added: 15.06.2015 22:05 | 12 views | 0 comments

Mirror's Edge Catalyst will launch on February 23, 2016, EA announced today in a trailer revealed during its E3 press conference.

Watch the trailer before for a -depth preview of what the game looks like now.

The next Mirror's Edge, simply touted as a prequel, was first revealed at but has noted developer DICE has done a slash and burn on the original story. Based on the above trailer, it does feel like the game's narrative is getting a full reboot.

From: www.gamespot.com

Mirror's Edge Catalyst Launches in 2016

Added: 15.06.2015 22:05 | 7 views | 0 comments

Mirror's Edge Catalyst will launch on February 23, 2016, EA announced today in a trailer revealed during its E3 press conference.

Watch the trailer before for a -depth preview of what the game looks like now.

The next Mirror's Edge, simply touted as a prequel, was first revealed at but has noted developer DICE has done a slash and burn on the original story. Based on the above trailer, it does feel like the game's narrative is getting a full reboot.

From: www.gamespot.com

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