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Review: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain - Gaming PC Forum

Added: 21.09.2015 15:17 | 142 views | 0 comments

FreakOrama writes: "The game looks visually great, preforms wonderfully on a PC (60 FPS locked) and the story-telling/story is great to a point, with the gameplay being always fun with a few minor complaints/annoyances. But with those annoyances merged with the game feeling unfinished (and it actually is unfinished with recent news coming out) with a really dissatisfying ending, the game turns out as a great game but fell halfway through to become amazing, and thats sad."


The DOTA 2 Icefrog: 6.85 patch will be coming soon, most likely next week

Added: 21.09.2015 2:17 | 74 views | 0 comments

The DOTA Icefrog 6.85 patch will arrive before the next Major. It will be a balance patch, meaning nothing new will be introduced. And the patch will soon be here. So this is my (Chen Yiji, The Gaming Ground) take on Icefrog: 6.85.

Tags: Gaming

FIFA 16 vs PES 2016 | EP56: Gamerscore Whores Podcast

Added: 20.09.2015 23:17 | 113 views | 0 comments

Armik Asheghian from Gamerscore Whores writes "In this weeks video podcast we discuss the Amazon Fire TV Gaming Edition and its impact towards the 4th Gen AppleTV, Invitations begin to go out for the Windows 10-based Xbox One dashboard Beta, Nintendo patenting a controller with shoulder scroll wheels, Konami ceasing all AAA game production, and which Football game holds the crown this year FIFA 16 or PES 2016, plus what weve been playing. All this and more on this weeks show."


First FIFA 16 Review (Xbox One) - ThisGenGaming

Added: 20.09.2015 21:17 | 110 views | 0 comments

ThisGenGaming says "After the extremely successful release for the other Football game on the market (Pro Evo 2016), its now FIFAs turn to give the Football crowd their version of what they think a Football simulator should be like. FIFAs biggest addition this year, and most hyped up addition was the inclusion of womens teams to the game which we will talk about in more detail later in the review. Firstly, there are a number of other new features in the game that we should cover."


FIFA 16 vs PES 2016 | EP56: Gamerscore Whores Podcast

Added: 20.09.2015 21:17 | 92 views | 0 comments

Armik Asheghian from Gamerscore Whores writes "In this weeks video podcast we discuss the Amazon Fire TV Gaming Edition and its impact towards the 4th Gen AppleTV, Invitations begin to go out for the Windows 10-based Xbox One dashboard Beta, Nintendo patenting a controller with shoulder scroll wheels, Konami ceasing all AAA game production, and which Football game holds the crown this year FIFA 16 or PES 2016, plus what weve been playing. All this and more on this weeks show."


First FIFA 16 Review (Xbox One) - ThisGenGaming

Added: 20.09.2015 18:17 | 576 views | 0 comments

ThisGenGaming says "After the extremely successful release for the other Football game on the market (Pro Evo 2016), its now FIFAs turn to give the Football crowd their version of what they think a Football simulator should be like. FIFAs biggest addition this year, and most hyped up addition was the inclusion of womens teams to the game which we will talk about in more detail later in the review. Firstly, there are a number of other new features in the game that we should cover."


Review: Destiny: The Taken King - Destiny 2.0 is here - GamingBoulevard

Added: 20.09.2015 14:17 | 72 views | 0 comments

The guys of Gaming Boulevard deliver their review of The Taken King.


Review: Killer Instinct Season 2 - Near perfect - Gaming Boulevard

Added: 20.09.2015 10:17 | 106 views | 0 comments

The guys of Gaming Boulevard deliver their review of the complete second season of Killer Instinct.


Sony pulls the plug on Facebook on most of their consoles, will other social media platforms follow?

Added: 20.09.2015 8:17 | 89 views | 0 comments

It seems like most people aren't aware about the fact that Sony has pulled the plug on Facebook on most of their consoles and services (maybe Sony´s changes hasn´t kicked in everywhere just yet?. Anyhow, we (The Gaming Ground) just wanted to inform the Gaming community about this.


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