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Review: Gunman Clive HD Collection - Fill the Mega Man void - Gaming Boulevard

Added: 11.09.2015 8:17 | 25 views | 0 comments

The guys of Gaming Boulevard review the Gunman Clive HD Collection.


Imagining an Alternative Gaming History Where Myst Was More Influential Than DOOM

Added: 11.09.2015 7:17 | 10 views | 0 comments

How would today's gaming landscape be different if the first-person puzzler, not the gory shooter, was the most important game of the early 1990s?

Tags: Gaming, Most

Rocket League Review (Invision Community)

Added: 11.09.2015 7:17 | 14 views | 0 comments

Gaming has now evolved into a worldwide phenomenon; long gone are the days where a Looney Tunes game would come out once in a blue moon, costing quite a lot and only on PC. Nowadays, games come out each week of each month, and even in the least productive month there can still be some fifty titles coming out.


New Game, Old Console Part 1: JRPGs and Upgraded Systems

Added: 11.09.2015 2:17 | 23 views | 0 comments

In part one of this new series at Gaming Rebellion, Aggro Sky discusses his experience growing up with JRPGs and also his adult life, bringing his retro consoles into the future via modding. This desire has led him to seek out "new games on old consoles" and what it actually takes to create them in an era of Playstation 4 and XBox One. Is there a market for games created for long dead systems? This is a story about his experience rediscovering and reinventing these old games for a new millennium and is part one of a four part series. If you are into JRPGs, console mods, perfect picture quality and fun animated GIFS, you should find something to like in this article. *Word of warning, this article is best viewed on a desktop due to extremely large animated GIFS*


PS4 And PS3 Dominate In Porn Usage

Added: 10.09.2015 22:01 | 55 views | 0 comments

Gaming and porn seems to go hand-in-hand. It might seem unlikely to some but according to the recent breakdown in statistics by YouPorn, a large portion of gamers really love spending a bit of time browsing through the pornographic website whenever they can.

Tags: Gaming, Pool

Rediscovering the Wonder in Gaming With Super Mario Galaxy

Added: 10.09.2015 15:17 | 56 views | 0 comments

NL: There was a long period in my life where I felt I needed violence in my games to keep me interested. I craved the headshot, the sound of sword meeting flesh, the crunch of fists slamming into bone. If I didn't have those things, then the game was childish. Built for little kids. Not for me, a grown man who needed to see people hurt to know he was playing serious games for serious players. This was where I was at back in 2007, playing Gears of War on my new Xbox 360 and feeling nothing but regret for my Wii purchase.


Opinion: The iPhone 6S' 3D Touch Could Potentially Change Gaming As We Know It

Added: 10.09.2015 12:17 | 55 views | 0 comments

Ozzie: Today was a momentous day for Apple, in which the company went beyond the expected and revealed a handful of its known quantities with sizable improvements and new features. Among the products revealed was the iPhone 6S and the iPhone 6S Plus with some notable improvements, like a much faster GPU and double the RAM of the previous model. These phones will also debut an improvement on touch feedback called 3D Touch and for video games, it could be a major step forward.


Apple's So-Called Gaming Console Is A Major Bust

Added: 10.09.2015 5:17 | 35 views | 0 comments

Kotaku: "The tech prophets have taken to the internets streets with big signs saying CONSOLES ARE DOOMED. APPLE IS HERE."


Why Uncharted: Nathan Drake Collection Could Be The Greatest Remastered Collection So Far

Added: 10.09.2015 4:17 | 26 views | 0 comments

ThisGenGaming says "The Nathan Drake Collection is set to possibly be the greatest of the HD/Remastered collections that have been so popular throughout the current generation of consoles, possibly even rivaling The Master Chief Collection due to the sheer quality of the games contained within. The Nathan Drake Collection will launch on October 7th, and contains what were arguably some of the prettiest and best games on the PS3: Drakes Fortune, Among Thieves, and Drakes Deception."


Video: Amiibo: Mario Classic Color 30th Anniversary Unbox and compare

Added: 10.09.2015 3:17 | 73 views | 0 comments

The guys of Gaming Boulevard unbox and compare the new Mario 30th Anniversary Classic Color amiibo.


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