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Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai DX Review | Gaming Trend

Added: 05.09.2015 13:17 | 78 views | 0 comments

GT: The music/rhythm genre is on the rise, it seems. After the long drought for the genre that became bloated with countless rhythm titles in the mid 2000s, it appears the planets may have aligned once again in favor of those gamers with a passion of hitting buttons along with music queues. The recent announcements of Rock Band and Guitar Hero making a harmonious return to the gaming scene might prove that gamers are still interested in the once overwhelming genre, as long as there is still uniqueness and originality. Does this port of a 2-year-old music game on the 3DS have what it takes to stand up to that scrutiny that rehashes of the past few years have created?

From: n4g.com

Video: Forza Motorsport 6 - Messing around in Rio

Added: 05.09.2015 13:17 | 7 views | 0 comments

The guys of Gaming Boulevard played the full version of Forza Motorsport 6 and take us to Rio in their Shelby.

Tags: Force, Gaming
From: n4g.com

Could a New Wave of Video Game Movies Turn the Tide For the Genre?

Added: 05.09.2015 13:17 | 64 views | 0 comments

ThisGenGaming "With the release of the recent Hitman movie, Hitman: Agent 47, I thought I would talk a bit about how video game movies can be made better and my hopes for the future of this genre. There are a lot of big video game franchise movies coming out over the next couple of years like Assassins Creed and Metal Gear Solid that might just change peoples minds about the genre if they are pulled off correctly. Lets take a look at how these movies can improve, both in terms of the movie itself and attracting more movie-watchers to experience these great games."

From: n4g.com

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Video Review - ThisGenGaming

Added: 05.09.2015 12:20 | 13 views | 0 comments

ThisGenGaming starts off big with Metal Gear Solid V as their first video review on Youtube.

From: n4g.com

IGN Live Presents - Legends of Gaming Live 2015

Added: 05.09.2015 10:25 | 14 views | 0 comments

IGN has partnered with TV broadcaster, Endemol UK, on their upcoming event 'Legends of Gaming Live'.

From: feeds.ign.com

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Video Review - ThisGenGaming

Added: 05.09.2015 10:17 | 11 views | 0 comments

ThisGenGaming starts off big with Metal Gear Solid V as their first video review on Youtube.

From: n4g.com

Oculus Employees: "Preemption for context switches is best on AMD, Nvidia possibly catastrophic"

Added: 05.09.2015 6:17 | 40 views | 0 comments

DSOGaming writes: "It appears that after the whole 970 VRAM fiasco, there is a new story that haunts NVIDIA. As weve already reported, NVIDIAs GPUs are really weak in Async Compute scenarios. And according to some Oculus employees, Preemption for context switches is possibly catastrophic for NVIDIAs GPUs."

From: n4g.com

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