Mobile Game Kingdom Hearts: Unchained Coming to Mobile Devices in North America and Japan
Added: 16.06.2015 19:01 | 8 views | 0 comments
At its E3 2015 press conference, Square Enix presented a teaser trailer for Kingdom Hearts: Unchained, which appears to be a port of the browser game released to Japanese audiences as Kingdom Hearts: Unchained X. The trailer features adorable chibi versions of Kingdom Hearts and Disney characters such as Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse, and looks remarkably heavy on touch-based combat. No release date was given, but the game is announced for both iOS and Android devices, and its story will relate to that of Kingdom Hearts III.
Tags: Gain, North, America, North America, Duty, Japanese, Disney, Coming, Android, Kingdom, Kingdom Hearts, Hearts, Square, Enix, Mickey, Square Enix