Tuesday, 11 March 2025
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Lupiesoft And The Dizzy Hearts Kickstarter Controversy

Added: 01.06.2015 3:16 | 9 views | 0 comments

Marcus Estrada writes: "Of course, as any crowdfunding connoisseur is aware, projects take time. Heck, the oldest successfully funded Kickstarter video game project ever - High Strangeness - just launched this year! What we see occurring less frequently, however, is when a developer releases other games in between the period of crowdfunding a project and getting that project to market in some form. To most, it seems like an incredibly confusing decision at best, and as disingenuous and insulting at worst. Backers cant help but wonder what it all means. After all, if theres not enough time to complete a crowdfunding project then how on Earth is there time to put together a seperate game? Beyond that, dont backers have some sort of expectation of the game they backed being the priority of said development studio?"

From: n4g.com

VGU Streams: Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep Episode 6: The Dwarfs

Added: 27.05.2015 13:17 | 19 views | 0 comments

With another instalment in the series, Dom takes on Ven's adventures in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. But as an added touch, he is doing this run on Critical Mode for the first time. Can he survive the onslaught of darkness?

From: n4g.com

Moero Crystal announced for PS Vita

Added: 26.05.2015 12:16 | 16 views | 0 comments

The latest entry in Compile Hearts Genkai Tokki series is Genkai Tokki: Moero Crystal, the latest issue of Dengeki PlayStation reveals. Due out later this year in Japan for 6,800 yen (or 8,800 yen for the limited edition), the game is a dungeon RPG produced by Norihisa Kochiwa, directed by Makoto Kitano, and featuring character design by Katsuyuki Hirano.

From: n4g.com

Vagrant Hearts II Released on Steam

Added: 22.05.2015 11:30 | 12 views | 0 comments

Vagrant Hearts II marks the 14th release of Aldorlea Games on Steam

From: www.gamershell.com

Game Music Online - Hiroshi Tamawari Interview: Switching from Games to Opera

Added: 21.05.2015 14:16 | 15 views | 0 comments

"Hiroshi Tamawari helped to define the sound of Konamis PlayStation era, with his leading roles on Vandal Hearts, Azure Dreams, and Vandal Hearts II, as well as his memorable contributions to the Goemon, Twinbee, and Suikoden franchises. Since his departure from Konami at the turn of the century, Tamawari has worked exclusively outside the gaming sector, handling everything from scoring commercials to translating musicals. " - Patrick Kulikowski

From: n4g.com

Windows 10 Will Ship With Candy Crush Saga Pre-Installed

Added: 20.05.2015 10:20 | 9 views | 0 comments

Gaming has always been a huge part of the Windows experience, with titles like Solitaire, Minesweeper, and Hearts each...

From: megagames.com

New PS4/PS3/Vita Sale Focused on DLC Begins

Added: 19.05.2015 22:30 | 11 views | 0 comments

On the heels of an excellent flash sale over the weekend, Sony has launched another PlayStation Store promotion dubbed the Extended Play Sale that runs through May 25.

As the name might suggest, this new sale is centered around downloadable content, season passes, and, in some cases, combo packs of games with their DLC. The sale spans for $5.

Check out all the game deals below, or on the PlayStation Store, where you'll also find select TV shows (Archer! Bob's Burgers!) on sale.

PS Vita:

TitlePS Plus PriceSale PriceOriginal Price
Motorstorm RC PS Vita Complete Edition$2.00$4.00$9.99
Sound Shapes Ultimate Bundle$4.00$8.00$19.99
Tales Of Hearts R Season Pass$11.99$17.99$29.99

From: www.gamespot.com

New PS4/PS3/Vita Sale Focused on DLC Begins

Added: 19.05.2015 22:30 | 14 views | 0 comments

On the heels of an excellent flash sale over the weekend, Sony has launched another PlayStation Store promotion dubbed the Extended Play Sale that runs through May 25.

As the name might suggest, this new sale is centered around downloadable content, season passes, and, in some cases, combo packs of games with their DLC. The sale spans for $5.

Check out all the game deals below, or on the PlayStation Store, where you'll also find select TV shows (Archer! Bob's Burgers!) on sale.

PS Vita:

TitlePS Plus PriceSale PriceOriginal Price
Motorstorm RC PS Vita Complete Edition$2.00$4.00$9.99
Sound Shapes Ultimate Bundle$4.00$8.00$19.99
Tales Of Hearts R Season Pass$11.99$17.99$29.99

From: www.gamespot.com

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