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From Elite to No Man#39;s Sky: a brief history of space sims

Added: 01.07.2015 14:42 | 21 views | 0 comments

It’s really big, very cold and mostly empty, but that hasn’t stopped us populating an entire genre with exciting sims dedicated to exploring and fighting in it over the last forty-or-so years. Human instinct is drawn to discovery, and the vastness of the void creates unlimited opportunities for scope and scale that you just can’t find here on Earth.

The genre has evolved and refined itself over the last four decades, and, despite falling out of mainstream favour over recent years, is now on a major, and very exciting, resurgence. Here are the most important steps in its lengthy history.

Space games existed in some form before A Journey into Space; 1974’s Star Trader was an extremely basic text-based space game, but it wasn’t until a decade later that the genre started to see a real shift forward. A Journey into Space was originally released on the Atari 2600 by Activison and it was one of the first space sims to establish flight mechanics like landing, takeoff, ship stabilisation and more. It was also one of the first games to encompass actual pretty graphics.

Space Shuttle was so deep that it revolutionised the genre and gave it a sense of scope that hadn’t been seen before. It was so popular, in fact, that it was re-released on several machines after the Atari, with Commodore 64 and ZX Spectrum versions released in 1984, and two final versions released on the Amstrad and the MSX in 1986. See kids, HD remasters aren’t such a new fad after all!

Ah, Elite. Created back in the 1980s by the revered space-nut-cum-games-developer David Braben, with his good pal Ian Bell, Elite is considered by most to be the seminal space trading simulator. I’m firmly in love with Elite Dangerous thirty years on, but Elite’s rich history is ingrained in the halls of science fiction. It was truly massive back in 1984, with eight whole galaxies each containing 256 planets to explore. All of this was done from the cockpit of the ship, and a lot of the now-iconic features of Elite were established here, including the recognisable scanner that sits in the center of the cockpit’s design.

Elite also experimented with procedural generation, and despite having to downsize the universe at the request of the publisher - mostly to make it less obvious to the player that the computer is generating systems using algorithms - the game was still awe-inspiring to those who played it. Braben and Bell even removed an entire galaxy when they found a planet had been named ‘Arse’ by the game’s random generation technology. It’s difficult to imagine how impressive it must have been considering the progress of games over the last few decades, but Elite is a remarkably important step in the evolution of space games.

Wing Commander creator Chris Roberts called his game “World War 2 in space” and if that’s not a selling point then I’m not sure what is. It’s a game that focuses heavily on combat scenarios, and uses Star Wars as a main influence in bringing the fraught tension of dogfighting to life. It not only made space combat exciting, but it also implemented fresh mechanics to level objectives, adding bonus tasks that net larger rewards when going above and beyond while on a mission.

Released on floppy disc at the start of the 1990s, Wing Commander also spawned a couple of sequels and several add-ons to the main game. These expansions’ fully realised plots kept the game supported for months after release. Wing Commander was a major critical success, too, even earning 6/5 stars in Dragon - the official Dungeons and Dragons magazine - and is regularly considered one of the all-time PC greats. Competition ramped up considerably after its release, leading to contemporaries like LucasArts’ X-Wing.

Shuttle was published by none other than later commercial space flight pioneer Virgin back in the early 1990s. When you look at it now it looks like a very basic version of Kerbal Space Program, but it still packs a considerable amount of depth. From takeoff all the way to re-entry into the Earth’s atmosphere, Shuttle recreated a lot of the complexity of real cockpits, displaying almost all of the major functions with an array of knobs, buttons and little levers. It was truly incredible. Especially for a game taking up a miniscule amount of space on a floppy disc.

The game was praised for condensing of tons of information into a system that players could learn to understand. Similar to Kerbal, Shuttle also incorporates real life space shuttle missions and other flight tests into its mission structures. The Enterprise flight is a particular highlight, and you even get to run through the launch of the Hubble space telescope, building a space station like the ISS (International Space Station) and more. Shuttle may not have the dogfighting bravado of Wing Commander, but it refined the core simulation mechanics that lie at the heart of the genre.

Despite sounding like a cheesy television show that your parents might have watched in the mid ‘70s, Buzz Aldrin’s Race into Space is a two-player strategy game built on the idea of the space race. Playing as either the USA or USSR, each player’s end goal is to make a successful landing on the moon, but the game incorporates many mid-tier objectives on the way to the lunar surface. You control a base station that acts as your hub for missions and other developments, and the game itself takes place across twenty in-game years, from 1957 to 1977.

The game takes great advantage of humanity’s achievements during the Space Race, allowing players to carry out real historic missions on their path towards reaching the moon. It was billed as a game suitable for young children, but drew a fair amount of criticism for being overly complex and difficult to play. Still, that didn’t stop it getting 90/100 from PC Gamer UK, and more recently it received an open source translation from the original creators back in 2005.

At the end of 1993, David Braben’s first Elite sequel hit the Amiga, Atari ST and DOS. It carried over a lot of the ideas that its predecessor established ten years earlier, while expanding the size and taking advantage of the graphical power of new hardware. Frontier continued the Elite staple of allowing players to do whatever they want, focusing mainly on trading to earn money and reputation. There’s almost no plot whatsoever, save for some titbits around the game’s political factions.

Frontier also adheres to Newtonian physics and thus the ship controls are vastly -depth. There’s even an time acceleration feature which allows players to travel between planets and stations within the same system, as well as the classic hyperspace jump. A really cool feature of Frontier is, weirdly enough, its copyright protection - every now and then the game’s security forces will ask you for a certain string of letters from your game manual. If you enter them incorrectly three times in a row, your game ends and that’s that, you can’t play anymore. Tough!

You might not know it but EVE Online is now over a decade old. This super dense, in-depth MMO has had numerous major updates since its release, but it continues to be one of the most complex and engaging space simulators ever made. With its rich player driven economy and some of the largest multiplayer battles ever seen, EVE definitely isn’t for everyone, but invest time into learning some of its incredibly intricate game systems and you’ll become engrossed in arguably the best space MMO ever made.

The game is famous for a lot of really cool events, including one player who offered $500 in real money to anyone who could assassinate a particularly high profile target. A few key, obliging players then spent a year of real-time playing the game, working their way up the ranks of the target’s corporation in order to earn trust and get close. One assassin even managed to reach second in command of the entire organisation. Then, when the moment was right, the assassins struck by killing their target (twice, no less, which means you’re really dead in EVE’s world), stealing valuables and destroying the rest - over $16,500 worth of in-game items were destroyed. They even bagged the $500 bounty.

The first half of this decade has seen a resurgence in the space simulator genre, and Kerbal Space Program has led the charge. Still technically in beta, KSP packs charm and depth using its Kerbals - cute little green humanoids - to provide the character to make your ventures into space feel human and perilous. With so many options for creativity in Kerbal’s tools, any accidents, deaths or abandonments-on-nearby-moons are your fault, but the game constantly pushes you to trial and error until you get it right.

Developer Squad has gone so far in its depiction of authentic space as to involve NASA in its development process, implementing real missions and ships into the game so that you can experiment with real life science. Other space organisations have taken real interest, too, including the Copenhagen Suborbitals, Space X, and the ESA. It’s these kinds of partnerships that really prove the educational and scientific power of video games nowadays, and how space simulators have become important and respected by those outside of the hardcore gaming community.

FTL is the top-down, fast-paced real-time strategy game that turned space simulation into permadeath roguelike, brought it to mobile, and made it endlessly replayable - not to mention furiously addictive. While a lot space games focus on the overall scope of space battles, lasers and explosions, FTL concerns itself with the stressful minutiae of crisis management on a single ship. There’s no maneuvering or aiming going on - FTL just takes the randomness of certain scenarios and forces you to cope against difficult and often insurmountable odds.

The permanent nature of every demise makes it all the more stressful. Permadeath is a risky mechanic to put in a game, often dividing players on whether it’s well executed, but FTL puts it to excellent use. Even when the game feels like it’s beating you up unnecessarily, the unpredictable nature of its mechanics make it easy to pick up and play again, and you rarely see the same scenarios play out again in exactly the same way.

First announced a few years back as David Braben’s next ambitious project, Elite: Dangerous took full advantage of the crowdsourced funding model, using Kickstarter to raise over £1.5m of development budget. Since then it’s raised a lot more cash, and the scope of Dangerous’ vision has expanded as its wallet has bulked out. It’s been a long, lengthy road to release, running through several alpha and beta stages, but developer Frontier has been vigilant in the refinement of its latest game.

Dangerous takes tons of the key elements that made the original Elite games so iconic and frame-shifts them to 21st century standards. The game’s high definition sheen makes its impressive scope even more beautiful - there’s nothing like travelling from a hot white star all the way to a distant gas giant, descending into its icy rings until you’re there in between the trillions of bits of space debris. There’s still a long path of development and expansion ahead of it (with its console debut having just occurred by way of Microsoft’s early access Xbox Game Preview programme), but Elite: Dangerous is arguably the most important space simulator of the last ten years.

No Man’s Sky has had gamers everywhere wetting themselves since it was announced back in 2013. It’s huge - indie developer Hello Games has claimed it’s technically infinite - and is heavily focused on venturing out into the nothing to find weird and wonderful things. Very few details exist about what else you actually do in No Man Sky’s procedurally generated universe, and the studio’s own Sean Murray has been very explicit in not wanting to describe the game’s main objectives because he believes that goes against what the game is about.

Whatever you end up in doing out in the stars, No Man’s Sky is colourful and bold, full of alien spaces and unusual celestial landscapes. It feels like the space simulator’s arcade cousin, and the fact you can travel seamlessly from land before climbing your ship and flying up into space is something especially magical - something even Elite: Dangerous hasn’t managed to implement yet.

With a ludicrous amount of crowd-sourced money in the bank - just under $70 million at last count - Star Citizen is probably the most well-funded space simulator game of all time. It’s definitely the biggest game to ever get funding from Kickstarter. There are a lot of grand promises for Star Citizen being bounded around by its developers, and while they’ve definitely got the money to keep the game in development for a life-time if they need to, all eyes are intently scrutinising whether those promises have substance.

Aside from anticipation for the game, Star Citizen represents something perhaps more important. It raked in tens of millions of fan-donated dollars, and that’s pretty impressive for a game sat within a fairly niche genre which many discounted as near-dead a few years ago. Over the last four decades, space simulators have evolved and refined themselves, coming out in all different shapes and sizes with unique takes on what the genre means and can achieve. The fact we’re at a stage where a single space sim can amass the budget of a blockbuster triple-A title just by asking for it is, frankly, just really bloody cool.

Get Free Copy Of Deus Ex: Human Revolution By Donating $1 To Charity

Added: 29.06.2015 4:54 | 27 views | 0 comments

Square Enix is giving gamers an opportunity to get a chance at adding Deus Ex: Human Revolution Director's Cut to their library by donating to charity. How much do you need to donate to charity to get their hands on the Director's Cut? Only $1.


Absolutely Real Science Every Terminator Fan Should Know

Added: 26.06.2015 23:49 | 50 views | 0 comments

Killer AIs Mean Business

The Terminator franchise is overflowing with fun science fiction ideas. But that nasty, red-tinted cyborg-ocracy may be closer to reality than you think. How close? Hey, glad you asked. (Photo by: Paramount Pictures)

Bipedal Humanoid Robots Walk The Earth

Real-world engineering Company Boston Dynamics currently has the lead in scaring the world with ambulatory robots, including the bipedal machine featured here. The bot can perform natural movements including calisthenics and dynamic walking. The increased prevalence of robot workers even prompted the New York Times to publish an article entitled, "As Robotics Advances, Worries of Killer Robots Rise." (Photo by: Corbis)

Stephen Hawking Warns Humanity

Killer robots seemed like a cinematic fantasy in 1984 when The Terminator premiered, but now prominent scientists, including Stephen Hawking, warn of a grim future for humanity if safeguards against strong AI aren't taken now. He told the BBC recently, "The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race." Thanks for the pep talk, professor. (Photo by: Corbis)

Human Flesh and Machine Can Become One

When Arnold Schwarzenegger's Terminator first sliced into his arm to reveal a cybernetic skeleton, he not only proved he was a robot from the future, but also pointed a way forward for human advancement. How close are we to blending synthetic human parts with mechanical enhancements? (Photo by: TriStar Pictures)

A Physics Lab Revolutionizes Prosthetics

The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory has made radical advancements in prosthetics technology, including a surgery that reassigns nerves that used to control arms and hands. Literally, we now have people who can control prosthetic limbs by simply thinking about actions they want to perform. An innovation that carried a lot of doom and portent in the Terminator films actually has delivered tremendous benefit for real-life people. (Photo by: Corbis)

Scientists Create Lab-Grown Flesh

Dutch scientist Mark Post displays samples of his lab grown flesh at the University of Maastricht. In-vitro meat has become a popular venture as scientists seek solutions to world hunger. Human organs also have been grown independently for transplant patients. A terminator's synthetic fleshy exterior is much closer to reality than ever before. (Photo by: Corbis)

There's No Stopping Shape-Shifting Metal

Watching T-1000 effortlessly glide through a row of steel bars evoked a feeling of sublime horror. A technology that advanced seemed alien when Terminator 2 came out. It isn't quite 2029, when the fictional machines developed the tech, but how far along are we toward building our own liquid metal in the real world? (Photo by: TriStar Pictures)

Gallium Might Hold the Key to Liquid Metal

The chemical element gallium, found in trace amounts in zinc oxide, has shown promising leads. Researchers in Beijing recently created an aluminum-fueled, liquid-metal motor made largely out of gallium. Its inherent properties allow the metal alloy to shift to fit whatever space it occupies, particularly when electricity is applied. (Photo by: Corbis)

Time Travel Requires A Lot of Energy

When a naked Arnold Schwarzenegger traveled back in time, arriving in a blinding flash of light at a truck stop, he sliced off the edges of a few big rigs in the process. The Terminator films seem to understand that the energy created during time travel would constitute a massive force. But is time travel even theoretically possible? (Photo by: TriStar Pictures)

Atomic Clocks Helps Demonstrate Relativity

It's hard to believe, but time travel actually happens every day. Beginning in the mid-50s, scientists have used precise atomic clocks on airplanes and satellites to demonstrate an aspect of Einstein's relativity theory: Two matching clocks can report different times, depending on the impact of velocity or gravity. The "time travel," or dilation that occurs, usually accounts for fractions of seconds, but it proves that time is truly relative. Even your phone's GPS contains equations that factor in the bending of spacetime! (Photo by: Corbis)

Small Comfort: We're Nowhere Near the Genisys of Time Travel

The Terminator films don't just include a few seconds of time travel, though. Their characters travel decades into into the past, a feat that would, scientists believe, require the energy equivalent of the sun's nuclear power. As of now, NASA scientists think we're centuries away from even being able to explore the idea. (Photo by: Paramount Pictures)

Judgment Day is a Real Threat

In the Terminator franchise, the artificial intelligence system Skynet becomes self-aware and instigates nuclear strikes across the world: an event known as Judgment Day. One of the most striking images from the films includes a fiery ruin of Los Angeles. Do these nightmare scenarios hold any weight? (Photo by: TriStar Pictures)

Nuclear Threat Motivates Scientists to Update "Doomsday Clock"

The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists runs a real-world doomsday clock: a symbolic countdown to the "midnight" of global catastrophe. Currently, nine countries have a total stockpile of 16,300 nuclear weapons, enough to blow up the world several times over. In early 2015, the nuclear arms race prompted scientists to move the clock to three minutes until midnight. While we don't have a menacing artificial intelligence threatening nuclear war, the danger of computer-controlled systems sparking an apocalypse is considered very real. (Photo by: Corbis)

Bullets Cannot Make Bodies Fly Through The Air

For all the cool ideas the Terminator movies bring to the table, there's one important area they get comedically wrong. When the T-800 walks into a room and sprays a round of bullets, you'll notice bodies flying backwards, as if the victims have been shot out of a cannon. Unless the robots have circumvented physical laws we've known about since Newton, this simply isn't possible. (Photo by: Orion Pictures)

The Conservation of Momentum Ruins The Terminator Movies

If you've ever seen one of these cool Newton's cradle toys, you'll understand the basic principle of momentum conservation: momentum is neither created nor destroyed. It remains constant. Momentum is literally the mass of an object multiplied by its velocity. Bullets are very, very tiny, so even when traveling at a high speed, they'll never get a ton of shoving power. A human (or robot) will get pushed back a fraction of an inch when shot, but causing them to fly through an office is highly unlikely. When it comes to the shootouts in Terminator movies, you'll just have to turn off your brain and enjoy. (Photo by: Corbis)


Absolutely Real Science Every Terminator Fan Should Know

Added: 26.06.2015 23:49 | 5 views | 0 comments

Killer AIs Mean Business

The Terminator franchise is overflowing with fun science fiction ideas. But that nasty, red-tinted cyborg-ocracy may be closer to reality than you think. How close? Hey, glad you asked. (Photo by: Paramount Pictures)

Bipedal Humanoid Robots Walk The Earth

Real-world engineering Company Boston Dynamics currently has the lead in scaring the world with ambulatory robots, including the bipedal machine featured here. The bot can perform natural movements including calisthenics and dynamic walking. The increased prevalence of robot workers even prompted the New York Times to publish an article entitled, "As Robotics Advances, Worries of Killer Robots Rise." (Photo by: Corbis)

Stephen Hawking Warns Humanity

Killer robots seemed like a cinematic fantasy in 1984 when The Terminator premiered, but now prominent scientists, including Stephen Hawking, warn of a grim future for humanity if safeguards against strong AI aren't taken now. He told the BBC recently, "The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race." Thanks for the pep talk, professor. (Photo by: Corbis)

Human Flesh and Machine Can Become One

When Arnold Schwarzenegger's Terminator first sliced into his arm to reveal a cybernetic skeleton, he not only proved he was a robot from the future, but also pointed a way forward for human advancement. How close are we to blending synthetic human parts with mechanical enhancements? (Photo by: TriStar Pictures)

A Physics Lab Revolutionizes Prosthetics

The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory has made radical advancements in prosthetics technology, including a surgery that reassigns nerves that used to control arms and hands. Literally, we now have people who can control prosthetic limbs by simply thinking about actions they want to perform. An innovation that carried a lot of doom and portent in the Terminator films actually has delivered tremendous benefit for real-life people. (Photo by: Corbis)

Scientists Create Lab-Grown Flesh

Dutch scientist Mark Post displays samples of his lab grown flesh at the University of Maastricht. In-vitro meat has become a popular venture as scientists seek solutions to world hunger. Human organs also have been grown independently for transplant patients. A terminator's synthetic fleshy exterior is much closer to reality than ever before. (Photo by: Corbis)

There's No Stopping Shape-Shifting Metal

Watching T-1000 effortlessly glide through a row of steel bars evoked a feeling of sublime horror. A technology that advanced seemed alien when Terminator 2 came out. It isn't quite 2029, when the fictional machines developed the tech, but how far along are we toward building our own liquid metal in the real world? (Photo by: TriStar Pictures)

Gallium Might Hold the Key to Liquid Metal

The chemical element gallium, found in trace amounts in zinc oxide, has shown promising leads. Researchers in Beijing recently created an aluminum-fueled, liquid-metal motor made largely out of gallium. Its inherent properties allow the metal alloy to shift to fit whatever space it occupies, particularly when electricity is applied. (Photo by: Corbis)

Time Travel Requires A Lot of Energy

When a naked Arnold Schwarzenegger traveled back in time, arriving in a blinding flash of light at a truck stop, he sliced off the edges of a few big rigs in the process. The Terminator films seem to understand that the energy created during time travel would constitute a massive force. But is time travel even theoretically possible? (Photo by: TriStar Pictures)

Atomic Clocks Helps Demonstrate Relativity

It's hard to believe, but time travel actually happens every day. Beginning in the mid-50s, scientists have used precise atomic clocks on airplanes and satellites to demonstrate an aspect of Einstein's relativity theory: Two matching clocks can report different times, depending on the impact of velocity or gravity. The "time travel," or dilation that occurs, usually accounts for fractions of seconds, but it proves that time is truly relative. Even your phone's GPS contains equations that factor in the bending of spacetime! (Photo by: Corbis)

Small Comfort: We're Nowhere Near the Genisys of Time Travel

The Terminator films don't just include a few seconds of time travel, though. Their characters travel decades into into the past, a feat that would, scientists believe, require the energy equivalent of the sun's nuclear power. As of now, NASA scientists think we're centuries away from even being able to explore the idea. (Photo by: Paramount Pictures)

Judgment Day is a Real Threat

In the Terminator franchise, the artificial intelligence system Skynet becomes self-aware and instigates nuclear strikes across the world: an event known as Judgment Day. One of the most striking images from the films includes a fiery ruin of Los Angeles. Do these nightmare scenarios hold any weight? (Photo by: TriStar Pictures)

Nuclear Threat Motivates Scientists to Update "Doomsday Clock"

The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists runs a real-world doomsday clock: a symbolic countdown to the "midnight" of global catastrophe. Currently, nine countries have a total stockpile of 16,300 nuclear weapons, enough to blow up the world several times over. In early 2015, the nuclear arms race prompted scientists to move the clock to three minutes until midnight. While we don't have a menacing artificial intelligence threatening nuclear war, the danger of computer-controlled systems sparking an apocalypse is considered very real. (Photo by: Corbis)

Bullets Cannot Make Bodies Fly Through The Air

For all the cool ideas the Terminator movies bring to the table, there's one important area they get comedically wrong. When the T-800 walks into a room and sprays a round of bullets, you'll notice bodies flying backwards, as if the victims have been shot out of a cannon. Unless the robots have circumvented physical laws we've known about since Newton, this simply isn't possible. (Photo by: Orion Pictures)

The Conservation of Momentum Ruins The Terminator Movies

If you've ever seen one of these cool Newton's cradle toys, you'll understand the basic principle of momentum conservation: momentum is neither created nor destroyed. It remains constant. Momentum is literally the mass of an object multiplied by its velocity. Bullets are very, very tiny, so even when traveling at a high speed, they'll never get a ton of shoving power. A human (or robot) will get pushed back a fraction of an inch when shot, but causing them to fly through an office is highly unlikely. When it comes to the shootouts in Terminator movies, you'll just have to turn off your brain and enjoy. (Photo by: Corbis)


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