Super Mario Maker Grabs Top and Metal Gear Solid V Slides in Major Japanese Retailers Sales Chart
Added: 14.09.2015 3:17 | 9 views | 0 comments
Like every week, the major Japanese retailer Tsutaya is the first to give us a glimpse on sales in the Japanese market with its own chart. This week we see the debut of Super Mario Maker and the second week performance of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.
Tags: Mario, Gear, Salon, Japanese, Metal, Metal Gear, Phantom, Solid, Live, Major, Super Mario, Gear Solid, Grade, The Phantom
| PS4/PS3/PS Vita Exclusive Yoru No Nai Kuni Gets 1080p Screenshots Aplenty Showing Anas Weapons
Added: 14.09.2015 0:17 | 41 views | 0 comments
Today Koei Tecmo and Gust released a new bacth of screenshots of Yoru No Nai Kuni, that will hit the Japanese shelves for PS4, PS3 and PS Vita on October 1st.
| Bandai Namco trademarks Summon Night 6 subtitle in Europe
Added: 13.09.2015 1:17 | 54 views | 0 comments
Bandai Namco has trademarked LostBorders (alternate link), the subtitle to the its Japanese branchs Summon Night 6: Lost Borders, in Europe.
The company currently has not announced plans to localize Summon Night 6 for western territories, but the trademark could suggest its in the cards. But dont get your hopes up too much. The subtitle for God Eater 2: Rage Burst was trademarked by Bandai Namco in January, but a localization is still unannounced.
| Japan Game Awards Detailed: Game of The Year Winners and More Will Be Announced at Tokyo Game Show
Added: 12.09.2015 17:17 | 54 views | 0 comments
Every year at Tokyo Game Show, the Japanese Computer Entertainment Suppliers Association (basically the local ESA) honors the best games of the show with the Japan Game Awards.
The CESA just sent in a press release detailing the award ceremony for this year. The event is actually split in two parts.
| Dark Souls 3 Japanese Release Date Revealed
Added: 12.09.2015 15:13 | 65 views | 0 comments
Developer From Software listed the release dates for the PS4 and Xbox One versions its upcoming game on its official Japanese website.
| Dark Souls 3 New Image Details Controls, New Mechanics And More
Added: 12.09.2015 10:17 | 83 views | 0 comments
GS:" Dark Souls 3, the latest entry of the series developed by From Software launching next year on consoles and PC, is currently the main focus of a special event which is being held in Japan right now. A few hours ago the final Japanese release date for the event has been confirmed but that's not the only new thing on the game that has emerged online today."
| PC Platform Leads Capcom's Digital Sales By 40%, PSN Follows With 30% Xbox Live Arcade With 20%
Added: 12.09.2015 6:17 | 82 views | 0 comments
A couple of days ago, Capcom revealed that Dragons Dogma: Dark Arisen will be coming to Steam. And given Capcoms recent digital sales report, this seems like a logical decision. According to the Japanese company, the PC platform leads its full game download sales.
Tags: Capcom, Arcade, Daly, With, Salon, Japanese, Xbox, Live, Xbox Live, Digital, According, Dragons, Learn, Arisen, Dark Arisen
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