J Station X: Riot Games releases a League of Legends mobile game called Blitzcrank's Poro Roundup. The game stars Blitzcrank as he hooks and bumps tiny poros to safety.
"It is hard to deny the popularity of multiplayer online battle arena games. With titles like League of Legends and Dota 2 breaking records in online viewership and competitive gaming prize pool money respectively, the numbers speak for themselves."
League of Legends developer Riot Games has released a new arcade-like game called Blitzcrank's Poro Roundup you can play through your web browser or mobile device. It's more fun than you'd expect.
For players who dont like spending their nights reading about how to get better at something, multiplayer games like League of Legends or Street Fighter IV can sound a little daunting. But as multiplayer games continue make themselves accessible to a wider audience, theyre starting to try something new: distancing players from each other.