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All of GameSpot's 10/10 Review Scores

Added: 13.05.2015 0:07 | 21 views | 0 comments

The gaming essentials.

It isn't often that we give 10/10 review scores on GameSpot. Since the site was founded in 1996, only nine games have earned that rank. But to achieve a 10/10, a game needs to be essential, and it needs to have something so meaningful to offer us that it simply cannot be ignored. Regardless, a 10/10 review score is always determined by the personal opinion of its respective writer and always reflects as such. So without further ado, here is a list of all the games that we've scored with a 10/10!

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

"Where The Witcher 2 sputtered to a halt, The Witcher 3 is always in a crescendo, crafting battle scenarios that constantly one-up the last, until you reach the explosive finale and recover in the glow of the game's quiet denouement. But while the grand clashes are captivating, it is the moments between conflicts, when you drink with the local clans and bask in a trobairitz's song, that are truly inspiring."--Review date: May 12, 2015 | Kevin VanOrd

Bayonetta 2

"Bayonetta 2 is a masterclass in pure, unadulterated action-game design, where its insane eye-popping visuals meld effortlessly with some of the sharpest, most joyful combat to have ever graced a video game. "--Review date: October 13, 2014 | Mark Walton

Super Mario Galaxy 2

"Super Mario Galaxy 2 is simply an outstanding game. It never rests on its laurels for a second, constantly presenting new objectives and mechanics to push you to never before seen places."--Review date: May 21, 2010 | Tom Mc Shea

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

"For anyone who appreciates games that rise above the simple act of pushing a few buttons and pulling a few triggers, Metal Gear Solid 4 is a stimulating ride that you won't soon forget. You'll want to see what happens next, yet when its long campaign draws to a close, you'll wish it would continue. That's not just because it's a well-told tale, but because that tale is woven through a thoroughly impressive game that tops its predecessors."--Review date: June 13, 2008 | Kevin VanOrd

Grand Theft Auto IV

"In case you haven't guessed already, Grand Theft Auto IV is a game that you simply have to play. The single-player game, which you can still play long after you complete the story, is the series' best by far, and the multiplayer features are good enough that you'll likely have no problem finding people to play with for many months to come. The minor flaws that you'll experience are no more difficult to overlook than those in previous GTA games, and they're greatly outnumbered by the features that will impress and surprise you anytime you think you've already seen everything that the game has to offer. "--Review date: April 28, 2008 | Justin Calvert

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3

"Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 strikes a perfect balance between new and old and renders the two previous entries in the series almost completely obsolete in the process."--Review date: October 29, 2001 | Jeff Gerstmann

Chrono Cross

"Fortunately for series fans, Chrono Trigger's dream team doesn't have a monopoly on RPG innovation. As with the first SNES title, everything in Chrono Cross "clicks" in a way most games wish they could imitate. The different parts combine into an instant RPG classic."--Review date: January 6, 2000 | Andrew Vestal

Soul Calibur (Dreamcast)

"Yes, it is a fighting game, a genre with a fairly limited scope, but insofar as fighting games go, Soul Calibur is mind-numbing perfection. Namco has taken the best and made it considerably better. The level at which the company has done so is practically unprecedented. Think state of the art. Absolutely brilliant in all aspects, as far as games of this type go, Soul Calibur is the undisputed king of the hill. It is essential in any gamer's collection."--Review date: August 9, 1999 | James Mielke

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

"In a way, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is a textbook example of retro done right. It manages to combine small aspects from all the previous Zelda games, giving you the same Zelda feel but in an entirely new way. Even in its huge, fiercely 3D world, the game retains a truly classic feel. This is a sequel at its finest, expanding on previous themes and bringing plenty of new stuff to the table."--Review Date: November 23, 1998 | Jeff Gerstmann


Fanfics so wild they inspired their own fanfiction

Added: 12.05.2015 20:11 | 37 views | 0 comments

I remember sitting in a college class listening to the teacher explain fanfiction. What made it memorable was that seemingly no one else in the class had heard of such a wild and outlandish concept. They were aghast at the very notion of it. 'Why would anyone do such a thing?' For me, learning about the existence of fanfiction - the very concept - was an empowering revelation. A new world of possibilities opened up for my favorite characters, one in which I could contribute.

Reading and writing fanfiction was a big part of my childhood, but I somehow failed to realize until recently that a new breed of fan-creation had taken shape. Just like those college students, I was stunned to learn people were writing fanfiction based on other fanfiction. My first thought was "Why?" but now it's "Why not?" If something sparks your creativity, that's what counts. Here are my top picks for fanfiction so outrageous it inspired its own fanfiction.

The Premise: Operatic rock group have two albums dedicated to their Dystopian vision of the Mega Man universe. In Act I we discover that Dr. Wily rules over all with an iron fist, and learn the fates of both Proto Man and Mega Man. Act II takes us back in time to discover the origins of of Wily and Mega Man-creator Dr. Light, and see how they basically initiated the rock-and-roll robot apocalypse. Think George Orwell's 1984 by way of Queen with robots.

The Fanfiction: If there's one sure-fire way to ignite a young fanfic writer's passion, it's that spark of angst found so readily in gritty, depressing reboots. The fanfic community surrounding The Protomen is small - compared to the rest of these slides - but the fact that there's any fanfiction about a dark rock opera based on Mega Man is worth celebrating. Since The Protomen's Mega trilogy won't be completed until Act III, some fans have taken it upon themselves to provide for the characters and the state of the world. Sadly, none of them are in rock opera form.

The Premise: "It’s a terrific series, subtle and dramatic and stimulating… I wish all Potter fans would go here, and try on a bigger, bolder and more challenging tale." That's a quote from Hugo Award-winning science fiction author David Brin in reference to . If that doesn't give you an acute case of "Wait. What!?" then try this: Methods was written by Eliezer Yudkowsky, an AI researcher, theorist, and co-founder of the Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence. It presents an alternate-universe in which Harry Potter was raised by a scientist and and struggles to apply scientific theory to magic, spanning 600,000 words across 112 chapters. Harry Potter fanfiction is serious. freaking. business.

The Fanfiction: Since Methods is itself derived from one of the most fanfic-centric communities on the internet, it's only natural this scientific fairy tale has spawned a number of fanfics of its own. Split between an active , most of the HPMOR community expands upon Yudkowsky's vision of Harry Potter by casting other charcters in the lead role and seeing how they behave though the lens of scientific rationalism. Unfortunately, I don't think any amount of scientific reasoning will explain how the hell Quidditch works.

The Premise: is a video series featuring Final Fantasy and Dead or Alive characters beating the ever-living crap out of each other. There's nary a line of dialog spoken, just constant grunts punctuated by the occasional battlecry as an army of anime ladies go to town in a kung-fu epic that would put even the Matrix trilogy to shame. There were also a few J-POP music videos, but those were likely non-canonical. The series was conceptualized by the late Monty Oum, an animator and director who went on to work for Midway Games, Namco Bandai, and Rooster Teeth. He never finished the Dead Fantasy series.

The Fanfiction: Seeing as how the plot to the Dead Fantasy series can be summed up as "characters show up and fight each other" there is a wealth of material to be explored. I imagine it's a lot like drumming up the backstory for a fighting game - you already know the cast is going to beat the hell out of each other, the question is "Why?" The answer comes in the form of told from the point-of-view of a single characters. If you've ever wanted to read a detailed account of two people having a long, magically-charged, kung-fu beat down you've found the right fan community.

The Premise: We all remember Yu-Gi-Oh!, the children's-card-game-turned-mega-franchise featuring one of anime's most .

The Fanfiction: If you're sitting down to write then you're probably doing one of two things: either a romance story between Marik and Bakura, or a "crack fic" about the first thing that pops into your head. Marik and Bakura were both possessed by demonic fashion accessories in the Yu-Gi-Oh! series, which transformed them into homicidal maniacs, so naturally they fall in love having so much in common. Sadly, stories in the crack fic camp usually read like retellings of humorous events in the author's own life. But with Yu-Gi-Oh! characters. And by Yu-Gi-Oh! characters I of course mean Marik and Bakura.

The Premise: Ho-Oh, the legendary rainbow pokemon, has declared war on humanity (I told you these were dark). It has released the dampeners on pokemon worldwide, which basically means all those flamethrower, thunder shock, and hydro pump attacks are now hyper-lethal against humans--not to mention all the creepy stuff bug-type pokemon can do. Humanity, alongside the precious few pokemon still loyal to their trainers, must now fight for its own survival on the bloody, endless battlefield their world has become.

The Fanfiction: The idea of a war involving pokemon is inevitable when you base your universe around animals fighting each other. .

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The Premise: As you may have already guessed, combines the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic TV show with the Fallout video games. The story takes places in the irradiated wasteland of Equestria which was decimated by a "megaspell holocost" (read: nukes). It follows young unicorn Littlepip who escapes from her Stable (read: Vault) to search of her lifelong friend, Velvet Remedy. She encounters plenty of, um, colorful characters along the way while also slowly piecing together what caused this global catastrophe.

The Fanfiction: Fallout: Equestria is celebrated as one of the largest and most successful fan-creations in the My Little Pony community. It has spawned in several different languages all set within its post-apocalyptic universe. And it doesn't stop there: radio dramas, audio books, comics, music, and even plans for a limited-run book printing of the original story. It's a real testament to the creative drive of the MLP community.

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The Premise: , as it's commonly known, is a supernatural horror story about a haunted copy of The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask for the Nintendo 64. As if Majora's Mask wasn't creepy enough, this tale recounts one man's experience with what he thinks is either a defective or prototype game cartridge. The cartridge is full of disturbing imagery and mismatched scenes not found in the final game. Gradually, our hero becomes convinced the game is possessed by a malevolent techno-ghost called BEN, which is trying to escape.

The Fanfiction: This story was originally published back in 2010, and spread like wildfire across the internet--just like BEN wanted--thanks in part to some convincing footage reportedly taken from the game. Its author, Alex "Jadusable" Hall, eventually spun the story off into a full-blown alternate reality game, but that was later canceled before completion. Since then, the fans have stepped up to tell BEN's origin story and fill in left by Hall. A surprising number of these stories, however, also include supernatural romance.

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The Premise: It's no secret that 99.9-percent of people who would argue about the Mass Effect trilogy's ending online didn't enjoy the ending to the Mass Effect trilogy (and argued about it online). Out of that debate came a truly provocative and well thought out interpretation of Shepard's final battle: the . In brief, the final choice you make in Mass Effect 3 isn't the one you think you're making. Instead, it's a battle of wills between you and the Reapers for control of Shepard's mind. Developer BioWare, however, has remained coy about whether this is truly the case.

The Fanfiction: I really like this theory. It gives the game an air of mystery, similar to the theories about . Poking around online, I found dozens of stories inspired by this interpretation of Mass Effect's ending. Of course, for every one of those stories there are a dozen female Shepard and Garrus romance novels, but what are you going to do?

The Premise: One man has been playing the same game of Civilization II for over a decade. The result is a nightmare world not unlike something from the Warhammer 40,000 universe. In his game, most of the Earth is irradiated swampland, a combined result of the polar ice caps melting and one-too-many nuclear winters. The resulting military stalemate--a three-way tie between the Celts, Vikings, and Americans--is airtight, with each nation's destitute populace solely dedicated to maintaining that status quo. There is no end in sight.

The Fanfiction: Okay, while an old game of Civilization II isn't the same as the text-based entries on this list, it still makes for a compelling story. After its author, Lycerius, posted this story on .

The Premise: Earlier this year, in a move that ruffled the feathers of Star Wars fans across the universe, Disney announced it would be, basically, ignoring any and all materials taking place after the original trilogy as it sees fit. This is in preparation for the release of Star Wars: Episode VII in 2015. The upshot? The now-defunct expanded universe, which had grown bloated with decades worth of material, has all now landed firmly in the realm of fanfiction.

The Fanfiction: The sea of fan-created works surrounding these games, novels, and more is so vast, and so deep, that it would be impossible to summarize here. Things get interesting, however, when you consider the possibility of twice-recursive fanfiction. I'm talking about a hypothetical piece of fanfiction based on fanfiction written about something in the Star Wars expanded universe, which is itself now fanfiction. Whether such a document exists remains to be seen.

The fanfiction universe is vast, its possibilities endless. Do you know of a work or series that has spawned its own collection of fan-creations? Make your voice heard in the comments below. Who knows, maybe it'll ignite that creative spark in another reader.

And if you're looking for more fanfiction goodness check out .

3DS Emulation Takes Its First Big Step With The Legend of Zelda

Added: 12.05.2015 16:16 | 0 views | 0 comments

SegmentNext -The developers of CITRA, a 3DS emulator, have successfully emulated the first ever commercial 3DS game. The title they emulated is the popular Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. While the title is not yet playable, far from it, but this is the first big step to making things work.


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