Sunday, 23 February 2025
News with tag Plane  RSS
Farms Castles Cheats: Guide, Tips Strategy for Android/iPhone Game

Added: 17.08.2015 9:18 | 17 views | 0 comments

Match objects to make it prosper, and work your way to huge castles and family farms! Place three objects of the same type next to each other to combine them.


Twitch plays Dark Souls is a go

Added: 15.08.2015 18:18 | 15 views | 0 comments

After the popularity of Twitch Plays Pokemon, they've taken on the large challenge of playing through Dark Souls using the same chat input feature.


Twitch Is Playing Dark Souls Right Now, in Case You Needed Some Utter Chaos in Your Life Today

Added: 15.08.2015 5:18 | 16 views | 0 comments

Twitch Plays Dark Souls is happening. Its happening right now.


Twitch Plays Dark Souls, Disaster Ensues

Added: 14.08.2015 22:00 | 17 views | 0 comments

Twitch Plays PokeĂłmon was a phenomenon. It didn't seem possible, but somehow thousands of Twitch users inputting commands into chat worked. After 16 days of continuous play, the Twitch community completed the game. The social experiment was a success.

Tags: Daly, After, Plane

Twitch Plays Dark Souls is Death Over and Over

Added: 14.08.2015 12:08 | 23 views | 0 comments

It took Twitch sixteen days to beat Pokémon Red. Dark Souls may take a little longer.


GT Time Konami is a Bad Place to Work

Added: 14.08.2015 5:00 | 60 views | 0 comments

Resident Evil 2 Remake is announced, PS+ subscribers vote for the next complimentary game, and Kojima’s business doesn’t seem to want him around.


Why you should Vote to Play Grow Home on PS4

Added: 14.08.2015 1:18 | 15 views | 0 comments

GameZone: "BUD does have a clear goal in mindthe star seeds atop the plantbut the process of getting there is fittingly organic. He can manipulate the Star Plant in fantastic ways, such as growing and riding its tendrils to reach new heightsor to simply get to that platform over there. This is backed by a standard suite of abilities like climbing and gliding. All the tools are there to find your own path through the Star Plant and see however much of it you want. And that is exactly what I want out of Septembers PS Plus lineup."

Tags: Star, Play, Grab, Hold, Plane

Why Nintendo Has No Plans For Yearly Mario Kart Or Smash Bros.

Added: 12.08.2015 18:51 | 18 views | 0 comments

According to a new interview with Examiner via GameSpot, Nintendo of America's Scott Moffitt came forward to explain why, exactly, we won't be seeing these franchises popping up every year a la Call of Duty or Assassin's Creed nowadays.


Leap of Fate - Early Access Review | GameSpew

Added: 12.08.2015 14:18 | 21 views | 0 comments

Geraint at GameSpew writes: "From the French-Canadian games company Clever Plays Studio comes their debut indie game Leap of Fate, where you play as a cyberpunk rogue in a not-too-distant dystopian neon future. The game is described (on their own website) as a mix of the infinite replayability of The Binding of Isaac, the precise and reactive controls of League of Legends, and the feel-good combat of Diablo, with, in my opinion, the shadowy cyberpunk influences of Shadowrun."


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