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Train Valley Review (GameWatcher)

Added: 21.09.2015 13:17 | 98 views | 0 comments

From GameWatcher: "Train Valley is the latest indie train simulator that has crossed my desk, and while Ive come to understand the joys of the simulator genre over the last several years with games like Banished and Cities: Skylines, for the longest time I didnt quite get what made these games so popular among their fans. What I came to realize once I started playing these games is that the most compelling aspects of the game begin with deep, interconnected mechanics that force players to make meaningful choices that result in significant consequences, for good and for ill. Unfortunately, in its current state Train Valley does not offer the varied gameplay or choices Ive come to expect from the genre, and while its rooted in a neat conceptbuilding railways throughout different historical eras and locationsthe games execution doesnt realize the full potential of the idea."

Tags: When, Review, Trade

I Cant Escape: Darkness Review | GamersFTW

Added: 21.09.2015 11:17 | 110 views | 0 comments

I Cant Escape: Darkness from Fancy Fish games was developed with one goal in mind; to excite and terrify players. Following up from the 2013 release I Cant Escape this new game looks to build on the original to enhance while still keeping the spirit of the original. This new atmospheric horror adventure throws you into a deep dark pit filled with horrific nightmares and challenges you to escape.


Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Review (Invision Community)

Added: 21.09.2015 10:17 | 639 views | 0 comments

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, developed by Kojima Productions and published by Konami, this game continues on from where Ground Zeroes left off with Naked Snakes Oil Rig base getting attacked by Cipher. Shifting an almost always linear game, with the ability to backtrack, to an open-world sandbox experience was a big change that some people couldnt come to terms with whereas others loved the new take on the series.


Year Walk Review | NWR

Added: 21.09.2015 10:17 | 105 views | 0 comments

NWR: Swedish folktales: terrifying for children, great for video games. Year Walk is a rare type of game. Perfectly walking the line between calm beauty and a chilling creepiness, this puzzle adventure pushes the genre in a smart direction. Heavily relying on Swedish folklore, players follow the main character on a Year Walk, a mystical ritual to see into the future, as they try to find the answer to winning back their love. Previously released on iOS and Steam, the title has been rebuilt from the ground up for the Wii U, creating a version developer Simogo has called the definite and best version of the game.

Tags: Wake, Review, Yeah

Disney Infinity 3.0 (Wii U) Twilight of the Republic Play Set Review | NWR

Added: 21.09.2015 10:17 | 141 views | 0 comments

NWR: Twilight of the Republic is just like the prequels but with better acting. With much talk pre-release of how improved the Play Sets are in Disney Infinity 3.0, I had high expectations for Twilight of the Republic, the Star Wars Play Set based on the prequel trilogy and the Clone Wars cartoon. Its unfortunate that, for the most part, Twilight of the Republic is a disappointment, offering up cookie-cutter content that occasionally delights but is mostly overwhelmed by boring quests and middling action.


Skylanders SuperChargers (Wii U) Review | NWR

Added: 21.09.2015 10:17 | 109 views | 0 comments

NWR: Vehicles add a nice twist to the Skylanders formula, which shows off even more refinement and polish in SuperChargers. With every passing year that the Skylanders series continues, there seems to be a palpable fear that the gimmick for the next game will be the straw that breaks the camels back. After seeing the initial reveal of SuperChargers earlier this year, I feared that vehicles would be that final straw, as the land, sea, and air vehicles just added superfluous content to the typical Skylanders Diablo-lite gameplay. But after playing through SuperChargers, I think I missed the point initially. What this new Vicarious Visions-developed Wii U game does so right is variety. Skylanders is no longer just a quality toys-to-life brawler. Its also a kart racer, a flight sim, a car combat game, a Pixar-inspired story, and a Magic the Gathering-inspired card game. SuperChargers has such a wide breadth of content, and everything is executed beautifully.


Rocket League Review | Cubed Gamers

Added: 21.09.2015 10:17 | 94 views | 0 comments

Lorenzo de Luca looks over the popular RC car football simulator.


Stairs - The Game Review (GameWatcher)

Added: 21.09.2015 10:17 | 109 views | 0 comments

From GameWatcher: "From the nerve-shattering likes of the Amnesia games through to more contemporary fare such as Outlast or the upcoming SOMA, its fair to say that PC folks havent exactly been bereft of choice when it comes to offerings that will induce a number of pant-soiling thrills. Thusly, Stairs from GreyLight Entertainment arrives at an awkward juncture, offering little that we havent seen before while encompassing puzzles and exploration elements against the backdrop of practised, if still eminently effective psychological horror beats."


Gears of War Ultimate Edition Review - CramG

Added: 21.09.2015 10:17 | 80 views | 0 comments

A Gears Of War Ultimate Edition review looking at the remaster of the now ten year old game which first appeared on Xbox 360.


Toy Soldiers War Chest Review - CramG

Added: 21.09.2015 10:17 | 104 views | 0 comments

A review of Ubisoft's tower defence style game featuring everyone's favourite childhood toys from yesteryear in Toy Soldiers War Chest.

Tags: Review, Chevy

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