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First FIFA 16 Review (Xbox One) - ThisGenGaming

Added: 20.09.2015 18:17 | 576 views | 0 comments

ThisGenGaming says "After the extremely successful release for the other Football game on the market (Pro Evo 2016), its now FIFAs turn to give the Football crowd their version of what they think a Football simulator should be like. FIFAs biggest addition this year, and most hyped up addition was the inclusion of womens teams to the game which we will talk about in more detail later in the review. Firstly, there are a number of other new features in the game that we should cover."

From: n4g.com

Mad Max PS4 Review (Console Obsession)

Added: 20.09.2015 18:17 | 21 views | 0 comments

Console Obsession says: "I must admit that open-world games set in wastelands sound a bit unappealing, but if a development team has the talent, its possible for them to create a well realised world that is distinctive when compared to many other open-world games."

From: n4g.com

Anna's Quest Review - Alternative Magazine Online

Added: 20.09.2015 18:17 | 84 views | 0 comments

Annas Quest is heavily inspired by the folk tales of Brothers Grimm and makes no secret of this fact, but it isnt merely a simple tale of good versus evil as it first appears. The game would have worked perfectly well if main antagonist Winfriede the witch was simply being evil for evils sake. Instead, shes given a tremendous backstory that makes the hard-hitting conclusion as bittersweet as it is triumphant.

Tags: Quest, Review
From: n4g.com

First FIFA 16 Review (Xbox One) - ThisGenGaming

Added: 20.09.2015 18:17 | 39 views | 0 comments

ThisGenGaming says "After the extremely successful release for the other Football game on the market (Pro Evo 2016), its now FIFAs turn to give the Football crowd their version of what they think a Football simulator should be like. FIFAs biggest addition this year, and most hyped up addition was the inclusion of womens teams to the game which we will talk about in more detail later in the review. Firstly, there are a number of other new features in the game that we should cover."

From: n4g.com

Skylanders SuperChargers Review - From Green Flag to Checkered Flag, This Game Leads the Pack | COG

Added: 20.09.2015 17:17 | 97 views | 0 comments

COG Writes: Skylanders newest game shows they don't need to rely on an already existing IP to make a "Toys-to-Life" game great, the end result being one heck of an enjoyable game.

From: n4g.com

Bombing Busters (PS4) Review (The Outerhaven)

Added: 20.09.2015 17:17 | 46 views | 0 comments

Walter writes: Bombing Busters is a re-named version of the WiiU and PC title Bombing Bastards (Playstation requested a name change), with a new multiplayer mode added in and trophy support. What most people will immediately notice is that Bombing Busters essentially plays the same as the Bomberman titles. The story is near no-existent, with players taking control of a robot created by a Dr. Gallows, who intends to conquer the galaxy (or something). However, this is one of those games where the gameplay is the portion that sucks you in.

From: n4g.com

Skylanders SuperChargers Review - From Green Flag to Checkered Flag, This Game Leads the Pack | COG

Added: 20.09.2015 17:17 | 32 views | 0 comments

COG Writes: Skylanders newest game shows they don't need to rely on an already existing IP to make a "Toys-to-Life" game great, the end result being one heck of an enjoyable game.

From: n4g.com

Until Dawn Review | GameCritics

Added: 20.09.2015 16:17 | 52 views | 0 comments

From writing, acting, technical and gameplay standpoints, Until Dawn is a great accomplishment, and a must-play for fans of interactive movies.

Tags: Daly, Review
From: n4g.com

Until Dawn PS4 Review | Daily Joystick Podcast

Added: 20.09.2015 15:17 | 57 views | 0 comments

Until Dawn isnt a system seller, and it isnt perfect, but it definitely can be added to a persons list of reasons to pick up a PS4 this holiday season.

Tags: Daly, Review
From: n4g.com

Etrian Mystery Dungeon Review (3DS) - Glitch Free Gaming

Added: 20.09.2015 13:17 | 109 views | 0 comments

"Spike Chunsofts Mystery dungeon games are usually lighter on story than traditional RPGs, instead focusing on repetitive yet addictive randomly generated dungeon crawling." Says Glitch Free Gaming

From: n4g.com

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