(WGB) Enslaved: Odyssey to the West Premium Edition - Review
Added: 11.11.2013 21:24 | 3 views | 0 comments
Baden of WGB writes: "Released back in 2010 Enslaved: Odyssey to the West remains one of my favorite games, and it is my firm belief that it was hugely overlooked by players everywhere, despite a positive critical reception and managing to impress people who bothered to play it, selling only 460,000 copies by November of 2010. Skip forward to 2013 and somebody in Namco Bandai pulled the PC-port lever, creating the Enslaved: Odyssey to the West Premium Edition, containing all of the DLC released for the game and upgraded graphics. More importantly it lets me wax lyrical about a game which holds a special place in my heart."
| You Don't Need The Next-Gen - Our Reasons to Skip Launch Day
Added: 11.11.2013 18:18 | 4 views | 0 comments
Clickonline writes: "But for those who came late to the current generation party, or others with no fanatical need for Ryse or Knack, its worth taking a step back for a while, giving these new systems time to find their feet and waiting for that killer app which makes the purchase timely and worthwhile. Right now might be the perfect time to take a look back at the generation that was, to revisit the genuinely innovative titles which heralded the first truly high definition age of home gaming."
| Counter-Strike Skin - Soldiers of Special Forces
Added: 11.11.2013 4:21 | 10 views | 0 comments
Change the standard look of all character by using the new Soldiers of Special Forces addon for Counter Strike 1.6
| Counter-Strike Skin - Walther P22
Added: 11.11.2013 3:30 | 10 views | 0 comments
This is the newest Walther P22 pistol addon for the game Counter Strike 1.6. Enjoy!
| Counter-Strike Skin - Nomex Gloves
Added: 11.11.2013 2:53 | 10 views | 0 comments
Improve your game by adding the new Nomex Gloves addon for the game Counter Strike 1.6
| Counter-Strike Skin - Far Cry 3 MP5
Added: 11.11.2013 1:23 | 14 views | 0 comments
Here is the newest Far Cry 3 MP5 weapon addon for the game Counter Strike 1.6. Enjoy!
| Counter-Strike Skin - SPAS-12
Added: 11.11.2013 0:11 | 10 views | 0 comments
Learn to fight using the new SPAS-12 weapon addon for the game Counter Strike 1.6
| Counter-Strike Skin - SpawN AWP with Crosshair
Added: 09.11.2013 15:24 | 12 views | 0 comments
Shoot opponents using the new SpawN AWP with Crosshair addon for Counter Strike 1.6
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