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Halo on the Atari, and 7 other impressive demakes

Added: 17.02.2015 19:00 | 23 views | 0 comments

Remakes and remasters are a fun facet of modern gaming that allow old games to feel fresh. They give new players a chance to enjoy retro titles in the HD era, while older fans can play the titles of their youth without digging up a CRT television. But what about the opposite? What happens when more recent games get redone as pixelated adventures? That’s how you end up with demakes.

Demakes are clever tributes to the games of today that reimagine them as if they were on the consoles of bygone eras. Whether by the developers themselves or inventive fans, these jokey prequels let you celebrate your love of retro games in a whole new way. And these have to be the most clever demakes out there...

Speaking of Capcom, after Platinum’s staff left the company, the publisher went in a number of new directions. Not all of Capcom’s experiments were successful - for every Dead Rising, there was a Dark Void. The jetpack-based action game wanted to be a serious AAA contender, but it’s a dreadfully boring game, and it doesn’t have half the spirit and sense of fun as its jokey spin-off, Dark Void Zero.

Starting as an April Fool’s goof by the developers at Other Ocean Interactive, Dark Void Zero fast became a reality. The silly 2D download purported itself to be a Playchoice-10 game, because that was one of the earliest dual screen arcade machines that the DS could replicate. A mix of old Metroid, Castlevania, and Contra, this game started as a promotional tool for Dark Void proper. Now Dark Void Zero, a fictionally forgotten game, is the only thing people remember about the series.

A lot of these demakes stick with the warmer, friendlier worlds of 16 and 8-bit gaming, while Halo 2600 heads back to the truly primitive days of Atari. The aged system’s games ruled the United States in the early ‘80s, and are the gaming equivalent of cave paintings today, which is just the feel is going for. It molds Master Chief into the hero of second gen classics like Adventure or the catastrophically bad E.T. game, only you’re the one killing extraterrestrials this time.

It’s a cute way to kill your free time, but it’s also noteworthy for being more connected to the source material than most fanmade freeware. The game is credited to Ed Fries, who older gamers may recall as one of the earliest Xbox bosses. He worked hard to get developers like Bungie on the console, so that explains his connection to the Halo franchise. Halo 2600 came out a few years after he left Microsoft, proving that even if he doesn’t collect an Xbox paycheck, he couldn’t give up on the Chief.

The most recent, faux-old entry is a cute bit of fanservice from Platinum Games. The Osaka, Japan team is known for hiding dense Easter eggs in its games, and the same can be said for Platinum’s website. If you find yourself on the , you’ll be treated to a simple game that recasts company star Bayonetta as a 16-bit angel slayer in a pixelated shooter.

The Flash game obviously lacks the depth of a proper Bayonetta battle, but it’s a cute treat nonetheless. The graphics and chiptune soundtrack feel like a labor of love from fans who dig their own work. I’d happily buy a downloadable offering of a much fuller game. It has the unmistakable vibe of a SNES-era Capcom game, which isn’t surprising considering more than a few Platinum employees were with the company back then.

This demake may have the weirdest backstory and the strangest shift in gameplay styles of all. Fallout has always been a very Western-centric series, but with Fallout: New Vegas, publisher Bethesda had a clever plan for introducing the title to a new audience. When you headed to New Vegas’ , a version of Fallout would boot up that looked suspiciously like a 8-bit RPG.

Turning Fallout into Dragon Quest is a cute trick, and perhaps I could’ve soaked in more of the cleverness if I could actually read Japanese. As it stands, the pixelated world and turn-based action is an adorable way to introduce fans of JRPGs to the long-lived postnuclear roleplaying series. Hopefully this radical strategy convinced at least a few fans of old school Dragon Quest to take a trip down to New Vegas.

Now this here is a pretty passive-aggressive demake. The indie dev team behind Super Meat Boy were resistant to porting their game to iOS. Mainly because the two Meat Boy creators felt that phone games lacked any real depth, and that mobile titles were the current day equivalent of those crummy Tiger Electronics ports from decades ago. Then, to prove their point, the developers literally created a .

As the devs put it, the crappy on-screen controller is both true to iOS gaming and the terrible LCD screens of the early ‘90s. The platforming is intentionally terrible, going along with developer Tommy Refenes' belief that iOS controls of the time But, as intentionally poor as the gameplay and graphics may be, Super Meat Boy Handheld is a humorously ironic lark, and now it feels extra special because the game has since been removed from the App Store, with an actual Meat Boy iOS game coming soon.

Retro City Rampage on the surface feels more like a nostalgia-rific tribute to the games of the ‘80s and ‘90s than a true demake. A bit like a mix of Grand Theft Auto, Mario, Metal Gear, Contra, and a stoned afternoon watching Back to the Future, Retro City Rampage is also a Cinderella story for the makers of unlicensed demakes. More than a decade before its final release, RCR began as one fan’s attempt to make an NES version of GTA3.

In 2002, developer Brian Provinciano had thought it’d be fun to build his own dev tools for the NES, eventually crafting a homebrew title called Grand Theftendo. The top-down action and inventive use of graphics became a cult hit in the indie community, and Provinciano decided to go all out in expanding the cute tribute into a full game. By 2012 Retro City Rampage came out, packed with more references to Generation X than anyone can handle in one sitting.

AM2’s Virtua Fighter games broke boundaries for 3D fighters, and the series was also on the forefront of demakes. While so many other entries in here are postmodern throwbacks, the Genesis/Mega Drive version of Virtua Fighter 2 saw release around the same time as the Saturn version. And because Sega’s 16-bit machine could scarcely handle polygons when porting Virtua Racing, the Genesis version flattened the perspective to make the premiere 3D fighter .

Unless you were still a dedicated Genesis owner in 1997, you likely missed this game, but that’s no great tragedy. It’s a slightly above average 2D brawler that halfheartedly recreates most of the characters and moves of its three dimensional sibling, though the sound is atrocious. The music and SFX are the noise equivalent of pouring an exquisite wine through a dish rag. My heart goes out to any kid who asked for Virtua Fighter 2 as a gift and got this version.

I have strong nostalgia for the Game Watch handhelds of the early ‘80s, though advocating for them sounds like I’m saying, “Ditch that car for a horse and carriage. Sure, it’s out of date, but the buggy whip is outstanding.” Nintendo’s clock combos have simple action akin to the cheapest of today’s iOS games, and you can get a pretty accurate feel for them in , a unique tribute to God of War.

Invented by fans for the granddaddy of Flash gaming, Newgrounds, Greek Wicked takes the Hydra boss battle that opened up the first GoW and makes it as lo-fi as possible. The characters may be flat silhouettes, and the noise beeps ‘n boops, but it’s still a faithful recreation, right down to the QTE conclusion. And just like in classic Game Watch releases, you can beat Greek Wicked in minutes, and are expected to repeat it endlessly until your character dies. Truly, this version of Kratos is worthy of GW’s legacy.

That’s a diverse set of tributes, including a number that are more than a little official, but am I missing any? Drop some links in the comments, because I’m always ready for another dose of faux nostalgia.

Looking for more remakes? Check out .

Nintendo won an Emmy, and 9 more strange gaming facts

Added: 16.02.2015 22:00 | 13 views | 0 comments

At a very young age, I longed to play the board game Trivial Pursuit, but I was too young to have the knowledge needed to succeed. From then on I worked hard to collect all the useless knowledge I could in the hopes of one day being the ultimate trivia game champion. That hasn’t really worked out so far, but a handy side effect is I have a ton unnecessary information on subjects such as games, and that information demands to be shared.

Still, in a long career of compiling lists of errata, you end up with a lot of unexpected strangeness that doesn’t really fit anywhere else. But all these little nuggets of unlikely gaming knowledge need a space for recognition as well, so I’ve collected them into one weird place. Ones that will make people go, “Really?” before Googling their veracity. But, believe it or not, these bits of off-the-wall gaming trivia are all real...

The directional pad (D-pad for short) is such a constant in the gaming world that it seems weird that any one company could lay claim to it, but Nintendo did just that for decades. Created for an early portable recreation of Donkey Kong, the cross-shaped input method felt superior to just about any other control at the time, and it’s still a standard for 2D movement. In honor of that achievement, Nintendo was awarded an Emmy to further cement the d-pad’s legacy. That may seem strange, as Emmys are mainly known as awards for television, but the d-pad’s award falls under the ‘science’ section of The National Academy of Television Arts Sciences. Officially Nintendo won it for “” back in 2007, and I think it’s a wasted opportunity that all future controllers didn’t have ‘Emmy Winning!” on the packaging.

The Xbox had a ho-hum debut in 2000, so Bill Gates needed a People’s Champion like The Rock to make Microsoft’s first game machine ‘the People’s Console.’ With no real stars of its own yet, Xbox certainly needed The Rock’s fame to spread the word - way more people had heard of the wrestler than some green dude called Master Chief. So, when people got their at the final version original Xbox and its huge controller in early 2001, the WWE champion was right next to Bill Gates talking up such advanced features as “broadband” and “DVD playback.” Trust me, that was much more impressive back then, especially when you see The Rock towering over the richest guy on the planet.

Jen Taylor is one of a number of voice talent that work on countless games, even if many gamers don’t know her by name. Jen appears in titles as diverse as Left 4 Dead and Guild Wars 2, but her contributions to two of gaming’s biggest series is her real claim to fame. Ms. Taylor spent close to a decade playing Cortana in Halo and Princess Peach in nearly every Mario game, the first ladies of their respective consoles. Jen last played Peach back in 2008, but remains the voice of Cortana, and will likely stay that way until a real-life AI replaces her in 2234.

Pizza Hut is a totally adequate fast food chain many North American gamers have likely consumed at one point or another, perhaps without knowing that there’s a behind-the-scenes connection to games. Prior to his tenure as the United States Nintendo boss, Reggie Fils-Aime worked for Pizza Hut. No mere delivery guy, Reggie was Senior Director of National Marketing for the chain, and oversaw the creation of the radical ‘90s foodbeast, . Reggie also spent time at VH1 when the cable channel had the successful Pop-Up Video series. Between those two jobs, he basically ran about 60% of what I ate and watched in the 1990s.

As illuminated in the 2014 book Console Wars, Sonic’s birth wasn’t an easy one, with a lot of give and take between the Japanese developers and the American executives. The original idea for Sonic (surely no relation to the singer of the same name). The blonde woman in a tight red dress added some sex appeal to the game, something Sega of America executives weren’t really looking for in a game for kids. After some tense discussions, Madonna was booted from the series, and Sonic’s developers would have to wait until 2006 to make their human/hedgehog pairing a reality.

I like this fact because it’s so mathematically perfect. Nintendo loved emphasizing the 64-bit power of its black plastic console, going so far as to put the numeral in the name. But it went much deeper than that. As , the square N logo the system used had 64 sides and 64 vertices. Yes, that could just be a polygonal coincidence, but knowing how precise the Nintendo developers are, and how much they love hiding secrets like this, I’m betting it’s no accident.

The late Steve Jobs is regarded as a genius businessman who changed the way people use technology. But once upon a time he was a techy nerd in Northern California helped expand Atari's burgeoning game catalog. Jobs and dev partner Steve Wozniak were given the assignment to make a single player version of Pong. The resulting game was 1976’s Breakout, which paved the wave for dozens of clones and loosely inspired hundreds more. The proto-shooter netted Jobs some much-needed cash for his next project, though the future tech baron also asked if Atari founder Nolan Bushnell would be interested in investing. Nolan turned him down, giving up a possible 50% stake in Apple Inc. that I'm sure in no way haunts his every waking thought to this day.

NBA fans know Dennis Rodman is as weird as he is talented, so this odd story is par for the course. From the beginning, Dead or Alive featured a character who looked and dressed a lot like the Chicago Bulls champion. Eccentric fighter Zack was part of the roster since Dead or Alive began, but when the character took a leading role in the libidinous Xtreme Volleyball, the fighter started sounding more like Rodman as well. Yes, Dennis became the voice of his own parody, showing either a good sense of humor, or the keen business sense to make a quick buck off a silly tribute to him. Rodman only played Zack that one time, and now that Dennis was recently seen hanging out with a certain North Korean dictator, I’d say Zack’s life of private islands and volleyball contests seems the more normal one these days.

Baseball is regarded as an all-American sport, but when Seattle, WA was in danger of losing The Mariners, the city had to look outside of North America for help. Nintendo's US branch has been headquartered just outside of Seattle for years, so in 1992 Nintendo’s top man, Hiroshi Yamauchi, chose to buy the team as a sort of favor to the town. Nintendo still owns The Mariners to this day - explaining all those Ken Griffey Jr. games - and when Yamauchi passed away in 2013, many sports journalists billed him as ‘Mariners owner’ instead of ‘guy who saved the North American video game industry’ - admittedly, the latter takes up way more space in headlines.

Ed Boon has been serious about Mortal Kombat ever since he co-created the series with Jon Tobias. One such sign of Boon’s devotion to the series is that, even as it enters its third decade, Boon still voices MK poster boy Scorpion. Boon voiced him in every installment until 2011’s Mortal Kombat reboot. Scorpion’s new voice was Patrick Seltz, but his catchphrase ‘Get over here!’ was still shouted by Boon. As strange as it may sound for Scorpion’s voice to subtly change in battle, it’d be hard to hear anyone else shout that famous line.

Those are the most randomly weird facts I could cobble together today, but if you have anything else to add to this, make your case in the comments below!

Desperate to learn more trivia? Check out .

Sony Abandons Trademark for The Last Guardian

Added: 16.02.2015 20:00 | 3 views | 0 comments

Sony has abandoned the trademark for The Last Guardian.

According to the United States Patent and Trademark Office, the trademark was abandoned today, February 16, because "no Statement of Use or Extension Request timely filed after Notice of Allowance was issued."


The Order: 1886 Dev Discusses Gameplay Mechanics; States it Has More Than any Other Game

Added: 16.02.2015 15:10 | 2 views | 0 comments

When asked about the gameplay mechanics present within The Order: 1886, Ru Weerasuriya explained that the game has many different things going for it and that it has more mechanics than any other single game.


Pokken Tournament: Cant Catch em All. Because Nintendo.

Added: 15.02.2015 13:10 | 31 views | 0 comments

WASDuk's Chris Patton covers the confirmed roster of Poke-fighters and support-mon as well as how Nintendo is going to screw this all up: "Right, because who needs patience when you can just describe the roster as a tad short so far? How do you say, Yeah, not so many options there yet, in Japanese? Currently, only six characters in Lucario, Blaziken, Machamp, Gardevoir, Suicune, and Pikachu have been announced. Such a mix of electric-types, psychic, fighting, fire, and others mean that no Pokemon is off-limits as a future reveal. Assist characters are also available to use. Currently, Snivy, Frogadier, Emolga, Eevee, Fennekin, and Lapras are confirmed as supports. Additionally, the game will not feature fighters from the Tekken series. Almost immediately after Bandai Namco offered the above roster announcements, conservative commentators here in the States complained, I think with more than some justice, about a double-standard in Pokken Tournament. They asked, how come we d...


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