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TwitchPlaysPokémon has conquered Crystal

Added: 15.03.2014 18:20 | 23 views | 0 comments

A week and a half ago, TwitchPlaysPokémon turned its sights to Pokemon Crystal and has since conquered the game in 9 days, 12 hours, and 25 minutes. The stream doesn't have the insanely massive audience as it did originally but, in either case, another game will be started in the coming days. You'll be able [...]

Source: feedproxy.google.com

More screenshots from Mario Golf: World Tour

Added: 15.03.2014 18:20 | 25 views | 0 comments

There's more screenshots from Mario Golf: World Tour after the break.

Tags: Torn, Mario, World, Most
Source: feedproxy.google.com

Lumiose City confirmed as a stage within the next Smash Bros. game

Added: 11.03.2014 21:12 | 27 views | 0 comments

Masahiro Sakurai has confirmed that Lumiose City will be one of the stages in the next Smash Bros. game on the 3DS. Here's what Sakurai said about the above image: The Prism Tower rises above Lumiose City. Up until a few seconds ago, the fighters were brawling on top of that tower. No, really. Exciting [...]

Source: feedproxy.google.com

A new trailer for Yoshi’s New Island

Added: 11.03.2014 21:12 | 25 views | 0 comments

Nintendo has released a new trailer for Yoshi's New Island and you can check it out after the break. There's also an hour's worth of gameplay footage to watch if you don't mind spoilers.

Source: feedproxy.google.com

What would Nintendo games look like on the iPhone?

Added: 11.03.2014 20:02 | 26 views | 0 comments

The folks at Redbull have mocked up a few designs of what classic Nintendo games could look like if they were mixed with modern-day "classics" on the iPhone. Be warned though: if putting "Nintendo" and "iPhone" in the same sentence raises your blood pressure, these images may kill you.

Tags: Nintendo, When
Source: feedproxy.google.com

Nintendo will be at Gamescom 2014

Added: 11.03.2014 20:02 | 25 views | 0 comments

If you're living in Germany — or can easily get to Germany — you'll be happy to hear that Nintendo is returning to Gamescom this year. It's too early to know for sure what they'll be showing off but I don't think it's a stretch to expect Smash Bros. on the show floor.

Source: feedproxy.google.com

The development of Moon Chronicles has reached “the final stretch”

Added: 11.03.2014 19:59 | 21 views | 0 comments

Jools Watsham of Renegade Kid has mentioned on Twitter that Moon Chronicles — the upcoming, episodic first-person shooter — has reached the final stretch of development. They're currently fixing bugs and polishing the game and will be submitting it to Nintendo "soon." Shouldn't be that much longer of a wait.

Source: feedproxy.google.com

There will be “extended maintenance” for the eShop on March 13th

Added: 11.03.2014 19:59 | 14 views | 0 comments

Nintendo has confirmed that the eShop on the 3DS and Wii U will go down for maintenance on March 13th at 1pm PST. And, of course, "During the extended maintenance, parts of the affected services may be intermittently unavailable." So when the eShop goes down, don't panic. The world's not ending. Have a little patience [...]

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Deal – 25% off preorders of Mario Golf: World Tour

Added: 08.03.2014 16:56 | 34 views | 0 comments

Ahead of its release in early May, Amazon has dropped the price of Mario Golf: World Tour. At the moment, you're able to preorder the game for just $29.99, which is a savings of $10 (or 25%). If you're planning to pick up the game anyway, I can't imagine you'll find a better deal.

Source: feedproxy.google.com

A gameplay video for IronFall will be released before the end of March

Added: 08.03.2014 16:52 | 25 views | 0 comments

IronFall is a third-person shooter for the 3DS that, based on what we've seen, look quite compelling. And luckily,  the developers have since confirmed that "a gameplay video will be released before April arrives." The AI system has also been apparently rebuilt from the ground up, so it should be interesting to see the results [...]

Tags: Fate, April
Source: feedproxy.google.com

Keiji Inafune reveals new game for 3DS eShop

Added: 08.03.2014 16:41 | 29 views | 0 comments

Keiji Inafune, the creator of Mega Man and the upcoming Mighty No. 9, has revealed that he has another game in the works for the 3DS that is set for release via eShop. The game is an action side-scroller known as Azure Striker Gunvolt and you can check out a video after the break.

Tags: Mega, Mega Man
Source: feedproxy.google.com

Preorders open for Kirby Triple Deluxe

Added: 08.03.2014 16:37 | 33 views | 0 comments

If you're keen for the release of Kirby Triple Deluxe on May 2nd, you're now able to preorder the game via Amazon.com. Based on what we've seen and heard so far, you'll probably want the game in your 3DS sooner or later.

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Revealed: Animal Crossing stage for the next Smash Bros. game

Added: 08.03.2014 16:26 | 38 views | 0 comments

Masahiro Sakurai has revealed via Miiverse that Tortimer Island from Animal Crossing will feature as a stage in the 3DS version of the next Smash Bros. game. You can see a glimpse of it above.

Source: feedproxy.google.com

More footage from Pokemon Battle Trozei

Added: 08.03.2014 16:23 | 21 views | 0 comments

Pokemon Battle Trozei is set for release later this month and, in the mean time, there's a couple of videos to watch after the break.

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Nintendo releases a minor update for Miiverse

Added: 06.03.2014 16:50 | 27 views | 0 comments

Nintendo has released a minor update for Miiverse on the 3DS and Wii U that adds "a feature that lets you filter a community’s popular posts by date." And, for clarity, "the date displayed is when the posts were popular, rather than when they were made." A simple addition, perhaps, but a useful one.

Tags: Nintendo
Source: feedproxy.google.com

Nintendo asks gamers to share data with them from Yoshi’s New Island

Added: 06.03.2014 16:41 | 17 views | 0 comments

When you launch Yoshi's New Island for the first time, the following message appears: Share gameplay data with Nintendo? We will use this info to help future games. There's no specification of what data will be collected though or how it will be used. But at the same time, software companies have been doing this sort [...]

Source: feedproxy.google.com

A new screenshot from Smash Bros.

Added: 06.03.2014 16:34 | 24 views | 0 comments

Masahiro Sakurai has shared a new screenshot of Little Mac from the next Smash Bros. game on the 3DS. You can check after the break for a description of the screenshot. Pic of the day. Little Mac’s side smash attack is his straight right punch…but it can transform into an uppercut if you tilt diagonally [...]

Tags: Little, Smart
Source: feedproxy.google.com

Cut the Rope: Triple Treat release date revealed, new screenshots

Added: 04.03.2014 17:06 | 22 views | 0 comments

Cut the Rope: Triple Treat has been confirmed for release on the 28th of March in the United Kingdom. In the mean time, there's new screenshots to check out after the break.

Tags: Mario, United
Source: feedproxy.google.com

Cool: Nintendo’s Company Handbook

Added: 04.03.2014 16:22 | 21 views | 0 comments

Every year, Nintendo releases a new edition of their company handbook — a book that's packed with every think an employee of Nintendo needs to know. Compared to most company handbooks, I'd have to say this looks quite stunning.

Source: feedproxy.google.com

You can now preorder the Yoshi’s New Island 3DS XL in North America

Added: 04.03.2014 16:16 | 19 views | 0 comments

A few days ago, we learned that the Yoshi's New Island 3DS XL is set for release in North America. You can now preorder that system via Best Buy and GameStop. Who plans to pick it up?

Tags: Island, North, Been
Source: feedproxy.google.com

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