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A teaser for the fan-made Mother 4

Added: 21.08.2013 8:24 | 9 views | 0 comments

Mother 4, a fan-made sequel to Mother is in development with the release window set for winter in 2014. In the mean time though, there's a teaser trailer that can be watched after the break. You can also check out the official website.

Source: feedproxy.google.com

BIT.TRIP Saga to only cost $5 on the eShop in September

Added: 21.08.2013 8:24 | 12 views | 0 comments

Folks in North America will be able to pick up BIT.TRIP Saga via the eShop for just $5 between the 1st and 15th of September. Saga is a collection that contains BIT.TRIP Beat, Core, Void, Runner, Fate and Flux, and the $5 price point is a savings of $10. Seems like a good deal to [...]

Source: feedproxy.google.com

The first screenshots from Dragon Quest Monsters 2 on the 3DS

Added: 18.08.2013 22:25 | 19 views | 0 comments

Square Enix has released the first screenshots from Dragon Quest Monsters 2 on the 3DS. You can check them out after the break.

Source: feedproxy.google.com

More footage from Monster Hunter 4

Added: 18.08.2013 22:25 | 9 views | 0 comments

You can find more footage from Monster Hunter 4 after the break.

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Off-screen footage from Pokémon X Y

Added: 18.08.2013 22:25 | 17 views | 0 comments

Lucky folks in Japan are able to get their hands on a demo for Pokémon X and Pokémon Y, and off-screen footage from that demo can be found after the break. It might not be as good as actually playing it, but I'd still say we're lucky-ish for being able to live vicariously.

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Grinsia is coming to the 3DS

Added: 18.08.2013 22:25 | 12 views | 0 comments

Nicalis has announced that they're bringing Kemoco's Grinsia to the 3DS. The game is an RPG that originally appeared on iOS and Android. You can check out a trailer after the break.

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Blame Nintendo for limited demo of Etrian Odyssey IV in Europe

Added: 18.08.2013 22:25 | 16 views | 0 comments

A demo for Etrian Odyssey IV is available in both North America an Europe, for folks in Europe are only able to play it a total of three times compared to North America's thirty times. Why? Because of Nintendo wanting to leave gamers "wanting more". But I'd say that's the job of the demo itself. [...]

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers coming to Europe on September 20th

Added: 18.08.2013 22:25 | 40 views | 0 comments

Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers was originally scheduled for release in Europe on the 17th of September. It has now been slightly delayed, however, until the 20th of September (and the 25th of September i the eShop). For those waiting for the game, just hold on a little bit longer.

Source: feedproxy.google.com

The Pokémon Company reveals more Mega Pokémon

Added: 14.08.2013 0:48 | 31 views | 0 comments

Over the past week or so, we've heard quite a lot about "Mega Pokémon", which are a new stage of evolution that certain Pokémon are able to access. The Pokémon Company has since revealed the following Pokémon will have this extra evolution: Absol Ampharos Mawhil Kangaskhan was also revealed to have a Mega form a [...]

Source: feedproxy.google.com

A fan-made Metroid film is now on Kickstarter

Added: 14.08.2013 0:48 | 15 views | 0 comments

If you've always wanted a film based around the Metroid franchise, then you might be interested in a fan-made short-film that's looking for funding on Kickstarter. Known as Metroid: Enemies Within, the film is described as follows: Samus Aran, a bounty hunter for the Galactic Federation, wakes up on an unknown ship after being rendered [...]

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Here are the first 151 Pokémon drawn by different artists

Added: 14.08.2013 0:48 | 17 views | 0 comments

While there's obviously reasons to be excited for Pokemon X and Pokemon Y, it's always a joy to reflect on the original batch of Pokémon. That's why is gave me all sorts of warm and fuzzy feeling to see every one of those Pokémon drawn by a different artist, as organised by Justin's Blog. The [...]

Source: feedproxy.google.com

A message from Eiji Aonuma about A Link Between Worlds

Added: 09.08.2013 8:27 | 19 views | 0 comments

After the recent Nintendo Direct broadcast, Eiji Aonuma shared the above screenshot and a message about The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds. You can find it after the break. One more thing, new information about The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds was also revealed in this Nintendo Direct. We talked about [...]

Source: feedproxy.google.com

The release date for Flipnote Studio 3D has been changed to “TBD” in North America

Added: 09.08.2013 7:56 | 24 views | 0 comments

We heard that Flipnote Studio 3D was delayed in Europe due to the online service being pounded by too much activity in Japan, but Nintendo never said anything about the game in North America. Technically, they still haven't "said" anything, but the official website for the game has changed the release date to "TBD". As [...]

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Zelda, Professor Layton, and Pokémon to be playable later this month at GamesCom

Added: 09.08.2013 7:26 | 12 views | 0 comments

Nintendo has confirmed that — between August 21st and 25th at GamesCom in Cologne, Germany — the following games for the 3DS will be playable: Pokémon X / Y Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds Who's going to check ‘em out?

Source: feedproxy.google.com

A new trailer for Monster Hunter 4

Added: 09.08.2013 6:56 | 10 views | 0 comments

Capcom has released a gorgeous new trailer for Monster Hunter 4 and it can be found after the break. The game itself will be released in Japan on the 4th of September.

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Mega Pokémon are coming to Pokémon X Y

Added: 09.08.2013 6:25 | 14 views | 0 comments

CoroCoro magazine has leaked the existence of "Mega Pokémon" within Pokémon X and Pokémon Y. These are new evolution forms possible with certain Pokémon, including Blaziken, Absol, Mawile, Mewtwo, Lucario, and Ampharos. As an example, you'll be able to evolve Mewtwo into MegaMewtwo and gain an "Insomnia" ability. These details were revealed in the scans [...]

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Nintendo reveals the “Welcome a Friend Promotion” for Animal Crossing: New Leaf

Added: 09.08.2013 6:25 | 13 views | 0 comments

Do you meet the following conditions? You live in Europe. You have a copy of Animal Crossing: New Leaf. You have a friend who has just bought a 3DS XL and hasn't registered it (or registered it after the 6th of August). Then check after the break to get your friend a free copy of [...]

Source: feedproxy.google.com

The full Nintendo Direct from August 7th

Added: 09.08.2013 6:25 | 16 views | 0 comments

If you missed the Nintendo Direct broadcast on August 7th, you can watch the full presentation after the break. Granted, all the important 3DS news is on this blog right now (or will be shortly).

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan is coming to Europe on the 30th of August

Added: 09.08.2013 6:25 | 15 views | 0 comments

As confirmed in the recent Nintendo Direct event, folks in Europe will soon be able to pick up Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan. The game will be available on the 30th of August.

Source: feedproxy.google.com

More footage from The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds

Added: 07.08.2013 10:27 | 12 views | 0 comments

You can check after the break for more footage from The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds.

Tags: Live, Legend, Most
Source: feedproxy.google.com

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