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Blek animated walkthrough for levels 1 through 10

Added: 12.05.2014 11:46 | 1 views | 0 comments

Blek animated walkthrough for levels 1 through 10 Blek is an inventive and elegant puzzle game, inspired by calligraphy, Japanese prints, and the antique game Snake. You start each level by drawing a squiggle, which will then keep repeating itself. The goal is to draw a self-perpetuating doodle that scores through all the coloured dots, without touching the black ones. In this animated guide, we'll show you one solution to each puzzle in th...

Tags: Japanese, Blue
Source: feedproxy.google.com

Blek animated walkthrough for levels 11 through 20

Added: 12.05.2014 11:45 | 1 views | 0 comments

Blek animated walkthrough for levels 11 through 20 Blek is an inventive and elegant puzzle game, inspired by calligraphy, Japanese prints, and the antique game Snake. You start each level by drawing a squiggle, which will then keep repeating itself. The goal is to draw a self-perpetuating doodle that scores through all the coloured dots, without touching the black ones. In this animated guide, we'll show you one solution to each puzzle in th...

Tags: Japanese, Blue
Source: feedproxy.google.com

Blek animated walkthrough for levels 21 through 30

Added: 12.05.2014 11:44 | 1 views | 0 comments

Blek animated walkthrough for levels 21 through 30 Blek is an inventive and elegant puzzle game, inspired by calligraphy, Japanese prints, and the antique game Snake. You start each level by drawing a squiggle, which will then keep repeating itself. The goal is to draw a self-perpetuating doodle that scores through all the coloured dots, without touching the black ones. In this animated guide, we'll show you one solution to each puzzle in th...

Tags: Japanese, Blue
Source: feedproxy.google.com

Blek animated walkthrough for levels 31 through 40

Added: 12.05.2014 11:43 | 1 views | 0 comments

Blek animated walkthrough for levels 31 through 40 Blek is an inventive and elegant puzzle game, inspired by calligraphy, Japanese prints, and the antique game Snake. You start each level by drawing a squiggle, which will then keep repeating itself. The goal is to draw a self-perpetuating doodle that scores through all the coloured dots, without touching the black ones. In this animated guide, we'll show you one solution to each puzzle in th...

Tags: Japanese, Blue
Source: feedproxy.google.com

Blek animated walkthrough for levels 41 through 50

Added: 12.05.2014 11:42 | 1 views | 0 comments

Blek animated walkthrough for levels 41 through 50 Blek is an inventive and elegant puzzle game, inspired by calligraphy, Japanese prints, and the antique game Snake. You start each level by drawing a squiggle, which will then keep repeating itself. The goal is to draw a self-perpetuating doodle that scores through all the coloured dots, without touching the black ones. In this animated guide, we'll show you one solution to each puzzle in th...

Tags: Japanese, Blue
Source: feedproxy.google.com

Blek animated walkthrough for levels 51 through 60

Added: 12.05.2014 11:41 | 1 views | 0 comments

Blek animated walkthrough for levels 51 through 60 Blek is an inventive and elegant puzzle game, inspired by calligraphy, Japanese prints, and the antique game Snake. You start each level by drawing a squiggle, which will then keep repeating itself. The goal is to draw a self-perpetuating doodle that scores through all the coloured dots, without touching the black ones. In this animated guide, we'll show you one solution to each puzzle in th...

Tags: Japanese, Blue
Source: feedproxy.google.com

Half-Life 2 and Portal are now available on Nvidia Shield in full and looking good

Added: 12.05.2014 11:01 | 0 views | 0 comments

Half-Life 2 and Portal are now available on Nvidia Shield in full and looking good It's May 12th, and as we found out last week, that means classic puzzle platformer Portal is now available to play on the NVIDIA Shield. But that's not the only Valve game to hit the Shield today. Remember that green crowbar sent to Android Police last week? Yep, get excited Android players. It turns out that Valve's highly-praised first-person shooter Half-Life 2 is also available on the Sh...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Wayward Souls, Hearthstone, and Astro Golf are heading the Quality Index's Top 10 rated iOS and Android games of April 2014

Added: 12.05.2014 10:57 | 0 views | 0 comments

Wayward Souls, Hearthstone, and Astro Golf are heading the Quality Index's Top 10 rated iOS and Android games of April 2014 If you were wondering what the best-reviewed iOS and 'droid games on the web last month were, here are the iPhone Quality Index, iPad Quality Index, and Android Quality Index round-ups for April to fill you in. The iPhone, iPad, and Android Quality Indexes boast over 650,000 reviews (in total) from websites like 148Apps, Pocket Gamer, and IGN, and use a unique metric to create a single definiti...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Win an iPad by tracking down Godzilla!

Added: 12.05.2014 8:52 | 1 views | 0 comments

Win an iPad by tracking down Godzilla! When we were told Godzilla was heading to cinemas across the UK on May 15th, we weren't prepared to take it so... literally. You see, there are rumours that the King of the Monsters has surfaced in the UK. There's only one thing we, as Pocket Gamer, can do to track down his location. We're calling on you, dear readers, to use your gaming prowess to seek out the radioactive crash site in ...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Go Kane! is a drug-dealing sim that was banned from iOS but is now available on Android

Added: 12.05.2014 7:06 | 0 views | 0 comments

Go Kane! is a drug-dealing sim that was banned from iOS but is now available on Android Go Kane! is a not particularly interesting game about dealing drugs, made a little teresting by the fact that Apple rejected it from the App Store because of its content. Luckily though, Google doesn't care about corrupting the youth of today, and the game is available right now on the Play Store. The game sees you buying and selling a variety of non-specific powders and pills in orde...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Review: Hack, Slash, Loot

Added: 12.05.2014 5:35 | 1 views | 0 comments

Hack, Slash, Loot Hack, Slash, Loot isn't the most minimalist roguelike you'll find on the App Store, and it manages to retain some semblance of lore and a wider universe as you poke your way through its deadly dungeons. But it's simple enough that anyone can swipe their way through its blue-hued underworld, hacking up kobolds and lizardmen as they do. It's not a particularly rewarding adventure in the long t...

Tags: Lots
Source: feedproxy.google.com

Coming this week: JoyJoy, Borderlands 2, The Walking Dead...

Added: 12.05.2014 5:32 | 1 views | 0 comments

Coming this week: JoyJoy, Borderlands 2, The Walking Dead... Once again, we're here to offer a sneak peek at what you can expect in the world of handheld games in the next seven days. Including a subterranean adventure and a loot-em-up shoot-em-up. Plenty more good stuff will surface throughout the week, too, as we explore the swampy bayou of the various shops and unearth some new surprises. You should also note that dates, platforms, and details are ...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

PG's top 5 moments of the week - No gay marriage for Nintendo, the best games of April...

Added: 10.05.2014 19:00 | 0 views | 0 comments

PG's top 5 moments of the week - No gay marriage for Nintendo, the best games of April... Every week, Pocket Gamer provides a weekly digest of the most important and popular stories from these digital pages. It was an interesting week for those who like to play video games on devices you can fit in your pocket. I mean, you could probably get an iPad mini in a coat pocket if you pushed hard enough. Rovio announced a game without the words "angry" or "birds" in the title, Nintendo ...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Week That Was: Hearthstone takes the chill off of Blizzard's Q1, King harnesses the power of 143m DAUs, and GungHo's sales up 62%

Added: 10.05.2014 5:00 | 0 views | 0 comments

Week That Was: Hearthstone takes the chill off of Blizzard's Q1, King harnesses the power of 143m DAUs, and GungHo's sales up 62% It's tempting, easy even, to look back at the past 129 days of 2014 as a collection of numbers and figures, but doing so risks extreme oversimplification. Take, for example, King (née King.com)'s performance to date - with quarterly profits of some $127 million and its year-on-year revenue up 194 percent, it’d be easy to think that it’s been having a great time of 2014. But looking back at the h...

Tags: Kids
Source: feedproxy.google.com

Rayman Jungle Run can now be yours for 99c / 69p

Added: 09.05.2014 16:13 | 8 views | 0 comments

Rayman Jungle Run can now be yours for 99c / 69p The Pocket Gamer Gold Award-winning platformer Rayman Jungle Run just took a huge hit to its price tag. Don't feel too badly for it, however, as its loss is your chance to gain. For a limited time, the bright and shiny auto-runner is on sale for 60 per cent off - down to 99c/69p on the App Store - on Google Play, it's 99c / 99p. This isn't the best price we've seen for it, and it's pretty...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Singular is a new iOS and Android action-puzzler about popping cells and discovering diversity

Added: 09.05.2014 12:48 | 0 views | 0 comments

Singular is a new iOS and Android action-puzzler about popping cells and discovering diversity Francois Alliot brought his treacherous action-puzzler Singular to iOS and Android this week.  As noted in our previous coverage, Singular started out as a Ludum Dare game made for PC in 48 hours, but Alliot has since expanded and polished it for mobile and tablets. This new version has a story, new blue cells to interact with and avoid, plus plenty of extra levels. The gameplay is compar...

Tags: Daly, Android
Source: feedproxy.google.com

Kickstart this: The Way's pretty pixels and mysterious alien world are inspired by Another World

Added: 09.05.2014 11:46 | 0 views | 0 comments

Kickstart this: The Way's pretty pixels and mysterious alien world are inspired by Another World Imagine Atari classic 2D puzzle platformer Another World redesigned today. That's the impression I'm getting from PlayWay's The Way. But it can't just be hopeful nostalgia that's fuelling the The Way's momentum on Kickstarter (the funding goal has nearly been met in less than a week). The pretty pixels depict a rich and dangerous alien world that offers as many scenic views as it does s...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Pocket Gamer Podcast: Episode 273 - Tomodachi strife

Added: 09.05.2014 10:23 | 1 views | 0 comments

Pocket Gamer Podcast: Episode 273 - Tomodachi strife This week, Peter, Harry, and I take Nintendo to task for the way it has handled the same sex relationship "glitch" in upcoming 3DS sim Tomodachi Life.  Group scolding delivered, Peter talks about his experience with Rovio's latest project RETRY, and I share the newest details regarding the plot of Telltale's upcoming adventure Tales from the Borderlands. New release Warhammer 40,000: Carnage...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Foodo Kitchen wins Krakow's Big Indie Pitch winner with its messy baking for monsters

Added: 09.05.2014 10:17 | 0 views | 0 comments

Foodo Kitchen wins Krakow's Big Indie Pitch winner with its messy baking for monsters Pocket Gamer's latest Big Indie Pitch took place in Krakow, Poland for the first time on May 7th. In total, 32 developers from around Poland presented their games to the judges with just three minutes each, kind of like a speed-date. Once done (and stuffed with pizza), the judges then had to decide on a single game to crown the winner, as well as two runners-up. Those chosen will hopefull...

Tags: Onto, Pocket, Indie
Source: feedproxy.google.com

Modern Combat 5 will feature classes, unified progression, and a trip to Japan according to Gameloft

Added: 09.05.2014 8:56 | 0 views | 0 comments

Modern Combat 5 will feature classes, unified progression, and a trip to Japan according to Gameloft Gameloft has released some more details about its upcoming war-bro shooter Modern Combat 5: Blackout. The game is set to have persistent stats across multiplayer and single player, meaning any super-duper kill points you get in the MP will be applied to your character in the single player game as well. And vice-versa. Weapon unlocks also cross over, and there's a new progression system t...

Tags: Japan, Combat
Source: feedproxy.google.com

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