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Android Games  RSS
Star Wars: Assault Team is a new card collecting strategy battler for iOS, Windows Phone, and Android

Added: 28.03.2014 8:31 | 1 views | 0 comments

Star Wars: Assault Team is a new card collecting strategy battler for iOS, Windows Phone, and Android Star Wars! Wars in the stars! Wars between the stars? Come to think of it, it's a really bad title. And now George Lucas has sold the franchise to Disney, he can't go back and change it. That was a joke. Anyway, there's a new Star Wars strategic card battling game out. It's called Star Wars: Assault Team, and it sees you building a team of plucky characters from the Star Wars universe and...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Captain America: The Winter Soldier is officially out now on iOS and Android

Added: 28.03.2014 8:07 | 1 views | 0 comments

Captain America: The Winter Soldier is officially out now on iOS and Android There's a bit in the new Captain America film where he punches a guy super-hard. It's because he's a super-soldier. And that's because he took some super-serum. Everything is 'super' in Captain America's world. He has a shield, too. Some of that might have been a spoiler. Anyway, because there's a new Captain America film out, there's also a new tie-in game out. It's made by Gameloft, and fe...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Plants vs Zombies 2: It's About Time has been updated with a new world, new plants, and some other stuff

Added: 28.03.2014 7:14 | 2 views | 0 comments

Plants vs Zombies 2: It's About Time has been updated with a new world, new plants, and some other stuff Plants vs Zombies 2: It's About Time has been updated with some new plants and zombies. This time, though, they're from the far future. So, yes, some of them are in stompy futuristic machines. Probably because of evil future science. There's a new Far Future world for the plants and zombies to mash the opposing force's faces into. Oh, and there are new Power Tiles... whatever they might be....

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Threes! dev talks about cloning, iterations, the development process, and more

Added: 28.03.2014 6:45 | 2 views | 0 comments

Threes! dev talks about cloning, iterations, the development process, and more There was a point when we didn't get any work done at Pocket Gamer because we are all too busy playing Threes! Suffice it to say, it was a pretty good week. It's fair to say, then, that we liked this simple, addictive number-sliding puzzle. We gave it a Gold Award, after all. And, no, those things don't grow on secret Gold Award trees we've got planted in our medal garden. Oh, no. Anyway,...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Review: Tiny City

Added: 28.03.2014 5:44 | 3 views | 0 comments

Tiny City Just when I was thinking to myself, "boy, I haven't played a town builder in a good long while", along comes Tiny City from Chillingo. I've been craving one of these for a good few weeks actually, and it's nice to get a chance to review one that looks, from its App Store and Google Play product page at least, like a fairly middle-of-the-road kind of builder. Even Chillingo's own description ...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

The best Android games this week - Goofy Bird, Epoch 2, and Little Big Adventure

Added: 28.03.2014 5:42 | 4 views | 0 comments

The best Android games this week - Goofy Bird, Epoch 2, and Little Big Adventure Every Friday, Pocket Gamer offers hands-on impressions of the week's three best new Android games. Golfy Bird By Noodlecake Studios - download on Android (Free) Believe me: I'm as sick of this Flappy trend as anyone, and my eyes immediately glaze over whenever I see a green pipe. But don't let your Flappy Bird prejudices stop you from trying this bizarre little freebie from Noodlecake. ...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Cavesweeper is a unique mixture of classic dungeon-crawling and Minesweeper

Added: 27.03.2014 13:28 | 3 views | 0 comments

Cavesweeper is a unique mixture of classic dungeon-crawling and Minesweeper As its name suggests, Quikding Software's iOS puzzler Cavesweeper is a mixture of Minesweeper, Nethack, and Diablo. Another game it could be compared to is 1000000. Mainly because Cavesweeper is a retro-style dungeon-crawler that takes place on a grid-based puzzle. As you move through the treacherous underground, you'll come across rats, spiders, and other typical enemies. To beat them, y...

Tags: Another
Source: feedproxy.google.com

Phone fight: HTC One (M8) vs iPhone 5S

Added: 27.03.2014 12:00 | 3 views | 0 comments

Phone fight: HTC One (M8) vs iPhone 5S You may have noticed that HTC has just launched a shiny new phone. People are calling the HTC One (M8) the best Android phone ever. In some particularly enthusiastic corners of the internet, some people are calling it the best phone ever. Of course, one of the phones that will have something to say about that is Apple's own iPhone 5S. So, how does HTC's new kid on the (single aluminium) bloc...

Tags: Android, Phone
Source: feedproxy.google.com

Bronze Award-winning iOS robo shooter Epoch 2 is now available on Android

Added: 27.03.2014 11:43 | 1 views | 0 comments

Bronze Award-winning iOS robo shooter Epoch 2 is now available on Android It's time for you Android players out there to dust off your rusty armour and demonstrate your shooting chops in the Bronze Award-winning Epoch 2. Yep, that's right - it's now available on Google Play. Oh, and there's 50 percent off for a limited time. Epoch 2 pits you against a mechanical menace in a post-apocalyptic shooting gallery. You'll need to swipe and tap to dodge and shoot your foe...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

PUK developer announces space cave dodge-'em-up Alone for iOS and Android

Added: 27.03.2014 11:16 | 1 views | 0 comments

PUK developer announces space cave dodge-'em-up Alone for iOS and Android With the Silver Award-winning PUK, Laser Dog Games proved it knew how to craft an enticing action-arcade experience. Sticking to its strengths, Laser Dog's next iOS and Android game is Alone. It features a re-entry vessel hurtling through the claustrophobic caves that stretch across entire planets. Your task is to slide the ship up and down to avoid the rocky outcrops and stalactites that...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

[Updated] Noodlecake adds little wings to Super Stickman's golf balls, makes Flappy Golf

Added: 27.03.2014 8:40 | 1 views | 0 comments

[Updated] Noodlecake adds little wings to Super Stickman's golf balls, makes Flappy Golf Updated on March 27th, at 12:40: Flappy Golf is also out on Android. For some reason, though, it's called Golfy Bird on the Google Play Store. It's probably to get around Google's 'flappy'-cutting filters. Whatever the reason, you can grab the game from Google Play right now for nowt [download]. Original story follows... We couldn't help it. Noodlecake Games's Flappy Jam entry Flappy...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Shattered Planets is a new procedurally generated futuristic survival RPG for iOS and Android

Added: 27.03.2014 6:22 | 1 views | 0 comments

Shattered Planets is a new procedurally generated futuristic survival RPG for iOS and Android I've befriended an alien crab by giving it some snacks. It's now following me around the oddly square remains of a destroyed planet, attacking anything that looks hostile. It's nice to have something with which to spend these last few moments of my cloned life. I know I'm going to die pretty soon, because that's just what happens in Shattered Planet. The game is an isometric RPG set in the d...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Bizenghast manga might return as an iOS / Android game if its Kickstarter is successful

Added: 26.03.2014 13:35 | 1 views | 0 comments

Bizenghast manga might return as an iOS / Android game if its Kickstarter is successful Those who can remember a time before Tokyopop wasn't struggling might recall a delightfully dark, gothic manga called Bizenghast. Created by American author M. Alice LeGrow, Bizenghast follows the story of the teeny teen medium, Dinah, who spends her nights freeing ghosts trapped in a cursed mausoleum. Dinah isn't a supernatural charity worker, however, as she herself is cursed. If she fails...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Review: Oo

Added: 26.03.2014 13:30 | 3 views | 0 comments

Oo It's difficult to pinpoint the exact game, or the exact moment that tricky twitch avoid 'em ups like Super Hexagon and Duet became their own genre on mobile. Oo is another entry in this increasingly crowded genre, but this time around the constant deaths lean a little too much on the side of frustration, rather than entertainment. It's a game that will appeal to some hardcore masochists - es...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Hands-on with the One (M8), HTC's new flagship smartphone

Added: 26.03.2014 13:00 | 13 views | 0 comments

Hands-on with the One (M8), HTC's new flagship smartphone HTC's widely leaked flagship smartphone has finally been unveiled, and it's on sale nationally from tomorrow (Thursday), beating both Samsung and Sony to start the battle for best smartphone of 2014. If you're after a top of the line phone to keep you going a year or two, what does the new HTC One (M8) have to stop you hanging on for the imminent arrivals of the Galaxy S5 or Xperia Z2? First...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Top 5 best games like Diablo for Android

Added: 26.03.2014 12:00 | 2 views | 0 comments

Top 5 best games like Diablo for Android The immensely popular PC franchise Diablo ought to translate to mobile as smoothly as a sharpened sword slices through a demonic minion. I mean, it just comes down to 'tap to move, tap to attack', after all. But Blizzard has shown little inclination so far to dip its toes into other waters. Unsurprisingly, Diablo clones abound on Android. Perhaps less surprisingly, though, most 'droid devs h...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Bronze Award-winning slotcar racer Rail Racing has whizzed onto Android

Added: 26.03.2014 11:07 | 2 views | 0 comments

Bronze Award-winning slotcar racer Rail Racing has whizzed onto Android Those of you who remember playing with Scalextric (or those that still do) will be delighted to hear that the Bronze Award-winning Rail Racing is now on Android. It's a toy car lane racer that has you controlling tiny cars as they zip at high speed around topsy-turvy tracks. It gets a bit crazy. In our review of the iOS version, we said: "More exciting than the real-life racing sets on which...

Tags: Rage, Racing, Most
Source: feedproxy.google.com

Nvidia Shield's KitKat update will add easier and better PC game streaming on April 2nd

Added: 26.03.2014 10:49 | 1 views | 0 comments

Nvidia Shield's KitKat update will add easier and better PC game streaming on April 2nd If Portal coming to the Nvidia Shield wasn't enough to interest you in purchasing this oddball handheld console, then here's some more news that might. A KitKat update arriving on April 2nd for the Shield will see it running Android 4.4.2, have the full GameStream service, and add streaming support from any network. Android 4.4.2 is the least exciting of the additions, as it means that newer...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Beautiful Escher-esque iOS puzzler Monument Valley will bend your mind on April 3rd

Added: 26.03.2014 10:45 | 1 views | 0 comments

Beautiful Escher-esque iOS puzzler Monument Valley will bend your mind on April 3rd Monument Valley is a puzzler you can't help but stare at. You'll get the chance to be entranced by it on April 3rd if you're on iOS. Ustwo Games announced this release date over Twitter, also revealing that it will cost £2.49 / $3.99 on the App Store. Ustwo also mentioned that an Android version of Monument Valley will be coming "a few weeks later."   We had a chance to look at Monument V...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Kickstart this: Altergaze is a 3D-printed VR headset for Apple and Samsung smartphones

Added: 26.03.2014 9:23 | 1 views | 0 comments

Kickstart this: Altergaze is a 3D-printed VR headset for Apple and Samsung smartphones VR machines are all the rage nowadays. What's cooler than strapping a big helmet thing to your head and acting like you're in The Lawnmower Man, right? Well, according to Altergaze, it's much cooler to stick a bunch of lenses in a 3D-printed frame, slot your smartphone into the back of it, and act like you've got a weird viewscope bolted onto your face. The maker of this lumpy brightly...

Tags: Samsung
Source: feedproxy.google.com

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