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Google Play will allow for multiplayer games with iOS players in the near future

Added: 17.03.2014 10:35 | 1 views | 0 comments

Google Play will allow for multiplayer games with iOS players in the near future Multiplayer across Android and iOS could be about to become the norm on mobile. Greg Hartrell of the Google Play Game team announced that one of the forthcoming additions for developers is cross-platform multiplayer support with iOS built into the Google Play Game services.  Google Play will also support multiplayer invites directly, and game gifts for the easy sharing of in-game objects wit...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

CCG and board game hybrid Card Hunter will be coming to tablets in 2014

Added: 17.03.2014 9:45 | 1 views | 0 comments

CCG and board game hybrid Card Hunter will be coming to tablets in 2014 We've been eager for news of free-to-play CCG and boardgame hybrid Card Hunter coming to tablets since last year, and now we've got it. New mobile publisher DropForge Games has announced that it has teamed up with developer Blue Manchu to bring Card Hunter to tablets this year. No news on if that includes iOS and Android, or just one or the other, unfortunately. However, Blue Manchu's Joh...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Hands-on with Angry Birds Epic on iOS and Android

Added: 17.03.2014 9:34 | 2 views | 0 comments

Hands-on with Angry Birds Epic on iOS and Android To say Angry Birds Epic was a surprise would be an understatement. An RPG was probably the last place in which we expected to find Rovio's familiar birds and pigs (just before a gory first-person shooter or an experimental indie game about death). Here we are, though, with the birds and pigs still battling it out over eggs. This time, though, in turn-based stat-swapping battles that woul...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

You can now buy a warehouse to mess around in for True Skate on iOS and Android

Added: 17.03.2014 9:13 | 1 views | 0 comments

You can now buy a warehouse to mess around in for True Skate on iOS and Android Kickflip! Heelflip! Nollie 360 shove-it! If you like shouting things like this at your smartphone but have grown weary of the skateparks available in Gold Award-winning flick-'em-up True Skate, then I've got some good news for you. A new DLC skatepark is available to nab from the App Store and Google Play right now. It's called The Warehouse, and it's a massive indoor park with loads of ...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Pre-register now for upcoming MMORPG Chaos Fighters and grab free in-game items

Added: 17.03.2014 6:29 | 1 views | 0 comments

Pre-register now for upcoming MMORPG Chaos Fighters and grab free in-game items Coco Games has opened up pre-registration for an upcoming free-to-play MMORPG called Chaos Fighters, and is encouraging all of you to sign up. If you do decide to register your interest in the game right now, you'll receive a notification as soon as Chaos Fighters goes live on the App Store and Google Play. Pre-registering has many benefits. Firstly, Chaos Fighters is a massively multipla...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Review: Deadlings

Added: 17.03.2014 5:30 | 1 views | 0 comments

Deadlings Imagine having your own slobbering army of oozing undead creatures. Imagine the damage you could cause, the functions you could disrupt, the amount of meetings you could get out of. But now imagine the training that you'd have to do. Imagine the hours of your own time you'd have to put in to making sure that your bidding was done to a satisfactory level when your orders were sent out. It's t...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

PG's top 5 moments of the week - Yoshi's New Island reviewed, surgery simulated...

Added: 15.03.2014 19:00 | 6 views | 0 comments

PG's top 5 moments of the week - Yoshi's New Island reviewed, surgery simulated... Every week, Pocket Gamer provides a weekly digest of the most important and popular stories from these digital pages. We had to concede this week to the consoles. I mean, it's hard to compete with giant robot-on-robot deathmatches and epic sword fights when all we've got is a game about sweets and 20,000 Flappy Bird clones. Then again, we did find a few things to gab about. Like a new Yos...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

PocketGamer.biz Week That Was: Unity acquires Applifier, Kabam acquires Phoenix Age, and King might soon be worth $7.5 billion

Added: 15.03.2014 6:00 | 1 views | 0 comments

PocketGamer.biz Week That Was: Unity acquires Applifier, Kabam acquires Phoenix Age, and King might soon be worth $7.5 billion T.S. Eliot famously called April the cruelest month - and we're prepared to label March as the busiest. With the 28th annual Game Developers Conference looming in a few days and two high-profile acquisitions announced, it would take a lot to dethrone March of this dubious honour. Oh, and Flappy Bird might be coming back. No one knows what the weeks ahead have in store for us, but if you'r...

Rovio teases new Bewitched levels for Bronze Award-winning Tiny Thief

Added: 14.03.2014 13:12 | 1 views | 0 comments

Rovio teases new Bewitched levels for Bronze Award-winning Tiny Thief Rovio has teased new Bewitched levels for its Bronze Award-winning point-and-click game Tiny Thief. In the teaser trailer (embedded below), The Big R shows the nimble-fingered thief sneaking into a dark cave after a speckled egg on a pedestal. It all seems safe until the thief attempts to grab the egg. At that point, an enormous snake is revealed at the top of cave. As you might suspect, sai...

Tags: Time
Source: feedproxy.google.com

1st episode of Broken Sword 5 - the Serpent's Curse has just snaked onto Android

Added: 14.03.2014 12:54 | 1 views | 0 comments

1st episode of Broken Sword 5 - the Serpent's Curse has just snaked onto Android The first episode of Revolution Software's adventure game reboot Broken Sword 5 - the Serpent's Curse is now available on Android. The Serpent's Curse sees Revolution attempting to go back to the series's roots. We called it a "pleasant and beautiful return". However, we also noted that it is "completely spoiled by lame puzzles, slow progress, a bland plot, bad jokes. and lots of bugs". Y...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Crytek's free-to-play squad shooter The Collectables will be available worldwide on iOS next week

Added: 14.03.2014 12:28 | 1 views | 0 comments

Crytek's free-to-play squad shooter The Collectables will be available worldwide on iOS next week After entering soft launch mode last month, Crytek's F2P squad shooter The Collectables will be going live on iOS globally next week. The Android version will follow suit at a later date. The Collectables publisher DeNA has told us that it doesn't know exactly what day The Collectables will surface on the App Store next week. However, we were told that you can be notified as soon as DeNA doe...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Pocket Gamer Court: Is it time for IAPs and free-to-play games to be regulated?

Added: 14.03.2014 12:00 | 1 views | 0 comments

Pocket Gamer Court: Is it time for IAPs and free-to-play games to be regulated? Has there ever been an area of more contention and controversy in the world of pocket gaming than free-to-play games and in-app purchases? Regardless of your view on IAPs, questions have been raised as to whether they should be regulated by the powers that be so that the young and foolish can't rack up enormous bills.  Or should developers be left to their own devices to figure out the best ...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Pocket Gamer Podcast: Episode 265 - The Beak of Truth

Added: 14.03.2014 11:17 | 3 views | 0 comments

Pocket Gamer Podcast: Episode 265 - The Beak of Truth This week, Peter, Keith, and I sat in front of our respective mics as usual to discuss the most pressing and pertinent developments in the world of mobile gaming. However, it's not long before I'm complaining about my kitchen being flooded, and Peter's telling stories about developers inviting him behind curtains to see what's under their raincoats. The subject of games does eventually raise...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Amazon's Android console is all but confirmed as leaked pics of a controller surface

Added: 14.03.2014 10:30 | 1 views | 0 comments

Amazon's Android console is all but confirmed as leaked pics of a controller surface Images of a game controller sporting the Amazon logo have leaked today from a document published by Brazilian regulatory agency ANATEL. While we still don't have official confirmation from Amazon on its console-based plans, these pictures do seem to confirm that Amazon's rumoured Android-powered console is in the works. As you can see for yourself in the image below, the Amazon controller ha...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Mines of Mars is now digging giant holes and shooting insect beasts on Android

Added: 14.03.2014 8:33 | 1 views | 0 comments

Mines of Mars is now digging giant holes and shooting insect beasts on Android Bronze Award-winning iOS planet-hacking dig-'em-up Mines of Mars has corrected its landing trajectory and made a smooth landing on the dusty, barren plains of the Google Play Store. When we reviewed the iOS version, we said: "The mines of Mars are an intriguing place to visit, full of pits that writhe with energy, giant plants that can eat you in a single bite, and mysterious statues that s...

Tags: Mask, Play, When, Google
Source: feedproxy.google.com

Sega explains why Crazy Taxi: City Rush will 'appeal to hardcore fans and casual fans alike'

Added: 14.03.2014 8:30 | 1 views | 0 comments

Sega explains why Crazy Taxi: City Rush will 'appeal to hardcore fans and casual fans alike' Earlier today, Sega announced Crazy Taxi: City Rush, a free-to-play Crazy Taxi game built specifically for mobile devices. We had the chance to play a bit of it during a press event earlier this year, and found its gameplay to be every bit as fast and fun as you'd expect from a Crazy Taxi title. But we had some questions. Like, why weren't our ears being bombarded with Bad Religion or The...

Tags: Sees, City, Tale, Crabs, Ruin
Source: feedproxy.google.com

Review: Sorcery!

Added: 14.03.2014 8:16 | 1 views | 0 comments

Sorcery! Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone's iconic Fighting Fantasy game books have enjoyed a new lease of life in digital form recently. Following Livingstone's lauded Blood of the Zombies comes his former partner's ambitious four-part Sorcery! series, and, as this first chapter shows, Cambridge indie inkle is more than up to the task of matching Jackson's enterprise. Its setup is from a time when ...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Review: Threes!

Added: 14.03.2014 8:15 | 1 views | 0 comments

Threes! To the casual observer, Threes! might look like nothing more than a bunch of white tiles being slid around a grid. But anyone who plays it for more than five minutes will know that slamming together two '192' tiles to make a mammoth '384' tile is about as challenging and satisfying as toppling any empire, winning any Grand Prix, or defeating any boss. The basics of the game are pretty simple...

Tags: Grade
Source: feedproxy.google.com

Grab some free stuff in New Star Soccer for iOS and Android this weekend

Added: 14.03.2014 7:49 | 1 views | 0 comments

Grab some free stuff in New Star Soccer for iOS and Android this weekend Doesn't time fly when you're controlling the destiny of an imaginary digital footballer? It's been two years since New Star Games released seminal tap-'em-up New Star Soccer into a world full of people who up until that point hadn't realised how painfully addicted to New Star Soccer they were. To celebrate the game's second anniversary, then, New Star Games is giving away some in-game it...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Free-to-play Crazy Taxi: City Rush is coming to iOS and Android later this year

Added: 14.03.2014 7:40 | 1 views | 0 comments

Free-to-play Crazy Taxi: City Rush is coming to iOS and Android later this year If you're a fan of slamming cabs into oblivious pedestrians, we've got some good news for you. Sega has announced Crazy Taxi: City Rush, an all-new Crazy Taxi game by Kenji Kanno built specifically for mobile Developed by Hardlight Studios - a name you might recognise from Sonic Dash / Sonic Jump - the new Crazy Taxi outing goes back to the original's arcade roots and breaks up gameplay ...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

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