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Android Games  RSS
Football Manager Handheld 2015, Sega's annual management sim update, is out right now on iOS and Android

Added: 20.11.2014 6:13 | 9 views | 0 comments

Football Manager Handheld 2015, Sega's annual management sim update, is out right now on iOS and Android Football Manager Handheld 2015 is out now on the App Store and the Google Play Store, so if you fancy yourself as a bit of an armchair manager, now's your chance to prove it. The game adds a new more realistic match engine to proceedings, a new scouting agency that lets you keep an eye on prospective purchases, and an improved UI that makes navigating through the game easier. There's an ...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

The Banner Saga, the deep, tactical choice-riddled RPG from Stoic Studios, is out right now on Android

Added: 20.11.2014 4:39 | 12 views | 0 comments

The Banner Saga, the deep, tactical choice-riddled RPG from Stoic Studios, is out right now on Android Gold Award-winning tactical RPG The Banner Saga is out right now on the Google Play Store and the Amazon Appstore, letting Android players get their fingers on the dark and difficult norse tale. You control a party of vikings in this tale of Ragnarok, stomping through wastelands and crumbling cities in a bid to survive the carnage. The decisions you make have lasting consequences, not ju...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Earthquakes are no match for your vocabulary in Highrise Heroes, headed to iOS and Android

Added: 20.11.2014 0:22 | 9 views | 0 comments

Earthquakes are no match for your vocabulary in Highrise Heroes, headed to iOS and Android Highrise Heroes is an upcoming puzzle game that strangely uses the power of words to help a group of people escape a natural disaster. It will be free to play, with an option to purchase the game and remove the ads and "free to play elements," as stated in its TouchArcade thread. Expect it on the App Store on December 11th, with an Android release also in the works. Set across 90 plus lev...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

The Very Big Indie Pitch returns at Pocket Gamer Connects London 2015

Added: 19.11.2014 11:41 | 16 views | 0 comments

The Very Big Indie Pitch returns at Pocket Gamer Connects London 2015 Are you an indie developer looking for a bit of expert feedback? Do you have a killer game but can't get anybody to notice? Then this is your lucky day. The Very Big Indie Pitch will be making its return at Pocket Gamer Connects London 2015 on 13th January. The event gives indie developers the opportunity to put their games under the noses of top mobile games journalists for feedback and all...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Minecraft - Pocket Edition has been updated to version 0.10.0 on iOS and Android

Added: 19.11.2014 6:00 | 11 views | 0 comments

Minecraft - Pocket Edition has been updated to version 0.10.0 on iOS and Android Version 0.10.0 of Minecraft - Pocket Edition has just hit the App Store and the Google Play Store, bringing with it a few changes to the pocket-sized stuff builder. The headline changes across the two platforms are the introduction of fences and fence gates, the addition of a day / night cycle in creative mode, and the fact that baby animals won't drown if they try to swim now. There are...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Free to play RPG Darkness Reborn is available now on iOS and Android

Added: 18.11.2014 22:03 | 13 views | 0 comments

Free to play RPG Darkness Reborn is available now on iOS and Android Gamevil's Darkness Reborn, a fantasy RPG developed by Boolean Games, is now available for iOS and Android. It is a free to play game with in-app purchases ranging from just 99c to $99 USD, so proceed with that in mind. Darkness Reborn contains both single and multiplayer game modes, offering PvP, co-op, and a mix of both at once. You'll be able to fight other players alongside your friend...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

EA's upcoming free to play SimCity BuildIt has a shiny new trailer

Added: 18.11.2014 18:02 | 16 views | 0 comments

EA's upcoming free to play SimCity BuildIt has a shiny new trailer However you feel about SimCity BuildIt, EA has a new trailer for you to check out. See it up top. As stated in our preview, EA's upcoming SimCity BuildIt is not quite a "fully fledged Sim City game for mobile devices." It's SimCity gone free to play, relying on the same simplified micromanagement elements as most mobile city builders. It is, according to our preview, "a light and fluf...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Over 1000 players petition against Shadowgun: DeadZone due to lack of fixes and updates

Added: 18.11.2014 11:41 | 14 views | 0 comments

Over 1000 players petition against Shadowgun: DeadZone due to lack of fixes and updates Over 1000 players of the free to play multiplayer iOS and Android shooter Shadowgun: DeadZone have signed an online petition against the game due to a lack of updates. Those who sign the petition are agreeing to not pay for gold or use tap joy inside the game until developer Madfinger fixes and updates the game. This isn't the first petition on the matter, as another less popular one was lau...

Tags: Android, Over
Source: feedproxy.google.com

Square Enix announces two new Final Fantasy RPGs for iOS and Android in Japan

Added: 18.11.2014 10:57 | 9 views | 0 comments

Square Enix announces two new Final Fantasy RPGs for iOS and Android in Japan Square Enix has announced two new free to play Final Fantasy RPGs for iOS and Android that will be released in Japan this winter. The first game is titled Final Fantasy Legends: The Space-Time Crystal. It's an epic RPG in which you have to travel back in time to prevent the future from being destroyed by a god. It's being worked on by Final Fantasy IV designer Takashi Tokita. The aim is for ...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Nokia has announced the N1, an Android Lollipop-powered 8inch tablet that's set to come out next year

Added: 18.11.2014 7:11 | 14 views | 0 comments

Nokia has announced the N1, an Android Lollipop-powered 8inch tablet that's set to come out next year Nokia is back in the devices business, and it's just announced a shiny 8 inch tablet that looks an awful lot like an iPad Mini. It's not an iPad Mini though, it's an Android Lollipop powered slate with the Nokia Z Launcher layered on top. Z Launcher essentially lets you scribble out commands with your meaty fingers, and brings up context sensitive information quickly and easily. The t...

Tags: Android, Mini
Source: feedproxy.google.com

Review: Flyhunter Origins

Added: 18.11.2014 7:00 | 14 views | 0 comments

Flyhunter Origins While the rest of the games world returns to the raw pixels of yesteryear for its platformers, Steel Wool Games has gone in the opposite direction. Flyhunter Origins is a triumph of smartphone gaming animation, which isn't altogether surprising given that actual Pixar animators are the driving force behind it. But astonishing graphics are almost suspicious these days. We've been dazzled by ...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

There's a new video that shows you how to play The Witcher Adventure Game and you can check it out here

Added: 18.11.2014 6:29 | 11 views | 0 comments

There's a new video that shows you how to play The Witcher Adventure Game and you can check it out here Do you want to watch a video that explains the rules of The Witcher Adventure Game? Do you want that video to last for almost a quarter of an hour? Then you've come to the right place. The game is set for a physical and digital release sometime later in the year, and should hit iPad and Android tablets when it's launched. We'll let you know as and when we get a more solid release date. I...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Review: Rob-O-Tap

Added: 18.11.2014 4:00 | 15 views | 0 comments

Rob-O-Tap There's not much you can really do to vary the endless runner genre. You can lob in all the collectible trinkets you want, add an RPG-like levelling system, make it 3D, and place the action in a brand new setting. It doesn't matter - you're still tapping to make a character jump over obstacles. Rob-O-Tap attempts to invert the core control system entirely, but even then it doesn't feel parti...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Far Cry 4 Arcade Poker companion app mixes the classic card game with puzzle elements

Added: 17.11.2014 21:22 | 8 views | 0 comments

Far Cry 4 Arcade Poker companion app mixes the classic card game with puzzle elements Like Far Cry 3 before it, the upcoming Far Cry 4 now has a companion app that will interact with the main title once it's out. Far Cry 4 Arcade Poker, on iOS and Android, is a bit different than other companion apps, however. It's actually a standalone poker game with puzzle elements, which you can play to earn in-game currency for the PC or console version of Far Cry 4. In the game, you ...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Tilt to Live: Gauntlet's Revenge dodges spikes before landing on Android today

Added: 17.11.2014 10:16 | 11 views | 0 comments

Tilt to Live: Gauntlet's Revenge dodges spikes before landing on Android today One Man Left has released the Android version of its tilt-steered gauntlet runner Tilt to Live: Gauntlet's Revenge. It's a spin-off title in the studio's stellar Tilt to Live series being an expanded version of its Gauntlet Mode. The arena battles are traded for sidescrolling gauntlets that test your reactions as a shmup would. Except, it has no shooting. Spikes and rockets are thrown at ...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Earn to Die 2 lets you run over zombies in an ice cream van on iOS this Thursday

Added: 17.11.2014 9:16 | 17 views | 0 comments

Earn to Die 2 lets you run over zombies in an ice cream van on iOS this Thursday Fancy flattening some undead cannibals this week? How about on Thursday - you free then? You better be, as that's when Toffee Games and publisher Not Doppler is releasing Earn to Die 2 on iOS.  It needn't be said, but this is the sequel to the quite popular Earn to Die. This time around you'll be running over zombies around multi-tiered city levels rather than a dull, flat desert.  Mo...

Tags: Games, Easy
Source: feedproxy.google.com

Review: Monument Valley: Forgotten Shores

Added: 17.11.2014 7:00 | 13 views | 0 comments

Monument Valley: Forgotten Shores Forgotten Shores is available as an in-app purchase inside the original Monument Valley. Monument Valley's Forgotten Shores update feels more like a sequel than an expansion pack. Sure, at the highest level it offers the same experience: as diminutive princess Ida you explore seemingly impossible architectural spaces by tapping, poking, and sliding the screen. The only way to reach the go...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

The first screenshots of Telltale's Game of Thrones game have apparently leaked online

Added: 17.11.2014 6:31 | 12 views | 0 comments

The first screenshots of Telltale's Game of Thrones game have apparently leaked online Some screenshots that appear to show Telltale's upcoming Game of Thrones point-and-click-adventure have leaked online. You can check them out in the gallery at the top of the page. The images show several familiar characters, including Cersei, Jamie, and Tyrion Lannister, as well as apparently giving us our first glimpse of the Forrester house that you'll be playing as when the game lands. T...

Tags: Gain, Soul
Source: feedproxy.google.com

Turbo Dismount, the hilarious game of flying rag dolls and shattered skulls, is out on Android right now

Added: 17.11.2014 6:17 | 19 views | 0 comments

Turbo Dismount, the hilarious game of flying rag dolls and shattered skulls, is out on Android right now Ridiculous getting-off things simulator Turbo Dismount has done a triple-spin, smashed its face onto the pavement, and slid limply onto the Google Play Store. The game is all about injuring a 3D stick man as much as possible. You toss him off ramps on bikes, smash his skull into anything solid-looking, and generally cackle at the ridiculous floppy rag-doll physics on show. When we review...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Augmented reality laser tag game Father.io opens crowdfunding doors

Added: 17.11.2014 5:47 | 20 views | 0 comments

Augmented reality laser tag game Father.io opens crowdfunding doors San Francisco startup Proxy42 has launched an ambitious crowdfunding campaign for an equally ambitious multiplayer augmented reality sci-fi shooter, Father.io, which turns your smartphone into a laser tag game. The idea is extremely bold, especially given the lukewarm reception augmented reality gaming has enjoyed so far, but Father.io could be the one to finally break down that barrier between...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

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