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News: This stunning Last of Us Remastered Steelbook is exclusive to Amazon Germany

Added: 17.06.2014 10:47 | 7 views | 0 comments

But there's nothing to stop you from importing it.

Available for €69 (£55), the Steelbook features alternate artwork of Joel and Ellie to that found on the standard edition along with a full copy of the game. But while the price might be slightly higher than the standard UK price, collectors may want to pre-order now before it sells out.

The Last of Us Remastered hits the UK on August 1 complete with enhanced 1080p visuals at 60fps. Still haven't played the original? Check out our review.

Source: amazon.de (via Reddit)

Source: www.videogamer.com

Video: GRID Autosport: Street Racing Trailer

Added: 17.06.2014 10:12 | 9 views | 0 comments

The PistonHeads team talk street racing ahead of GRID Autosport's launch next Friday.

Source: www.videogamer.com

5 New Cheats

Added: 17.06.2014 10:05 | 8 views | 0 comments

Check out the latest cheats at VideoGamer.com

Tags: Chevy
Source: www.videogamer.com

News: Battlefield: Hardline doesn't mean franchise will now be annualised, says EA

Added: 17.06.2014 10:04 | 6 views | 0 comments

The EA Patrick Söderlund is building doesn't need to annualise everything.

"It doesn't necessarily mean that we need to annualize Battlefield and that's the way it's going to be forever and ever," explained Söderlund. "I understand that some people may look at it that way but that's what happened."

He added: "The EA that I'm trying to help build isn't an EA that needs to annualize everything."

Having more than one Battlefield title in rotation does bring benefits, says Söderlund.

"Everything that we've fixed with [Battlefield 4] will go into Hardline," he confirmed. "Once people get their hands on the netcode patch, which I...

Source: www.videogamer.com

Feature: Everything EA Sports UFC gets wrong

Added: 17.06.2014 10:00 | 18 views | 0 comments

And how the sequel can put it right.


EA Sports UFC lacks any modes outside the basics: Fight Now, Online and Career Mode, plus some more detailed tutorial offerings. Fans expect more, and UFC ‘Round 2’ should include some extras like tournaments and title fights. It should also allow us to choose whether we include fighter’s entrances in Fight Now - currently this just doesn't happen - or want to put the belt on the line for added pressure.

This may be a based on a real world, highly competitive sport, but it’s still a game. More modes are needed to keep players interested in the roster at...

Source: www.videogamer.com

Feature: EA Sports UFC Strategy Guide - beginner's tips and tricks

Added: 17.06.2014 10:00 | 25 views | 0 comments

How to win a fight in UFC on PS4 and Xbox One.

Getting off the mat

While on the mat, you can click the left stick to attempt to stand up from both top and bottom positions. From the top, you can try to stand up from any dominant position, from full guard to mount. From the bottom, You can attempt to stand up in most submissive states, but you’ll have to transition from severely disadvantaged positions like full mount.

If you’re a fighter who’s far better in the stand-up game, or fighting an opponent who can be lethal on the ground, try your best to get the fight back to a stand-up contest as quickly as...

Source: www.videogamer.com

Review: EA Sports UFC (PS4)

Added: 17.06.2014 10:00 | 13 views | 0 comments

A missed opportunity in the first round.

For starters, this is an arcade fighter wrapped around the rules of the Octagon - that’s a good thing. Much in the same way that Fight Night didn’t follow the flow of a boxing match, UFC is more of a slobberknocker than its real-world counterpart, taking a liberal interpretation of “punches in bunches”.

This is entertaining for the most part, except when the fight hits the mat. Here they become a torrid mess of right-stick swirling with all the strategy of a bar brawl. The amount of transitions is absurd with reversals and full mounts every few seconds. I don't know why...

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition Strider reduced in Xbox One Deals with Gold

Added: 17.06.2014 9:38 | 8 views | 0 comments

While GTA 5, Max Payne 3 and Red Dead Redemption go cheap on Xbox 360.

The next-gen-enhanced Tomb Raider can be had for £19.99 (reduced from £39.99) while side-scrolling action game Strider can be downloaded for £5.99 (reduced from £11.99). The catch? You'll need to be an Xbox Live Gold subscriber to take advantage of the deal.

Xbox 360 Gold users, meanwhile, can pick up a bunch of Rockstar favourites at knockdown prices, including Grand Theft Auto 5 for £24.99, Max Payne 3 for £3.74 and Bully: Scholarship Edition for £2.99. Deadfall Adventures has also been reduced from £34.99 to £6.99, but I'd be wary of jumping into that one before...

News: Dean Hall 'cautiously optimistic' about DayZ for PS4 Xbox One

Added: 17.06.2014 9:36 | 9 views | 0 comments

But we could see the game this year, DayZ creator suggests.

"We've toyed around what to do with the console side of things," Hall said. "I think a lot of manufacturers would like to do that kind of stuff. But I think we'd be doing a disservice to the manufacturers and to the community as well. We have to get the core aspects of the game finished before we commit to doing anything. Otherwise you make a big announcement and then you wait for six or 12 months.

"So we really need to lock down the core of what the game actually is now. I think we're really committed to that. We had a big think about it over the last few months, what should we...

Source: www.videogamer.com

Preview : EVE: Valkyrie (PC)

Added: 17.06.2014 9:24 | 10 views | 0 comments

Space combat-sim EVE Valkyrie brilliantly shows off the Oculus Rift, and it doesn't play too badly either.

Surprising, from a business perspective. There are far more 2D screens in the world than there are VR headsets, and videogames, like any other entertainment medium, are all about getting bums on seats. But CCP have a plan - as David told me, they want Valkyrie to be the “killer app” for virtual reality.

As it turns out, space dogfighting is a perfect fit for virtual reality. It neatly sidesteps the disconnect that’s present when you use an oculus rift to play, for example, a first person shooter - there’s something about controlling where you walk without actually moving...

Source: www.videogamer.com

Preview : EVE: Valkyrie (PS4)

Added: 17.06.2014 9:20 | 9 views | 0 comments

Space combat-sim EVE Valkyrie brilliantly shows off the Oculus Rift, and it doesn't play too badly either.

Surprising, from a business perspective. There are far more 2D screens in the world than there are VR headsets, and videogames, like any other entertainment medium, are all about getting bums on seats. But CCP have a plan - as David told me, they want Valkyrie to be the “killer app” for virtual reality.

As it turns out, space dogfighting is a perfect fit for virtual reality. It neatly sidesteps the disconnect that’s present when you use an oculus rift to play, for example, a first person shooter - there’s something about controlling where you walk without actually moving...

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: GTA Online 'I'm Not a Hipster' update available to download now on Xbox 360 PS3

Added: 17.06.2014 8:03 | 6 views | 0 comments

Latest update adds new vehicles, retro clothes and weapons.

The free 'I'm Not a Hipster' update features new "retro print tees, skinny jeans... animal masks and more", along with two new weapons – the Vintage Pistol and Antique Cavalry Dagger.

Seven new vehicles are featured, too, including "affordable cars" like the Glendale, Warrener, Blade and Rhapsody, as well as the Panto microcar and huge 3-axel, 6-seater Dubsta. The Dubsta will only be available to players who reach rank 100.

12 new jobs are included as well, along with a host of exploit fixes and gameplay tweaks, such as changes to insurance costs, tear gas damage,...

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: See how much better Watch Dogs looks with this TheWorse mod comparison video

Added: 17.06.2014 7:51 | 9 views | 0 comments

Enabling E3 2012 effects make for improved lighting and depth of field.

A comparison video comparing the initial PC release of Watch Dogs with yesterday's E3 2012 mod has appeared online, highlighting the differences the new effects can make to the overall look of the game.

The mod is believed to activate effects disabled in the initial release but hidden deep inside the game's files, including improved lighting and enhanced depth of field.

You can see from the video how much of a difference the improved effects make to the game's looks, with shadows now cast from headlights and improved depth of field making for an appealing, softer look...

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: EA isn't making a new Dead Space game, but future return to sci-fi franchise is possible

Added: 17.06.2014 7:32 | 10 views | 0 comments

Would need to envision "Dead Space for a new generation".

"Do I think that we will create a Dead Space game again? Yes, I think so," explained Söderlund. "But when we do so, we have to think about what made the previous ones successful and how we go about envisioning Dead Space for a new generation.

"Now, I'm not announcing a Dead Space game. We're not building one just to be very clear, but I'm saying is there an opportunity or possibility to do one in the future? Absolutely."

Söderlund suggests that the decision on what games are made is partly down to what the studios themselves want to work on.

"To the...

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: Batman: Arkham Knight delay means Rocksteady will deliver on finer details

Added: 17.06.2014 6:57 | 7 views | 0 comments

All the more important as it's the last instalment in the trilogy, says lead animator.

Earlier this month when the delay was announced, Rocksteady's brand marketing producer Dax Ginn said the delay was to "ensure we are delivering the awesome level of quality that Batman fans and gamers expect from this, the final episode and the epic conclusion to the Rocksteady Arkham trilogy".

Coban has offered further detail on what awesome level of quality really means.

"It's going to be the level of detail, really," explained Coban.

"We're so concerned about bringing out the final instalment and making sure it fits the bill in terms of the quality range...

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Legends remain exclusive to Xbox One/Xbox 360

Added: 17.06.2014 6:25 | 9 views | 0 comments

Classic players only available on Xbox, packshots reveal.

Legends lets FIFA 15 players collect classic football stars from throughout history to use in the game's Ultimate Team mode. Legends was also exclusive to Xbox platforms in last year's FIFA 14.

EA has yet to formally announce Legends' Xbox-exclusivity for FIFA 15.

FIFA 15 kicks off on Xbox One, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PC, PS Vita, Wii and Nintendo 3DS on September 26.

Source: amazon.co.uk, game.co.uk

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: 50% of all Xbox One users have played Forza Motorsport 5

Added: 17.06.2014 5:52 | 8 views | 0 comments

Creative director pleased with "ridiculous" adoption rate.

"I was humbled and flabbergasted when I learned that one out of every two Xbox One player profiles had played the full version of Forza Motorsport 5," Greenawalt told IGN. "That is ridiculous, for any game. Certainly racing games have not usually seen that amount of adoption."

He later added that "over a million people" were still playing Forza Motorsport 5, Forza Motorsport 4 and Forza Horizon in a single week.

While sales numbers for Forza Motorsport 5 have yet to be revealed, a digital copy of the game was bundled for free with some European Day One Edition Xbox...

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: Dragon Age: Inquisition's 40 endings are mostly variations, producer confirms

Added: 17.06.2014 5:24 | 11 views | 0 comments

Only a few will be completely unique.

Last week, producer Cameron Lee tweeted that Inquisition will offer "40 major endings with additional variations".

However, shortly after Darrah moved to clarify this, stating: "Most endings are major variations based upon your choices in the game. There are only a few completely unique endings."

Dragon Age: Inquisition launches on Xbox One, PS4, Xbox 360, PS3 and PC on October 10.

Source: @BioMarkDarrah

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: You can now track your Xbox One achievements on Xbox.com

Added: 17.06.2014 5:02 | 8 views | 0 comments

New update catches up with 360 functionality.

The new site displays the full list of locked and unlocked achievements linked to each game you've played, along with the image attached to each achievement.

The site previously only tracked achievements linked to Xbox 360, Windows Phone and Windows 8 titles, with Xbox One users forced to use SmartGlass or the console to check their progress.

Want to check it out? Head through to Xbox.com.

Source: @majornelson

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: Peggle now free on Origin

Added: 17.06.2014 4:50 | 12 views | 0 comments

Download the acclaimed peg puzzler "On The House" until August 5.

The game offers 55 levels in Adventure mode with 10 Magic Powers to master. Players can also face off against friends or AI in Duel Mode.

The game follows previous freebies, Battlefield 3, Dead Space and Plants vs. Zombies: Game of the Year Edition.

"There's no catch," explained EA back in March. "Grab full games, expansions and more at absolutely no cost. Just make sure to act fast because On the House specials can appear and disappear at any time."

Source: Origin.com

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